Chapter 289
"There are many entrances to the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm. However, those entrances are not always open. This time, the nearest entrance to us is 'Parla' deep in the dry bone grassland in the Domain of Bones. In the Temple of Sri Lanka." The master of Castle Blackthorn told a total of more than 50 people accompanying him.

"The journey is quite far away, and I'm afraid it will take four or five days. If there are some special circumstances, it will even take longer."

"Besides, there are a lot of looters on this dry bone grassland, and there are quite a few S-level masters. Be careful."

"Those predators have learned the ability to devour and plunder. They can obtain a large part of your energy by hunting the enemy. Therefore, hunting others to improve themselves is what they like to do most. You should not be too far away from me, or you will be killed." People sneak attack, you may be killed directly."

When the others heard this, they immediately became vigilant.

Predators, those are a group of ruthless characters, those guys never bat an eye when they kill people.

"I've also heard about those predators. Their devouring and plundering skills are very special. It is said that there is a guy called 'Twelve Earrings', the leader of the Predator Assassin Alliance. That guy grew up stepping on other people's corpses .” Deng Ping gently explained from the side.

"Twelve earrings?" Qiao Yu frowned slightly. "This name is really strange."

"It's strange, but you have to know, that guy called Twelve Earrings is a truly terrifying existence."

"It is said that when he was in A, there were no fewer than ten S-level powerhouses who died in his hands. When he was in S-level, SSS-level powerhouses would give him some face when they saw him. That guy's dagger bloomed When it is time, it is the time of death harvest." A guy next to him said so.

"It's so powerful." People around were amazed when they saw this.

"Okay." Blackthorn Fortress waved his hand. "The twelve earrings never kill people of the same stage. They only kill those who are higher than him. When we meet that guy, as long as we don't provoke him, we don't have to worry about it."

"What you need to be careful of are those predator assassins who are of the same level as you. They are the real threats to you."

"Okay, let's start moving forward, you all keep up. Don't fall behind."

The Lord of Blackthorn moved his body and jumped straight up.Its figure is extremely fast, nearly a hundred meters per second.

This speed is naturally extremely slow for an S-rank powerhouse.The Lord of Castle Blackthorn deliberately slowed down to take care of everyone.

Everyone started to follow behind the Lord of Blackthorn Castle.

A master whose strength has reached B-level and A-level, with a pure speed of [-] meters per second, there is no problem in persisting for a long time.

Under the leadership of Castle Blackthorn, the crowd marched all the way towards the Temple of Pallas.

On the way,
Soon the strength gap among the crowd became apparent. As an S-level powerhouse, the Lord of Black Thorn Castle was extremely fast and led the way at the forefront.

Then there are some AA-level powerhouses. These AA-level powerhouses have strong physical qualities and have stayed in the twilight domain for a long time. Naturally, they have various skills for traveling for a long time.

Then there are those A-level masters.

As for those BB-level and B-level border fighters, they all fell behind.

Both Qiao Yu and Deng Ping possessed powerful lightness kung fu skills, and the speed of [-] meters per second was like a stroll in the courtyard for the two of them.

Along the way, every two hours or so, everyone stopped to rest.Then continue on the road.

Of course, there are also some troubles on the road, or powerful beasts chasing everyone, or encountering a large group of skeleton warriors blocking everyone's way, or some dangers blocking everyone.

Fortunately, everyone was extremely strong, and they were led by an S-level black thorn castle master, so everyone saved themselves from danger.

Before I knew it, two days and one night had passed.

In the realm of twilight, the sun is always hanging at a fixed location in the west, but in this realm of bones, day and night are distinct,
In the early morning, under a cliff.

Everyone got up from their tents.

After some washing, everyone went on the road again.

Facing the rising sun, after more than an hour, everyone climbed a huge slope to a huge highland with a height of more than 5000 kilometers.

"Jianfeng Canyon has arrived."

The Fortress Blackthorn at the front laughed.

"Blade's Edge Canyon." Everyone climbed up one after another, and then looked around.

Qiao Yu also jumped to the high ground.

Looking around, Qiao Yu only saw this magnificent and huge plateau, a straight gully extending almost infinitely into the distance.

This wide gully is a thousand meters wide, bottomless, and stretches for dozens of miles.

"Legends say that this wide and frightening gully was left by a strong man with a knife in the last era. At that time, that strong man fought with the enemy. He cut down the strong enemy with a single knife, pierced through space, and shattered time. , and then the saber aura fell on this piece of land. Time flies, although the world has changed, but the traces left by the saber aura here are engraved here. I don’t know how many years have passed, but they are still there This place has never been dispersed. The power of heaven and earth cannot obliterate the power of that strong man." The Lord of Black Thorn narrated slowly. "If you can reach this level, what can you ask for?"

"That kind of strong man is truly a supremely stalwart existence." Someone sighed.

"That's nature. Such a terrifying existence is indeed beyond comparison with ordinary people, and it can only be looked up to."

"I remember, a friend of mine said that the scene of this knife still exists in a certain secret place. It is said that the senior master who left the trace of this knife seems to be called--Lie."

"Lie?" Qiao Yu's eyes widened when he heard this.

"I also remember that it is indeed called Lie."

"It's called Qiao Lie." The Lord of Castle Blackthorn said so.

"Joe Lie."

Everyone remembered the name of this senior expert in their hearts.


Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the black crow.

"Joe Lie?"

"What's wrong?" The crow gave Qiao Yu a blank look.

"You really will stay?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"Who knows, too many people were killed back then, who remembers a random knife in a certain battle." Lie said softly.

"Amazing." Qiao Yu stretched out his thumb and exclaimed.

"It's amazing. Now it's like this." Lie said speechlessly.

Everyone on the side watched the majestic scenery one after another.No one noticed the inexplicable conversation between Qiao Yu and his "pet crow".

After stopping to watch for a while, everyone started on the road again, after all, there was still such a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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