Calamity Frontier

Chapter 296 Advantages

Chapter 296 Advantages

Accompanied by the sound of fighting, the two parties instantly strangled together.

"Go to hell."

During the fight, Qiao Yu did not charge too far forward.

Qiao Yu didn't want to stand out too much. After all, Dr. Scalpel had sent enemies to hunt him down. If Dr. Scalpel recognized him, Qiao Yu would not want to face an S-level strong man in person. It is better to leave this kind of thing to the super strong to the master of Black Thorn Castle.

The two sides strangling together directly entered a melee state.

During the battle, Qiao Yu didn't fight around, and he and Deng Ping became horns of each other.

Although Qiao Yu's performance was not too outstanding, Deng Ping was different.


With a thought, a total of nine sword qi strangled out at the same time.

Qiao Yu glanced at the strangling sword light slightly, his expression throbbing slightly, Qiao Yu could feel that the attack power on the sword light seemed to be much sharper than before, and the lethality had also increased a lot.

"The power of the holy source gives you an attack?" Qiao Yu asked quickly.

"En." At this moment, a trace of a smile appeared on Deng Ping's face.

"It is an all-round improvement in attack ability, including the manipulation of the sword, its power, and the flying speed of the sword energy. At the same time, the ability to perceive the sword energy has also improved to a certain extent."

"Not bad." Qiao Yu nodded immediately when he heard the words.

Deng Ping practiced the way of swordsmanship, and he was extremely outstanding in attack.At this time, it is very good to absorb the power of the holy source and let its comprehensive offensive ability in the way of swords improve a lot.

"Now I have only absorbed a little of the power of the holy source. If I absorb enough, I can make my kendo's power at A-level, threaten and even kill S-level masters."

The talent for swordsmanship is already very strong. Deng Ping, who is comparable to Qiao Yu's level, is naturally qualified and has the strength to say such words.

"Before that, let's get through the catastrophe in front of us first. That Dr. Scalpel is not an easy character to deal with. Since she dared to come here to trouble the Lord Blackthorn, it shows that she has enough cards , we have to be careful this time." Qiao Yu said slowly.

"Don't worry, let's kill them first." Deng Ping said gloomyly.

"Well, you want to kill, I will stand by your side, don't worry."

"it is good."

Deng Ping's voice fell.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...

Hundreds of sword qi billowed up.


With a thought, these hundreds of sword qi strangled and killed three AA-level masters at the same time.


"No, I'm a master of swordsmanship, be careful."

These three AA-level masters are all top-notch experts. Seeing Deng Ping's hundreds of sword qi rolling towards him, they immediately roared and became alert.

"I will die." Deng Ping was not afraid of the opponent's defense.

Under hundreds of sword qi rushing to kill, no matter what you are, everything will be crushed by me.

chi chi chi...  

The sword light charged wildly, completely covering the three of them under the Pang Bo's sword energy.

"Pfft... ah..."


Two consecutive screams sounded, and after the galloping sword energy passed, two of the three people who were enveloped by the sword energy had already died tragically.

"Take your life." Deng Ping's wave of sword energy just passed.

The woman with crazy killing intent rushed towards Deng Ping desperately.

Apparently, Deng Ping killed two of her friends, and she would drag Deng Ping to her back if she died.

A blade swept leisurely and blocked in front of the woman.

"What a fast blade." Seeing the blade sweeping towards him, the woman was shocked.Even though she was angry, she hadn't lost her mind.

The woman slammed the scimitar in her hand sideways, trying to block Qiao Yu's knife.

"Want to block my knife?"

Seeing the woman's actions, Qiao Yu smiled.

The blade made a slight mistake, and Qiao Yu raised his blade slightly amidst the interlacing of electric light and flint.Perfectly avoided the blade of the scimitar in this woman's hand.

"How is this possible?" Noticing this unbelievable scene, the woman was suddenly horrified.

It's incredible to be able to move the blade between the electric light and flint to form a subtle redirection attack.

However, Qiao Yu can do it.

Qiao Yu, whose physical body has stepped into the subtle state, is able to complete slight and delicate movements at this moment when others cannot form movements.

In many cases, what kind of subtle actions can determine the life and death between two people.

This is the subtlety, and this is the strength of Qiao Yu's cultivation of the physical body to reach a higher level for a long time.

If the powerful physical realm has no powerful effect, then what is it to practice.

With the practice in the realm of the physical body, Qiao Yu will make the physical body explode with more and more powerful and incredible abilities.

Avoiding the woman's blade, Qiao Yu's saber followed the trend.


In an instant, the blade passed by and blood flew.

An AA-level expert was easily decapitated by Qiao Yu.

"Brother Qiao is still very good, he can see people in seconds." Deng Ping said with a smile on the side.

Although his face was smiling, Deng Ping was also secretly surprised in his heart.

He followed Qiao Yu all the way, although Qiao Yu didn't make any breakthroughs, nor did he make any surprising progress.

However, he could feel that almost every day, Qiao Yu had a slight growth and a slight transformation.

Over time, Qiao Yu's strength has become more and more terrifying.

"Don't be silly, kill them all." Qiao Yu said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Qiao Yu didn't forget that the group of people under Doctor Scalpel wanted to slice himself.Vengeance must be avenged, that is Qiao Yu's favorite thing to practice.

With a move of Deng Ping's two fingers, the billowing sword energy exploded again.The many female warriors in red strangled to one side.

The battle was going on fiercely.

Although there are more female warriors in red clothes.

But at this time, it was obvious that Qiao Yu and the others were pressing down on the opponent to fight.Obviously, the comprehensive strength of Qiao Yu and others is more than a notch higher than that of this red-clothed female warrior.

Moreover, among the crowd, there are a few particularly powerful guys.

The most dazzling one is that swordsman, Chu Tianya.

Although this person hadn't shown much before, but through the teleportation battle, this person became famous in one fell swoop.Between his swiping and killing with one-handed saber, it can almost be said that it is difficult for an A-level master to catch him.

This kind of person is considered to be the most terrifying existence in AA.

At the same time, the one with the higher killing efficiency is the mage Hegel.

This guy doesn't look very powerful.

But Qiao Yu saw it, this guy, using the special abyss skill of darkness entanglement.In just a few breaths, four or five female warriors in red clothes had already been killed.When this guy kills people, he is calm and merciless.

At the same time, Deng Ping is naturally more powerful.

With Qiao Yu on the side to guard.Deng Ping showed his supernatural power, billowing his sword energy in all directions, strangling anyone he saw.

Not many people can block this top-notch AA-level sword aura, which is close to the terrifying power of S-level.

Even though there were some people who wanted to stop Deng Ping, Qiao Yu stood in front of Deng Ping.Anyone who dares to come here will be sent to death.

As the two sides fought, it took only half a minute.The red makeup female warrior had already died in the hands of more than 20 people, nearly half of them.

But only a few people died in the crowd.

The strength of the two sides is simply not at the same level.

With more than 20 female warriors died in battle.Everyone has completely entered the stage of crushing female warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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