Chapter 292
When Leng Xue slanted westward, the Lord Blackthorn returned to the camp.

As soon as the owner of Blackthorn Castle, who was in a hurry, came back, he said directly: "Hurry up and pack up, get out of here quickly."

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Castle Blackthorn didn't wait any longer for the crowd, and rushed towards the east at high speed.

Seeing this, everyone who was resting, who dared to pack up those tents and the like, got up straight away and rushed after the Lord Blackthorn.

The castle masters of Blackthorn were all in a hurry, and no one dared to stay longer.

S-level powerhouses are afraid of the existence, and if everyone encounters it, needless to say, they will surely die.

A group of people ran swiftly all night, and at dawn, the Lord of Blackthorn Castle stopped.

Then, after staring at the far west for a while, the Lord of Castle Blackthorn breathed a sigh of relief.

"Castle Master, what happened last night? Is there something chasing us?"

At this time, someone couldn't help asking.

After all, it was a bit puzzling for the Lord Blackthorn to let everyone leave in a hurry as soon as he came back yesterday.

"Yesterday, near there, the dead bones and undead retraced."

Looking past that person, the Lord of Castle Blackthorn spoke slowly.

"Bone undead look back?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Backtracking with dead bones and undead, that is an existence more terrifying than the twilight beast horde.

In the Realm of Bones, there are a lot of dead skeletons and undead.

Although these undead died, they never really died. After those skeleton undead died, their souls gathered in this piece of heaven and earth, and their corpses would pile up on the ground.When their souls continue to accumulate and reach a critical point, they will perform "retrospection of the dead".

Once the dead bones go back.

With trillions of skulls, sternum, ribs, leg bones, hand bones, and other bones assembled together, so many corpses will converge into a terrifying mountain-like huge creature.

Quantitative changes converged into qualitative changes. At this time, the life intensity of the terrifying creatures formed by the retrospect of the undead all started at [-].

With one slap, not to mention those A-level and B-level powerhouses, even S-level powerhouses will surely die.

"I see." Everyone nodded their heads.

Facing the backtracking of the undead, he couldn't run too fast.

After a short rest, everyone went on the road again.

At dusk, after climbing over a small patch of mountains, everyone stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Because, the Temple of Pallas has arrived.

On the vast grassland, a huge temple with a height of [-] meters stands in it.Milky white Gothic style, hemispherical roof and tall spiers.Layer upon layer emerged, and some black runes were inlaid on the corners of those eaves, which gave this special rune and this Gothic style a hint of exoticism.

On the front of the main hall are twelve huge pillars ten meters thick.

On the front of this pillar is a group of S-class skeleton creatures.

In addition to these twelve S-level creatures, around the front of the entire Pallas Temple, there are also a large number of A-level creatures, skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, skeleton falconers, skeleton mages, skeleton priests, skeleton shamans, etc. .a lot.These skeleton creatures are all AA-level, or A-level.

Beyond that, there is a sea of ​​endless skeleton creatures.

At this time, Qiao Yu and the others were five or six kilometers away from the Pallas Temple.

Within the range of five or six kilometers, those skeleton creatures were almost shoulder to shoulder, densely piled up with each other.

Among these densely packed skeleton creatures, most are C-level and D-level, and a small number are B-level and A-level.As for those FE level, they are not qualified to guard outside the Pallas Temple.


The Lord of Castle Blackthorn turned around and looked at the crowd.

"The Temple of Pallas is right there. I will open the way ahead and rush over there, but there are twelve S-level undead skeleton creatures there. Even if I fall into it, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape. Therefore , later you all need to do your best to break through the protection of the many skeletons around the Pallas Temple and reach the portal."

"Behind the twelve stone pillars is the portal. Whether you can rush in or not depends on your strength." The Lord of Blackthorn Castle said in a deep voice.


Looking at the various skeleton creatures densely packed for several kilometers, everyone's face was solemn.

There are twelve S skeletons and undead creatures guarding the gate of the Parras Temple.

And there are a large number of AA grades and A grades.

Once trapped in it, basically needless to say, there is no doubt that you will die.

There is only one chance to pass through the blockade and enter the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm, and there will be a chance to become stronger.And once it doesn't pass through, the body dies and the dao disappears.

"Everyone, get ready." The master of Castle Blackthorn said.

When everyone heard the words, they held weapons in their hands one after another.

Everyone is preparing for the state of the cast, the props that should be used, the potions that should be drunk and the potions.

Deng Ping on the side also took out two palm talismans and used them to bless himself with a defense ability and an acceleration ability.

"Brother Qiao, don't you need some status props to bless your status?" Deng Ping asked.

"It's not necessary." Qiao Yu said calmly as he squeezed the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade in his hand.

Now, Qiao Yu's basic strength is close to A-level, burning magic qi, and explosive cell arming are already at the peak of AA-level, close to S-level.

If the cellular armament bursts out, Qiao Yu, an S-level powerhouse, can kill him, but Qiao Yu really doesn't need it.Use some helper props.

While speaking, Qiao Yu's eyes fell on the numerous and skeletal creatures.

"S-level skeleton undead creatures, under normal conditions, can unleash silver equipment, and even if you're lucky, you can even unearth gold equipment."

"In the area of ​​Shengyuan Xiaomi, there are S-level creatures all over the place. One who accidentally encounters is an S-level creature."

"After all, it is the seven fallen places on the border of disasters and disasters, and it is not a place for jokes."

"Being inside, you have to pay more attention to me. It's very dangerous inside." After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu looked at the black crow that was crawling on Qiao Yu's shoulder with its eyes closed. .

"Don't worry, be careful, you won't die." Lie said without even opening his eyes.

Deng Ping, who was on the side, listened to the conversation between the two, and looked at the crow and Qiao Yu realistically. Although he had many doubts in his heart, Deng Ping wisely did not ask.

In the past few days, Deng Ping followed Qiao Yu and heard a lot of conversations between Qiao Yu and the crow, although the two of them often talked as if they were playing charades, which was inexplicable.

However, Deng Ping still got a result that made him feel terrible through the inference of some words.

That is, that crow is definitely not a good bird.

(End of this chapter)

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