Chapter 278

A "Nie Xin Grass" grows on the top of the hill, swaying in the wind and bathed in the sun.

next moment.

A heavy hoof stepped on it, directly crushing the "Nie Xincao" plant.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of hooves trampled one after another, completely crushing this Nie Xin grass.

This hoof is the hoof of the one-horned bull. At this time, tens of thousands of one-horned bulls are charging towards the black thorn fortress.

In less than 10 minutes, the one-horned bull at the forefront of the twilight beast tide had already passed through the hill and reached the edge of the skeleton of the giant mammoth.

At this time, standing in front of the one-horned bull was a five-meter-high and three-meter-wide rock wall surrounding the corpse of the sudden giant beast.These rocky walls were built by frontier warriors with construction skills.

The defensive power of these rock walls is not too strong, and can only slightly withstand the impact of those bulls.

"Moo moo..."

"Moo moo..."


The one-horned savages among Long Moo began to attack the outermost positions.

A one-horned bull has used the "one-horned charge" skill.

This one-horned bull is an E-level creature, but the one-horned ramming skill is not weak.

A unicorn crashed, and the rocks of the city wall were slightly smashed.

When hundreds of one-horned bulls used the "one-horned collision" skill together, the rock wall was soon smashed to pieces.

A moment later, a rock wall in a corner collapsed.Immediately, along this gap, a large number of one-horned bulls swarmed in.

These rocky city walls only slightly hindered the charge of the one-horned bulls, and the real fighting place was the black metal fortress.

"Moo moo..."


The one-horned ox in the midst of the impact charged forward along the heavily obstructed path of mammoth bones.

"Da da da……"





The sound of dense guns and bullets, as the one-horned bulls entered the slope of the mammoth skeleton, boomed.

Against these low-level F-level, E-level, and even D-level, C-level creatures, guns and bullets are still very easy to use.

As soon as the guns rang, a large number of twilight creatures fell to the ground and died immediately.

Although these dusk creatures are very powerful, it is still difficult for flesh and blood to resist bullets and shells.

"The firepower below is very fierce, and the twilight creature will not be able to charge up for a while." Deng Ping said.

"Yeah." Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged above the fortress, nodded slightly.

"Brother Qiao, you really have free time now, and you still sit cross-legged to cultivate your mind." Deng Ping saw Qiao Yu sitting cross-legged quietly, and couldn't help saying.

"Or else?" Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Okay!" Shrugged Deng Ping continued to watch the battle here.

Qiao Yu, on the other hand, sat cross-legged quietly.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

While breathing, the sound of bullets being fired, the sound of cannon explosions, and the roar of monsters were gradually blocked by Qiao Yu.

In Qiao Yu's feelings, it is the in-depth fine manipulation of the physical body, the subtle sense of subtlety and subtlety of fine manipulation.

For a long time, Qiao Yu practiced, on the one hand, to understand the nature of the world, and to make his soul perception ability stronger.

At the same time, on the other hand, it is Qiao Yu's practice of the physical body, his practice in a subtle way.

With such a long period of gradual cultivation and the strengthening of Qiao Yu's physical body, Qiao Yu's physical body has now reached an extremely deep level under the subtle control.

Although I can grasp the feeling of living in detail.

But Qiao Yu always felt that he was still a little short of being able to fully enter that perfect and round state of nuance.

"Be still."

Between breaths, Qiao Yu completely entered that mysterious natural state.A sense of harmony between heaven and earth was perfectly displayed in Qiao Yu's perception.

Accompanied by the surge of heaven and earth, Qiao Yu felt that the entire twilight domain seemed to be in a boring state.

When you have a deep understanding of the nature of the world, you can use the power of nature to help you break through.

This is the benefit of understanding the nature of the world.

Along with breathing, the mysterious feeling of harmony with heaven and earth bloomed slightly in Qiao Yu's heart.

With every breath, Qiao Yu could feel that he was one step closer to perfect mastery of "details".

After about a hundred breaths.

clack clack...

A slight cracking sound made a slight sound in Qiao Yu's body.

Although slightly, Qiao Yu heard it very clearly.

After a moment of shattering, and then with a click, the invisible barrier shattered.

Suddenly, an indescribable subtle and mysterious feeling bloomed perfectly in Qiao Yu's heart.

Round and natural, flawless and comfortable.This is Qiao Yu's feeling after he has stepped into the perfect "mindful realm".

It is a mysterious feeling that is hard to describe in words.

The physical body is a kind of "chaotic state". Through manipulation and practice, the physical body can finally enter a relatively perfect "fine state"

At this time, Qiao Yu can carry out in-depth manipulation of his body, so that he can display his abilities in many aspects more perfectly.


Taking a deep breath, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"Before I knew it, I finally stepped into the realm of subtlety." Qiao Yu squeezed his palms, and laughed.

After getting into the details, when Qiao Yu erupted, those black flames, such as burning magic qi, did not need to escape, and burned directly inside the cells, which greatly improved the efficiency.At the same time, Qiao Yu's control over the sword and energy will also go a step further.

Of course, after getting into the details, the biggest effect is - cell arming.

"After being perfect, I can perfectly control the cells in my body. In this way, the duration of my cell armament will be greatly extended. Before, it could last for more than ten seconds, but now..." Qiao Yu squeezed his fist suddenly .

"It's been a full minute, which is about five times higher than before. With the transformation of many cells in my body, my physical body will become stronger and stronger. When my body completely transforms into golden cells armed with cells, I will be stronger than any fighter of my class."

"Brother Qiao, the attack of the Twilight creatures this time seems to be much more violent than before!" Deng Ping said when he saw Qiao Yu open his eyes.

"Oh? That's right, no matter how turbulent it is, we can only stay here and stick to it. After all..." Qiao Yu looked around, and the places where his eyes focused were endless, and they were all creatures of the dusk.This twilight creature is really like a tide, it's not fake at all
"En." Deng Ping nodded.

Deng Ping didn't know that Qiao Yu had already passed the most difficult threshold in the cell armament in just over a hundred breaths.Quietly completed a transformation unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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