Calamity Frontier

Chapter 277 Killing

Chapter 277 Killing
"It sounds like this team looks very powerful." Listening to the discussions of the people around, Qiao Yu said softly.

"After all, he is an A-level master, and those who can survive in this border area have some means." Deng Ping narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Now, the many twilight creatures are coming, let's teach them a lesson first. After all, it's not advisable to spend too much time with these guys before a big battle. If these guys don't know how to advance or retreat, then kill them all." Qiao Yu said low voice.


As soon as the words fell, Deng Ping made a sudden move.


As soon as Deng Ping made a move, hundreds of majestic sword energy burst forth, soaring into the sky with an astonishing momentum.

These hundreds of sword auras are majestic, smashing the surrounding air into pieces, and the sword aura is so cold that an indescribable sword aura spreads out, even though it is extremely far away, many people feel it. Arrived at this powerful sword intent.

Deng Ping, who practiced the invisible kendo, had just made a breakthrough some time ago, and he had already had a hard time with his skills, but he also knew that if he fought Qiao Yu, he would be crushed.

Therefore, when encountering a few masters at this time, they naturally burst out with great strength, wanting to frighten these young people in one fell swoop.

Deng Ping came out with this hand.

Immediately, many masters who were watching around were shocked.

Not only were the many onlookers surprised, but Ke Lie and the others who were looking for trouble this time were also horrified.

Although everyone is a master at this level, there are still differences between them.

Some have accumulated over a long period of time, allowing their genetic strength and soul strength to reach [-] or even [-] levels, or relying on powerful equipment and skills to reach B-level, even A-level.This kind of person obviously has reached the end of his potential.

But the kendo practitioner in front of him is different.

This guy who only made his genetic strength into the early [-]s of B-level, unexpectedly has the terrifying power of AA-level when he makes a move. That Pangbo's sword energy, I am afraid that even an A-level master can easily strangle him.

If this kind of guy stepped into A-level, he would definitely be a top figure in A-level.

"How could I meet such a monstrosity?" In this team, the leader, Kurt, knew very well that this kind of character was not something he could provoke casually.

Deng Ping's sword energy swept towards the five people, and immediately, the five people dodged away.

clang clang...

A burst of sword qi strangled down intensively, beheading the metal barrier to the point of pits.


Deng Ping wanted to kill someone at this time, and with a thought, he immediately followed up with sword energy, and strangled a short-haired man who looked relatively weak in that team with all his strength.

"help me."

Seeing the terrifying sword energy strangling with all its strength, the short-haired man in the mechanical team was terrified. He had just stepped into A-level, and at this moment, facing the peak of AA-level, he was very close to S-level He couldn't defend against the terrifying sword energy.

"Stop." Seeing this, Na Kelie shouted immediately.

"Stop your paralysis, die for me." Deng Ping is also the kind of person who kills without restraint, he would stop when the other party screamed, and the more than 30 sword auras were directed at the black-haired man. Go all out.


Seeing the sword energy approaching, the black-haired man saw that he couldn't avoid it, so he released his steel armor directly.The reason why their mechanical team is strong is because of this extremely powerful armor.

The next moment, Deng Ping's sword energy strangled the steel battle armor in it.

chi chi chi-

After a burst of crisp cutting sound.

The steel armor and the short-haired man were cut to death by Deng Ping's sword energy.

"This is your courting death." Seeing that Deng Ping was so fierce, he directly killed his brother.A surge of anger suddenly bloomed in Ke Lie's heart.

"Open the wings." Na Kelie roared loudly, and a pair of wings behind him burst into bloom.At the same time, a silver-gray armor also appeared on Kurt's body.

Steel Wings, this is Kurt's powerful aspect.At the same time, using technology to combine with his own body is Kurt's growth path.

"Die to me." The screaming Ke Lie rushed forward.

However, at the same time as this roar just exploded.

"Stop me all!"

A howl rolled and surged, as terrifying as thunder.Everyone's expression froze when they heard this sound.

"The Lord of the Black Thorn Castle." Everyone's hearts moved slightly, and they looked at the huge black fortress at the top.

In this Blackthorn Fortress, the only one who can have such power is the Lord of the Blackthorn Fortress.

The sound swept over, and Deng Ping's sword energy stagnated suddenly in the midst of the battle.Ke Lie, who was about to rush over, suddenly stopped in the air.

"The enemy is in front of you, and you are still fighting among yourself. Stop me, and whoever dares to fight among themselves, I will destroy him first." The voice of the master of Blackthorn Castle, full of absolute majesty, rolled over.Let everyone bear heavy pressure in their hearts.After all, he is a terrifying powerhouse of S rank, not something ordinary people can compete with.

At this time, seeing the Lord of Black Thorn Castle speaking, Deng Ping, who had already killed one person, had already taken advantage of it, so naturally he would not disobey the Lord of Black Thorn Castle.

As soon as his hands were retracted, the strong sword energy dissipated.

In the air, a teammate died, and Ke Lie, who was about to come up to kill Deng Ping, was about to explode.

But the Lord of Blackthorn Castle has already spoken, and he has not yet reached the level of being able to resist the Lord of Blackthorn Castle, so now that he has broken his teeth, he wants to swallow it.

Angrily and tremblingly, Ke Lie stared at Deng Ping, his eyes were full of resentment and killing intent, but he just didn't dare to rush forward.

"Let's go." After a long time, Ke Lie said angrily.

Afterwards, Ke Lie and others left.

Seeing this, the people around turned their eyes to Deng Ping.

"A master of swordsmanship, and his attack power is extremely terrifying. He lost an A-level master in just one face-to-face. This guy's strength is not simple."

"The Kelie team is not easy. I'm afraid that after the twilight beast tide, these two teams will have a chance to fight."

"I don't think so. This master of swordsmanship is so powerful. I'm afraid that the master of the Black Thorn Castle also has the intention of recruiting him. After all, once this guy enters the A rank, he will be a threat even to the S rank. The master of the Black Thorn Castle It will definitely be recruited."

"I think so, after all, this kid is indeed a bit unusual."

During the discussion, everyone was optimistic about Deng Ping.

Compared with the discussion with everyone, at this time, beside Deng Ping, Qiao Yu was more concerned about the fact that the roar of the black thorn castle owner just now clearly contained the power of the holy source.

"It seems that the power of the holy source is really related to the S-level power." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu chuckled.

"I have long been familiar with the absorption and control of the power of the holy source, but I don't know how to release the power of the holy source. However, the master of the black thorn castle should know how to do it. You can get a lot of news about your possessions. This is also a very good choice."

"The Lord Blackthorn saved their team's life." Deng Ping stopped, as if he still had something to say.

"Don't worry, that guy will never let it go, and they will definitely come to die later." Qiao Yu said lightly. "We have plenty of opportunities to kill them."

Qiao Yu encountered too many things in the relentless revenge between love and hatred.

Na Kelie's teammate died, and the resentment in his heart was uncontrollable. If he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely chase and kill Deng Ping.

"That's true." Deng Ping said.

 It should be the fourth watch today if there is no accident!In the future, I will reply to the third update first, and write as many manuscripts as I have saved.

(End of this chapter)

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