Calamity Frontier

Chapter 291 Death

Chapter 291 Death
"Wow..." Qiao Yu's knife swept past like a gust of wind.

And the figure of Shi Yu disappeared the moment Qiao Yu's knife swept over.

"Do it." Qiao Yu roared suddenly.

Deng Ping, who was ready to go, made a bold move.


With a long howl, more than 60 sword qi burst out around Deng Ping.

"go with!"

With a long shout from Waiting Ping, the ferocious sword energy rolled over.Stir directly to a corner within a range of more than 30 meters from everyone.

Seeing this sudden change, everyone immediately followed the billowing sword energy.

I saw an assassin with a silver light and a golden dagger in his hand rolled in the air, and fell to the ground with a prominent figure.

She was dressed in a silver radiance, obviously a silver suit, and the power emanating from the golden arm was a gold-level weapon.Not to mention other things, this equipment alone is enough to prove that this assassin is of extraordinary strength.

"kill him."

Seeing the protruding figure of the thorn, many remote professionals who were threatened by the assassin just now displayed various skills one after another.

For a moment, more than 20 skills, such as ice cone, curse halo, doom strike, poisonous miasma bomb, burst chain fireball, imprisonment halo, etc., all swept towards the assassin.

Seeing so many attacks coming, the assassin was startled.

Although he is an assassin, although he has a powerful attack, his defense is not much better than that of the mage. If he survives this round of attacks, he will be severely disabled.

With a light tap on his feet, a powerful ability to escape from combat was instantly released by him, his figure disappeared in place, and many skills that locked on him also lost their targets.


Seeing that the assassin disappeared, everyone cursed secretly.

Disappearing in the air, Shi Yu, who appeared in a corner, glanced at Deng Ping who had enveloped him with majestic sword energy just now.

"It's that guy who broke my 'hidden lair' and made me show my figure."

The hidden lair is a very powerful skill of Shi Yu. Through this hidden lair, he can instantly move to the surrounding [-] meters to hunt down any enemy, and then return to the hidden lair again.

"However, the guy with the knife is the real master."

Thinking of this, Shi Yu looked at the wizard who attacked him with a machete just now.

With a glance, Shi Yu didn't see the figure of the wizard.

"Are you looking for me?" A horrified voice sounded behind him leisurely.

"Not good!" The dagger in the hands of the terrified Sheng Yu blocked it to one side as fast as lightning.

under a bombardment.

Shi Yu's figure was directly bombarded by Qiao Yu.

"kill him."

Seeing that the figure at this moment was forced out again.Many remote occupations were overjoyed.Another round of powerful skills came to attack Shi Yu.

As soon as his body was vertical, the dead Yu quickly stepped back.

At this moment, a wisp of the blade swept lightly from the direction that Shan Yu was about to retreat.

Perfectly blocked the escape route of the dead.

The danger of this knife, in Shi Yu's view, is greater than the threat of the dozen or so long-range skills behind it.

"Damn. This guy with a knife is too powerful."

During the simple fight, Shi Yu already felt that this wizard with a knife, whether it is perception ability, speed, or the threat of the knife technique, is extremely terrifying.

Gritting his teeth, Shi Yu's heart turned hard. "Continue to entangle, not only cannot kill these people, but may be killed by these people."

Even though he was a bit unwilling, he made a rational judgment and let Shi Yu know that he had to leave.

As an assassin, when he failed to kill the enemy with one blow, he had already lost, but relying on his powerful skills, Shi Yu still wanted to tangle with the opponent.

But with Qiao Yu here, there was no chance of another sneak attack in this dead city.


An invincible skill with extremely strong determination was instantly released by Yu Yu, and with a vertical posture, Yu Yu wanted to leave.

This powerful invincible skill is the capital that Shi Yu dares to entangle with many people.With this invincible skill, no one can keep him if he wants to leave.

If he didn't have such a powerful invincible skill, Shi Yu wouldn't dare to fight against more than 50 people by himself.

"Want to leave?" At this time, among the crowd, there was a mage who was not tall, had an ordinary appearance, and even wore ordinary equipment, with a smile on his lips.

"Shi Yu, Si Yu, this time, you are going to fall into my hands." The sorcerer Hegel smiled lowly.

Hegel, in the AA, that is, a mage, is an extremely terrifying mage. Although few people know about it, Hegel is indeed a top-notch mage, and his ability in some aspects is even comparable to that of ordinary people. S-level master.

Previously, Hegel had found some traces of the dead Yu, but he was not able to accurately locate the dead Yu.

However, Hegel did not expect that the wizard holding the saber and the swordsman, together, forced the dead man out in one fell swoop.

At this time, that death Yu was exposed to Hegel's vision, even though he displayed his invincible skills, Hegel was still sure to kill him in one fell swoop.

"Broken." With Hegel's roar.A powerful dispersal skill has landed on Shi Yu's body.

clack clack...

In an instant, the invincible golden body of Sheng Yu collapsed.

"This..." Shi Yu, whose invincible golden body collapsed, suddenly froze.This was something he had never encountered before.

In the next moment, more than a dozen skills arrived as promised.

All of a sudden, all kinds of things exploded on Sheng Yu's body.

This group of A-level and B-level masters has very powerful skills.

After a round of skills, the dead Yu was blown off his legs, and his chest was pierced by the three ice picks.Broken intestines, internal organs, and blood permeated the surroundings,
Even so, Shi Yu still didn't die, so he reached out and grabbed a powerful recovery scroll. With the use of this scroll, his shattered body, filled with white light, unexpectedly began to recover slowly.

However, at this time, his injury was too serious, and it would take a minute or two to recover.

Gently coming to Shi Yu's side, Qiao Yu gently raised the butcher's knife.

"Forgive..." Facing death, there was a trace of fear in Shi Yu's eyes, and he couldn't help begging for mercy.


The blade passed by, and its head was thrown away leisurely.

This death of Yu kills people by cutting off other people's heads. Now, Qiao Yu has also had his head removed and died.

"It's Dead Yu."

"It turned out to be this guy."

"I heard that this guy once killed three S-level masters, but I didn't expect that he would die here."

"Fortunately, this guy is dead, otherwise we would be the ones who died."

The people who rushed over looked at the head and immediately recognized that that guy was Shi Yu.

After being amazed, everyone turned their attention to Qiao Yu.

It was Qiao Yu who discovered Shiyu, chased him to death, and then cut him to death together. This is all done by Qiao Yu. It can be seen from his strong strength and terrifying insight.

"It's fortunate that brother Qiao Yu took action this time, otherwise we don't know how many people will die."

Everyone thanked them one after another.

"This time we can kill this dead Yu..." Qiao Yu said as he looked at the ugly Hegel.

"Thanks to Brother Hegel, it's amazing." Qiao Yu didn't claim all the credit, but said so.

"I'm just an assistant. The real main force is Brother Qiao Yu." Hegel responded with a calm face.Even so, Hegel was not afraid of the death in his heart.If it is one-on-one, Hegel may not count the dead fish.

Surabaya in the crowd looked at Qiao Yu, with a hint of gratitude in his expression.

If Qiao Yu hadn't interrupted Shi Yu's attack just now, he would have died.

After killing that dead Yu, everyone went back to the pale bonfire and continued to recuperate.

(End of this chapter)

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