Calamity Frontier

Chapter 294 Enter

Chapter 294 Enter
Seeing this golden light curtain wall blocking the way of everyone.

The expressions of all the people who were advancing changed.

At this time, there are endless skeleton creatures on the left, right, and behind. If they are blocked here, they will be buried alive by those skeleton creatures in a short while.

"Work together to break the golden light barrier."

The Lord of Castle Blackthorn shouted immediately.


When everyone heard the words, they used various methods to attack the golden light barrier.

During the attack, Qiao Yu glanced past one of the twelve stone pillars of the Pallas Temple.

At that moment, on that stone pillar, an S-level undead priest was chanting a spell in a low voice.

Needless to say, this light curtain blocking everyone's progress was released by the undead priest.

"It cannot be blocked by the golden light curtain. Otherwise, it will be dangerous."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Qiao Yu thought about it in his heart.

While swinging the saber, the magic qi and super mitochondria in Qiao Yu's body had already been released. Because of this, Qiao Yu was able to handle the impact with ease.

But at this moment, in front of this S-level undead priest, the combined strength of these methods is obviously not enough.

"Cell armed."

The moment the saber swung.Qiao Yu burst out his hidden strength.

The blade swept across the air perfectly, and bombarded towards the golden light curtain.

At this time, many people were attacking the golden light curtain, but no one noticed that Qiao Yu was attacking with a saber.

After all, at this moment, all kinds of energies are surging, all kinds of skills are flying around, and everyone is busy attacking and defending. Who would have the heart to observe Qiao Yu.


The moment Qiao Yu's saber hit the golden light curtain.

The undead priest who cast S-level power suddenly looked at a corner of the attack, and the green Wang Lingzhihuo in his eyes trembled slightly.

The undead priest could feel that at that moment just now, a terrifying penetrating power, along with a blade, pierced through the golden light curtain wall built by his S-level power.

This golden light curtain wall is most afraid of a large-scale attack, and the most feared is a small-scale high-intensity attack. Once a small-scale high-intensity attack causes a fatal blow, the entire golden light curtain wall will be completely shattered.


I saw the golden light curtain that everyone was attacking, bursting slightly with a crackling sound.

Then, there was a "click".

The entire huge golden light curtain suddenly shattered.

" broke."

"Damn it, I thought that this golden wall is amazing, so it turns out that it is strong on the outside and doing something on the inside!"

"Damn me, I thought I was going to be blocked."

"Rush over, hurry up."

Everyone attacked indiscriminately, but they didn't expect that the golden curtain wall would be opened so directly.

Among the crowd, the leader of Castle Blackthorn was slightly taken aback when he saw the golden curtain wall shattered.

He knew about the golden light curtain wall. Its defense ability was very impressive, and it was not afraid of the bombardment of ordinary S-level power at all.

Although the attacks of my own group of people are powerful, they haven't reached the point where they can break through in just three or four seconds.

"This golden light curtain wall is extremely afraid of high-intensity penetrating attacks. I didn't expect that in our team, there are actually such existences that can burst out super-powerful attacks in an instant."

In the short time before and after, the Lord of the Black Thorn Castle wanted to understand the cause and effect. After all, he was an S-level expert with a lot of experience. He knew that many A-level experts possessed many methods that even the S-level experts might not be able to master.

After all, many of the strongest S-level powerhouses rose from the A-level.

The golden light curtain was broken.The crowd is like a broken bamboo.

"Everyone, be careful, don't attack those S-level undead creatures. I only have an S-level in our team, so I will only attract one S-level to encircle us. The golden light just now was shot by an S-level master. If you attack other S-level Undead creatures will induce those S-rank undead to attack, and that is us asking for trouble."

After listening to the quick explanation of the Lord Blackthorn, everyone will naturally not take the initiative to attack those S-level undead creatures.

Moving forward for more than 200 meters, the distance to the portal is less than 200 meters.

And at this time, the undead priest made another move.

I saw that the dead bone staff in the hand of the undead priest swung loudly.

A large number of bone nails bombarded everyone like rain.

"It's the 'Bone Nail Frenzy', defend with all your strength, and move forward quickly."

Seeing this large-scale skill, the master of Castle Blackthorn suddenly changed his face.

Dang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The densely packed attack was like raindrops pouring madly on everyone.

"Guardian Shield."

With a thought, Qiao Yu put a protective shield on himself again.

This guardian shield has a total of nine layers. Qiao Yu has already accumulated seven layers along the way. At this time, another layer is added, which is already eight layers.

The eight-layer defense is quite good, but it is still not enough to face this terrible S-level attack.

As the dense bone nails fell, the outermost layer of defense was instantly shattered, leaving only seven layers.

At this time, the attack of this bone nail frenzy is an indiscriminate attack.

Although they attacked everyone, they also ended the many skeletons and undead creatures around them.

At this time, there were no attacks from the many skeletons and undead, and everyone only needed to block the attack of the bone nail frenzy.


The castle master of Blackthorn, who was running all the way, took a quick step, crossed the steps, plunged into the portal and disappeared.

The people who followed, also withstood the attack of the bone nail frenzy, stepped up the steps one after another and entered the portal.

In an instant, more than ten people had already disappeared.

But not everyone can get in.

Seeing that the defensive power provided by his defense scroll was about to disappear, an assassin gritted his teeth and teleported towards the portal.

It's a pity that his teleportation skills can't directly enter the portal.

Falling to the door of the portal, his shield was shattered, and then a foot-long bone nail pierced directly through his calf.

The assassin let out a scream, and then dense bone nails pierced through, nailing the assassin to the ground. After all, it was an S-level power, and it was not something this BB-level assassin could compete with.

The portal was right in front of the assassin, but he stayed here forever.

"It's almost there." Seeing that the portal was close at hand, the bald mage's eyes were full of surprise.

A flying hammer suddenly appeared on top of his head, and then smashed down.

The mage's shield suddenly shattered.

Afterwards, the fast falling bone nail nailed the mage to the side of the assassin.

Hegel, who was behind the sorcerer, glanced slightly at the sorcerer, and the staff in his hand moved slightly. It was a golden staff, and it was a gold level four staff.

The wand moved slightly, and the soul of the mage who died in front of Hegel had been taken away by Hegel.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Hegel passed the corpse calmly and entered the portal.

(End of this chapter)

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