Chapter 295

One step through the portal, and suddenly, the intensive attacks disappeared.

In its place was a rather secluded expanse of dirt ground.At this time, the sun dappled through the trees and fell on the dark soil, making it extraordinarily quiet.

"There are still three layers of defense left. The attack of the bone nail frenzy of the S-level undead priest is really powerful." Looking at the defense layer on his body, Qiao Yu secretly thought.

Immediately, Qiao Yu looked at the people around him who passed through the teleportation array.

After the mage Hegel appeared around everyone through the teleportation array.

Seven or eight people shuttled over one after another.

Then, there was no more movement behind.

Everyone was silent. After all, although the charge just now took only a few minutes, it was an extremely difficult battlefield.Many people died in that battle.

There were more than 50 people before, but now, there are only 34 people who shuttle over.Already a dozen people died on the road,
Just when everyone will not pass through again.

Suddenly, a swordsman with a short knife came over in a rather embarrassing manner.

"Sorry, I was trapped by a group of skeleton mages for a while." The swordsman put away his weapon and smiled faintly.

Qiao Yu looked at the swordsman. Although the swordsman looked a bit embarrassed, his whole body, including some parts of his clothes, were torn open by sharp blades, but there was no scar or blood.

Not only Qiao Yu, but everyone was also quite surprised when they saw this swordsman.

After all, there will be more than ten seconds behind this. This swordsman stayed there alone, facing that S-level skeleton, a large number of AA-level and A-level creatures, not only had nothing to do, but shuttled back safely .It can be seen that its strength is strong.

The master of Castle Blackthorn glanced at the swordsman, and there was a deep look in his eyes.

"Okay." The Lord of Castle Blackthorn said slowly after his eyes flicked past the crowd. "This is Shengyuan Xiaomi Realm."

As soon as the Lord of Blackthorn Castle said, everyone looked around.

Qiao Yu also looked around.

At this time, everyone was under a very tall ancient banyan tree.

This ancient banyan tree forms a forest alone.The branches are thick, and at the same time, the roots hanging from the top of the trunk fall to the ground, forming a pillar, supporting the ancient banyan tree to continue to expand in all directions.

Feeling it carefully, Qiao Yu felt that there was an unusually strong and strange atmosphere in the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm.It's like the suffocating feeling after some kind of lava radiates heat.

"Shengyuan Xiaomi Realm is not an ordinary place." Castle Blackthorn said slowly.

"Here, there are many powerful creatures, and they occupy various territories. It's as if the powerful S-level masters in our Twilight Domain occupy certain areas with each other."

"It's just that there are more masters here, and the struggle between them is stronger."

"And the reason, you all know, first of all, there is a lot of power of the holy source here. If I feel good, there seems to be a holy source in the cave in the north not far from us. The power was born."

"The power of the holy source?"

Everyone looked towards the mountain peak in the north.

Qiao Yu also looked over, and Qiao Yu could feel that there was indeed a very obscure power of the holy source there.

"For S-level powerhouses, the power of the holy source is also very important. Of course, when you absorb enough power of the holy source and you no longer need the power of the holy source, you will find the power of the holy source It has no effect on you."

"Except for the power of the holy source."

"What's more, there are many treasures of heaven and earth here." Speaking of this, the Lord of Blackthorn Castle paused.

"This is also the reason why so many masters are willing to continuously enter the land of the holy source."

"There are many treasures in this world, such as the most common 'Awakening Fairy Fruit', you should have heard of it, as long as you eat one of the Awakening Fairy Fruits, you can instantly awaken the power of the holy source in your body, thus becoming an S-level strong By."

"Another example is the 'True Fairy Fruit'. After eating the True Fairy Fruit, the body and soul can be slightly transformed in all directions, which is not much worse than the awakening fairy fruit."

"Alternatively, it is easier to see the 'Lingzhu True Fruit'. Eating one can increase the strength of the soul and the strength of the body by [-] points each. This is what many S-level powerhouses really want to get."

"After all, the further you get to the back, the cultivation of genetic strength and soul strength increases, and the speed is very slow."

"Okay, let's go to the cave in the north first. There happens to be a portion of the power of the holy source there. Everyone can go there and absorb some."

Absorb the power of the holy source.

Hearing this, a hint of joy appeared in many people's eyebrows.

Although these masters have been on the border of calamity for a long time, many of them have not absorbed or even been exposed to the power of the holy source.

They naturally want to try to get in touch with and absorb the power of the holy source. After all, the power of the holy source is the breakthrough to the S-level master.

To be able to make it this far, who wouldn't want to become an S-rank powerhouse.

"However, before that..." said Castle Master Blackthorn and pointed to the bamboo forest on the west side.

Everyone's eyes followed the direction known to the Lord Blackthorn.

At a glance, many people's faces changed in shock.

On the contrary, Qiao Yu's face remained the same as before, because Qiao Yu had already discovered it.

"Prehistoric Golden Cancer."

At this time, in a 200-meter-high bamboo forest, a terrifying prehistoric golden giant crab with a height of more than [-] meters and a body as wide as a thousand meters was sleeping there.

This prehistoric golden crab, with one skill, is enough to instantly kill everyone present in the face.

"This is also one of the reasons why Shengyuan Xiaomi Realm can become the texture of the Seven Great Falls."

"In this world, it is easy to give birth to large and small pieces of the power of the holy source."

"Usually, these areas where the power of the holy source is easy to be born will be occupied by various creatures. You must know that these prehistoric creatures are different from us. As long as they continue to devour the power of the holy source, they will grow improperly. Grow and grow. Become a terrifying overlord-level prehistoric beast."

Looking at the huge overlord-level prehistoric beast, many people even breathed a lot easier. "

"It is said that the power of the holy source is the strongest in the deepest part of the Xiaomi world of the holy source, and the giant dragon there is as long as [-] meters."

"It's [-] meters huge, how scary it must be."

"This thousand-meter-long overlord-level giant beast is enough for us to suffer, and the [-]-meter-long existence may kill us even if it sneezes."

"So, you must be careful in this Holy Origin Xiaomi Realm. The Fallen Land is no joke. We have no chance to resist when those terrible disasters come." Cave to go.

Everyone hurried up with them.

The cave was not far from the crowd, and after ten minutes, the crowd had already arrived at the bottom of a cliff.

What caught the eye was an abandoned lair of unknown beasts.

"It's inside." Castle Blackthorn said slowly. "There's no need to grab it. There aren't many other things in the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm. The power of this Holy Source is really quite a lot."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and then they were not in a hurry, and walked towards the cave one after another.

Qiao Yu also walked into the cave together behind everyone.

The entrance of this cave is the lair of some kind of animal, but the interior is a very distinctive underground lava cave.

(End of this chapter)

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