Calamity Frontier

Chapter 288 Domain of Bones

Chapter 288 Domain of Bones
Dusk scene as always.

Under the golden halo blooming, the whole world is filled with a world of golden light.

Perhaps many people will feel bored looking at this unchanging scenery.

But for Qiao Yu, he enjoyed this unchanging scenery very much.


Suddenly, a slight crow's neighing sounded in the sky.

In the calamity frontier, there are many bird creatures, and crows are just a common one.

However, when Qiao Yu, who was sitting by the eaves of the fortress, heard the crow's neighing, Qiao Yu immediately looked up at the crow.

Qiao Yu could tell that the crow's voice seemed unusual.

After a while, the black-winged crow landed.

The falling crow immediately turned its head and looked at Qiao Yu with a pair of eyes, which looked quite dexterous.

"You are... Senior Lie?" Qiao Yu realized something.

"It's really not easy to find you, Qiao Yu." Suddenly the black crow picked at the spot.

Seeing the crow speak, Qiao Yu suddenly laughed. "Senior Lie, you are finally here."

"The crow I projected to possess is not fast, so it took a lot of time on the road." The black crow said slowly. "How's your journey going?"

"My journey..." Qiao Yu gave a general account of many things about him.

"It's a bit of a thrill, but I'm lucky that I didn't meet an S-rank stalker." The black crow nodded slowly.

Then the crow stared at Qiao Yu carefully. "Your strength has improved quite quickly."

"Well, there is a lot of energy that I can devour and absorb in this disaster frontier, and the speed of strength improvement is not bad."

"Do you have any follow-up plans now?" Crow paused and asked.

"Currently, I plan to enter the Xiaomi Realm of the Holy Source with the Lord Blackthorn, absorb the power of the Holy Source, and then seek opportunities for breakthrough. Now, my basic attributes are almost up to the standard, and I want to see if I can do it Strive to enter the S-level in one go. After all, in this borderland, you have become an S-level master, and you can barely have the strength to survive. The average A-level masters don’t dare to wander around.”

"Indeed." Crow nodded, "Only in the Borderlands, S-class, can come and go freely in many places."

"Senior asked me about this, maybe senior has some plan." Afterwards, Qiao Yu smiled.

"Naturally, I have some plans, but your current strength is still a bit weak. It would be great for you to go to the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm this time." Black Crow nodded slightly.

"As far as I know, there are many good things in the Holy Origin Xiaomi Realm, but it is also quite dangerous. Your going there this time will just improve your strength."

"That's natural." Qiao Yu nodded.

"Speaking of Shengyuan Xiaomijie." Speaking of this, the crow paused, "I just remembered that there is a treasure that is very suitable for you. If you can get it, it will definitely improve your quality. Even if you haven't stepped into S rank, with that treasure you can still be comparable to S rank masters."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu's expression was greatly moved. "In this world, there is such a supreme treasure."

"That's natural. The mystery of the Borderlands is beyond your imagination. But then again, it's even more difficult to get that treasure."

"Treasures are hard to get, that's a natural thing."

"Brother Qiao, who are you talking to?" Deng Ping came out after hearing the commotion outside.

Looking at Deng Ping and then at the black crow, Qiao Yu said calmly, "One of my special summons. A very knowledgeable fellow."

"Oh?" Deng Ping looked at the black crow.

"A knowledgeable crow?" Although Qiao Yu said so, Deng Ping acted like I didn't quite believe it.

"Okay." Immediately, Qiao Yu waved his hand. "Tomorrow we will follow the Black Thorn Castle Master to the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm, and there will be many follow-up battles. Take a good rest today and recharge your spirits."

"En." Looking past the black crow, Deng Ping finally nodded.


In the blink of an eye, it was already the next day.

When Qiao Yu and Deng Ping came to the fortress of the Lord Blackthorn.

More than 30 people have gathered here.

At this time, these 30 people were standing in a corner in the form of their own teams, with clear distinctions.

Looking across the crowd, Qiao Yu found that basically all the people who served as Lord Blackthorn a few days ago came.These people are either A-level or B-level. Needless to say, those A-level masters have reached the standard. Although those B-level masters have not reached the standard, they have entered the holy source Xiaomi world and absorbed some of the power of the holy source. For them, their strength can also be greatly enhanced.

The people gathered here were either laughing and talking, or kept silent, or meditated.

After a while, Sishui came out from the fortress steps.

"Everyone, come in with me." Sishui said softly, looking over everyone.

Everyone looked over one after another and followed Surabaya along the steps.

Follow the passage inside the Blackthorn Fortress, about 3 minutes later.

Everyone entered a rather gloomy steel chamber.

At this time, on the front of this house, there is a gray-white door frame, which is covered with dense carvings.

"This is a long-distance teleportation gate. Castle Blackthorn and several others have already passed by. Everyone has to go there quickly. The time for this teleportation gate to open will not be long." Sishui narrated quite quickly.

The people at the front start to enter the portal.

As soon as he entered the portal, that person was wrapped in milky white light and disappeared immediately.

The people in front entered quickly, and after a while, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping had already arrived.

As soon as he moved his steps, Deng Ping had already entered the portal, and then disappeared.

Qiao Yu took a deep breath and took a step, but he didn't enter the portal.

After the light surrounding Qiao Yu dissipated, Qiao Yu glanced around.

At this time Qiao Yu was under a cliff.

Common cliff rocks are iron blue, brownish black, or dark brown.

But the color of this cliff is white, moreover the off-white color of bones.

Not only the rock wall of this mountain is gray-white, but at this time, the rocky ground that Qiao Yu stepped on, the thorn forest not far away, and the vegetation forest at the foot of the cliff below the mountain farther away are all gray-white.

If the twilight domain is an area that is always in twilight.

Then this area is a world where mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish are all gray and white.

"The Realm of Bones has come to the Realm of Bones." Deng Ping exclaimed softly.

"The Domain of Bones, is this the Domain of Bones?" Qiao Yu looked around.

According to legend, the Domain of Bones is an area where skeletons roam freely.

Here, there are as small as cannon fodder of skeleton warriors, as medium as withered bones of war elephants, and as large as undead dragons.As long as it is a creature of the skeleton and undead type, there is nothing that cannot be found in this realm of bones.

Those skeletal creatures were born in this domain of bones, and after death, their bones would pile up here.

Over time, the entire domain of bones is full of bones and corpses.

As Qiao Yu looked around, in the far distance, on the grassland, densely packed, there were skeleton creatures as dense as weeds.

(End of this chapter)

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