Chapter 293

The master of Castle Blackthorn let out a deep roar.

At the same time, the Black Thorn castle master blatantly bombarded out with a punch.

This punch, about two feet in size, was filled with khaki-yellow rays of light, and its vigor was stagnant and viscous. It stuck to the ground and rolled towards the Pallas Temple.

Wherever he went, those skeleton creatures were smashed to pieces by the punch.


With a movement of his figure, Castle Black Thorn followed behind the punch.

The rest of the people also put behind the Black Thorn Castle Lord.

As the crowd charged, those skeletons were not vegetarian.

Numerous skeletons either wield battle axes, or hold swords, or cast magic skills, or perform curses.

All of a sudden, many attacks came to everyone.

Relatively speaking, those long-range magic skills obviously pose a greater threat to everyone.

At this time, everyone's comprehensive defense ability will be tested.

Qiao Yu's own defense ability is extremely strong. After all, Qiao Yu's defense ability now, coupled with the damage reduction of the light ghost armor, and the comprehensive defense ability are not much weaker than those shield warriors who are famous for their defense.

But Qiao Yu didn't intend to let himself bear the injury with his body.


With a thought, Qiao Yu released the "Guardian Shield" equipped with the Crown of Azure Cloud on Qiao Yu's body.

A cyan ellipsoidal shield perfectly protected Qiao Yu from head to toe.

At this time, not only Qiao Yu, but many other people with shield skills used shield skills, and those with immunity skills performed immunity skills.Those with counter-attack skills are counter-attack skills. Basically, the skills that can be used have been used by everyone.

Deng Ping, who was beside Qiao Yu, let more than 100 sword qis pervade his surroundings at this moment, blocking all those attacks from him.

In a short while, the fist strength gathered by the blackthorn castle master has already advanced five to six hundred meters.

Everyone also went five to 600 meters deep.

But at this time, that fist strength has already exhausted.

When this punching force killed seven or eight B-level skeleton lizards again, the punching force collapsed.

At this time, the journey of the skeleton ocean is still 90.00% five.


Facing the endless skeleton creatures, everyone roared suddenly.

The master of Castle Blackthorn took the lead. After all, he is an S-level powerhouse. Under the bombardment of a punch, the strength of the fist was solidified, and the skeleton creatures five or six meters around were shattered. Even those A-level skeletons could hardly resist his punch. the power of

Everyone followed behind the Lord Blackthorn, and killed the skeleton creatures swarming from both sides as they walked forward.

A skull with pupils burning with black flames jumped up and slashed at Qiao Yu with the battle ax in his hand.

Qiao Yu's saber rose slightly.


The blade twisted suddenly.

clack clack...

The skull was crushed by Qiao Yu directly.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade of the sixth level of silver, and also fused with the fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear.

Already quite terrible.Such power is naturally not something that ordinary C-level skeleton creatures can compete with.

Following the Lord of the Blackthorn Castle, Qiao Yu was very fast, almost sticking behind the Lord of the Blackthorn Castle.Several other AA-level masters also followed behind the Lord of the Blackthorn Castle. After all, relatively speaking, the distance from the Lord of the Blackthorn Castle is slightly higher.

The blade danced along with Qiao Yu's figure.

The bright blade swept away, like a wailing song at the time of death, continuously harvesting one skeleton creature after another.

These skeleton creatures continued to die under the attacks of the crowd, and at the same time, the follow-up skeletons gathered more intensively, launching a fearless charge to the crowd.

And everyone, following in the footsteps of the Lord Blackthorn, broke through the waves of skeletons and rushed towards the Pallas Temple.

At this time, everyone is like a flat boat in a frenzy, breaking through the waves alone in the ocean of skeletons.

With the crazy charge all the way.

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore.

A sorcerer was locked down by an A-level undead priest.The powerful "Death Ray Judgment" came down with the swipe of the sickle light and shadow.

"Ka Ka Ka..." The mage's magic shield shattered.

The mage whose magic shield was shattered by the ruling of the death light suddenly called for help in panic.

At this time, everyone was overwhelmed, and there was no time to save him.

An undead assassin, a vertical leap, and at the same time the flying dagger pierced directly into the mage's chest.

Immediately the mage was overwhelmed by numerous skeleton creatures.

With the first person who died, soon the second appeared.

The second to die was a shield warrior.

This shield warrior is five meters tall because of a powerful berserk skill, and with a shield charge, he can kill seven or eight skeleton creatures.

Therefore, his tall body successfully attracted a lot of firepower.

After a round of powerful charge attack, the position of the shield warrior's charge slightly deviated from the main force, and then he was surrounded by more than 40 B-level skeleton warriors, and then was overwhelmed by hundreds of skeleton creatures.

But at this time, everyone was only halfway through the charge.

The general journey behind is more difficult.

Even so, the purpose of everyone and everyone is the same, that is to continue to charge forward, charge crazily, and rush into the temple of Napallas.

The battle is still going on, and everyone is struggling to kill the skeleton creatures around them.

Where everyone passed by, there was a piece of bone remains, but more skeleton creatures swarmed in.

With the continuous advancement, people died one after another.

Those ordinary occupations, ordinary occupations without special means, are obviously the first to die.

During the battle, Qiao Yu's blade was extremely fierce.

No one can stop Qiao Yu's way.

Wherever the blade passed, everything was cut to pieces by Qiao Yu.

Deng Ping followed behind Qiao Yu. The two attacked from a distance and attacked each other. They used each other's horns and moved forward together.

"It's almost here." Qiao Yu secretly said as he glanced at the Pallas Temple not far away, a huge portal behind the stone pillar.

As the blade swept across, a blade exploded, and the two-meter-long sharp blade aura smashed all the skeleton creatures that blocked it.

"Accelerate forward, try to rush over in one go." Looking across the distance in front, the Lord of Black Thorn suddenly shouted.

"Rush over." Everyone shouted at the same time.

After the words fell, the Lord Blackthorn suddenly accelerated, and the steps of the other followers of Castle Blackthorn also accelerated.

Advance rapidly all the way, when everyone is only 500 meters away from the Temple of Napallas.



There was a slight shock between the sky and the earth.

Immediately, a large curtain wall of golden light emerged.

This golden light curtain wall is extremely huge, blocking the front of everyone, it completely blocked the way to the temple of Pallas completely.

(End of this chapter)

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