Calamity Frontier

Chapter 276 Arrival

Chapter 276 Arrival
"what's going on?"

The captain of the team, a man "Ke Lie" with a metal glove in his hand, saw the little Zilong, and his expression suddenly became more dignified than ever before.

"Just now, I saw this juvenile Orange Emperor machine, leading a group of wooden vine summoners, collecting a lot of discarded metals, and then I followed behind them, and found that the machine Orange Emperor had reached a corner on the lower left. Two guys are building their stronghold there, and the little purple dragon should be the pet of one of those two guys."

"Mechanical Orange Emperor, pet."

Hearing this, Kelie immediately grinned.At the same time, the other members of the team also burst into laughter.

Their entire team is a cyborg evolutionary.What they need is the life form of the high-level demonic machinery in these words. They have entered the "machine domain" many times to hunt and kill many demonic mechanical creatures. They have killed many purple demonic mechanical creatures, but the orange demonic mechanical creatures, they Haven't hunted yet.

Once they captured the half-orange little purple dragon, after cultivating it, gradually dismembering its body, and then obtaining a higher form, everyone in their team can greatly improve their strength.

"Do you know, what is the level of strength of those two guys?" Immediately, Ke Lie asked.

"Both are B-level, and both are junior." The young man said so.

"Hahaha..." Hearing this, Na Kelie burst out laughing. "It's true that there is nowhere to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

"Go, brothers, grab that juvenile Mechanical Orange Emperor from the past." Ke Lie said so loudly.


"This opportunity came out of nowhere."

"That's right, let's go."

Several other team members of Kelie burst into laughter.

Their team is a very famous A-level "mechanical team" in the Twilight Realm.Ordinary teams and border fighters, when they encountered their team, they would just walk around.

There are only two B-level trash, in their opinion, they are all things that can be crushed to death.


The setting sun at dusk, as always, hangs there unmoving, exuding a golden light.

The edge of a small fort that has been renovated.

Qiao Yu and Deng Ping sat on the steps to eat food and replenish their strength.

After all, it is necessary to replenish physical strength in advance when the war comes.

Looking around, Qiao Yu could feel a faint restlessness between the heaven and the earth at this time.

And Xiao Zilong was devouring those metals with attributes.Metals, especially metals with attributes, are the food of the little Zilong.
In addition to this little Zilong, at this time, around Qiao Yu, in every corner of the fort and behind many defensive walls, there are many Sky Striker magic vines densely packed.

Now that he has nothing to do, Qiao Yu directly summoned a large number of Sky Striker Vine.In this way, when the twilight creatures attack, these Sky Striker magic vines can help Qiao Yu and Deng Ping easily resist the first wave of attacks.

"Little Zilong." Qiao Yu waved.

Xiao Zilong quickly flew to Qiao Yu's side. "What's the matter, Joe?"

"During the battle later, you are not allowed to fly out, just shoot the enemies inside the fortress, don't fight with others in melee, there are too many enemies outside, those dusk creatures are not easy to mess with."

"My little Zilong is not easy to mess with." Xiao Zilong waved his wings and shouted.

"If you are told to go elsewhere, go elsewhere. The battle will last for a long time, and there will be time for you to fight later." Qiao Yu patted Xiao Zilong's head and said.

"Okay!" Faced with Qiao Yu's order, Xiao Zilong could only obey.


Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly, and immediately, Qiao Yu looked at the hilly area far away.

At this time, not only Qiao Yu noticed it, but even Deng Ping on the side also noticed it a little bit, and looked towards the hilly area in the distance.

At the same time, many frontier fighters in the Blackthorn Fortress raised their heads and looked towards the hilly area in the distance.

"Here we come." Deng Ping said.

"Well, here we come."

At this time, on the hills in the distance, densely packed twilight creatures slowly surged like tides.

At a glance, the twilight creatures are really endless.

The tide of beasts at dusk is really like a tide, not fake at all.

"Do you have unlimited magazines?" Deng Ping suddenly asked at this moment.

"Infinite bullets and magazines?" Qiao Yu was startled when he heard that. "not at all."

"Sharpshooter Qiao Yu doesn't have a magazine with unlimited bullets." Deng Ping laughed instead at this moment.Deng Ping knew that Qiao Yu's marksmanship was very good.But he didn't expect that sharpshooter Qiao Yu didn't have unlimited bullet clips.

"In fact, the infinite bullet magazine is very effective in the defense mode. Although creatures that have reached the B-level level are basically not afraid of bullets, bullets are still more efficient against those low-level creatures. , In the early stage of the outbreak of the beast horde, there were still a lot of low-level creatures."

"It's okay." Qiao Yu waved his hand. "In my package, there are plenty of guns and ammunition."

In Qiao Yu's huge package space, there are really few guns and ammunition.

Then, Qiao Yu looked to a corner.

Earlier, Qiao Yu had seen this strong frontier team by using the blood-eyed bat.Thought they were just passing by.

But seeing the other party walking directly towards him, Qiao Yu suddenly felt something was wrong.

A moment later, the six-member frontier team walked towards Qiao Yu along the passage formed by the ribs of the giant mammoth.

"It seems that someone is here to find fault." Qiao Yu said slightly.

"Oh?" Deng Ping laughed. "And such a short-sighted fellow."

"We have two B-levels, six of the others are A-levels, and there is even an AA-level. The strength is not weak." Qiao Yu said slowly.

"What are you afraid of, with Brother Qiao here, let alone AA rank, even if it is S rank, I won't be afraid." Deng Ping vowed.

"Don't do it yet, let's see what the other party has planned."


With one leap, Ke Lie, who was the leader, jumped directly to the top of the fort next to Qiao Yu's fort, which was more than 20 meters high.

With a slight movement of his gaze, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping were already fixed.

"Hand over that mechanical orange emperor, and I can spare your life." Na Kelie directly grinned.

Ke Lie's sound was extremely thick and loud, and the frontier soldiers in many surrounding fortresses heard it.

Immediately, many B-level and A-level masters around stood up one after another and gathered around to watch.

"Isn't this Kelie and his mechanical team?"

"It's them. The last time I saw them being hunted down by that purple 'seven-sectioned dragonfly' in the 'Machine Realm', who would have thought that they would survive."

"Last time, this mechanical team fought with the 'Windun Squad' in the 'Field of Fog'. Although one member was reduced, only six people remained, but the 'Windun Squad' was completely killed."

"The Yundun team is only a BB-level team, but Kelie's mechanical team is an A-level or even AA-level team, and its strength is much stronger than that of the Yundun team."

Seeing the appearance of Ke Lie and several of his team members, there is a tendency of fighting to break out.

Many onlookers around have discussed it one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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