Calamity Frontier

Chapter 300 Breakaway

Chapter 300 Detachment (Fourth)

That prehistoric golden giant crab is as huge as a kilometer.

At this moment, wake up.

I saw that prehistoric golden giant crab opening and closing its mouth slightly.


An indescribable feeling of co-vibration in the air rippled slightly in everyone's hearts.

Everyone felt a violent shock wave that stirred up everyone in an instant.

puff puff...


Five or six frontier soldiers who were not very physically fit vomited blood directly.

Facing this SSS-level prehistoric golden crab, no one dared to run away casually. After all, once they moved, they would definitely be attacked by the prehistoric golden crab immediately.


Suddenly, the prehistoric golden giant crab opened his incisors and mouthparts.

"not good!"

Qiao Yu's face changed drastically. The golden giant crab was obviously going to attack everyone.

"Run away!"


"If you don't run, you will die."

In an instant, the crowd exploded directly. Facing the attack of this prehistoric golden giant crab, if they didn't run away, they would definitely die.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu followed the road and fled towards the north side.

Relatively speaking, it is more suitable to escape in the direction of the south side. After all, the south side is quite wide. Once you enter the vast mountain forest, you will be free to fly.

Therefore, at the moment when everyone fled, almost 80.00% of them fled to the south.

However, Qiao Yu fled to the north side.

The reason is simple. The north side is a mountain peak. Although it is not easy to escape, Qiao Yu knows the characteristics of crabs, so he doesn't like to drill into places like mountains.

Therefore, although it is difficult to escape in the north, once they enter the mountainous area, the crabs will definitely not chase and kill them.So King Qiao Yu fled to the north.

At the same time, Deng Ping followed Qiao Yu to escape to the north.Plus that Hegel.

Except for these three people, everyone else fled to the south.


Just as everyone got out of the way, a violent shock came from the incisors of the primordial golden crab.

Wherever this shock wave went, those 30-meter-high ancient trees, thorns, and even the grass on the ground were blown to pieces by the golden giant crab.Even the soil on the ground was blown away by the shock wave of this prehistoric golden crab.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone had already fled in all directions, but they were not attacked by this prehistoric golden crab.

At this time, the scalpel doctor was still ruthless in his escape, and he stretched out his hand, and the saber-toothed knifefish swam in the air, directly piercing through the two border soldiers to death.

Fortunately, Qiao Yu did not escape to the south with the doctor of the scalpel and others, otherwise, during the escape, he might be attacked by the doctor of the scalpel.

Deng Ping, Qiao Yu, and Hegel, after quickly submerging into the small ridge, escaped the roar of the twelve-level gust.


Qiao Yu jumped up and headed towards the deeper mountains and forests in the north.

Deng Ping watched and followed behind him.

Hegel on the side, watching the two leave, felt a slight movement in his heart, and followed the two to escape to the north.

After a roaring shock wave with a distance of 2000 meters finished attacking, the prehistoric golden giant crab suddenly moved.

Don't look at the huge body of this prehistoric golden crab, but its moving speed is very fast.

dong dong dong...

As the golden crab moved, the ground trembled slightly under its feet.

This prehistoric golden giant crab really did not meet Qiao Yu's expectations.Directly chased and killed many people who were moving to the south.

After climbing more than 1000 meters along a cliff, Qiao Yu stopped.

Immediately, Qiao Yu heard the sound of rolling earth waves.

What I saw was a terrifying wave of ground thorns centered on the place where the giant golden crab landed, and swayed in all directions. Wherever the wave of ground thorns passed, the entire jungle was directly smashed by one of its great skills .Within a radius of one kilometer, there is no complete existence.

"This power... tsk tsk tsk..." Deng Ping, who was standing beside Qiao Yu, was amazed.

"Fortunately Brother Qiao fled to the north resolutely just now, otherwise, I would have fled to the south just now." Deng Ping laughed.

Seeing those many people being chased and killed by the wild golden crabs, Qiao Yu just watched quietly, and the life and death of other people naturally didn't care about Qiao Yu's dime.

"It's really good time for this cancer to wake up. It happened to let us escape from the pursuit of that scalpel doctor. It's also very good." Qiao Yu likes the way of exchanging other people's death for one's own life. that's it.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu glanced slightly at Hegel who was beside him.

"My friend, I don't know what you are doing with me?" Qiao Yu's voice passed over faintly.

Hegel's eyes flicked over Qiao Yu's body slightly, and then slowly said: "This holy source Xiaomi world is extremely dangerous, and S-level creatures can be seen almost everywhere. After all, the three of us entered this holy world together. In Yuan Xiaomi’s realm. Right now, our team has been smashed to pieces by that prehistoric golden giant crab. The three of us have escaped here now, why don’t the three of us form a team together?”

"Oh? Team up?" Facing Hegel's proposal.Qiao Yu thought about it slightly.

This Hegel is a very powerful guy, but Qiao Yu knows that it was this guy who stripped off the defense of Doctor Scalpel with a big skill before forcing him to display SS-level power.

Seeing Qiao Yu think about it, Hegel continued.

"My special skill tree, so I have a lot of powerful skills. For example, many skills that can strip or even suppress the abilities of S-level masters. I think it should not be difficult for the three of us to join forces to deal with ordinary S-level masters. .”

After thinking for a moment, Qiao Yu looked at Deng Ping.

Deng Ping on the side nodded slightly.

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "If it is true as your Excellency said, it would be a very wise decision for the three of us to join forces." Qiao Yu said calmly.

Hearing this, Hegel also smiled slightly.

He knew that both Qiao Yu and Deng Ping were extremely strong, not weaker than him. Although he was not afraid of the two attacking together, it would be great if they cooperated with each other.After all, it is extremely difficult for him to survive alone in this Holy Origin Xiaomi Realm.

After a brief exchange, the three temporarily formed a team.

Then, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand, and the black crow "Lie" placed in the pet space emerged.

"You saw what happened just now!"

"Well, it's a bit of a thrill." Lie nodded slightly.

"Now that I have separated from the main force, what should I do next?" Qiao Yu asked slowly.

"Continue to advance to the depths of the mountains and forests in the north. There will be a lot of power of the holy source along the way. Let's absorb more power of the holy source. In the depths of the north, there are many dangers, but there are also many treasures." Lie said so road.

"Yeah!" Qiao Yu nodded slightly.Lie knew the situation here better than anyone else, and following his guidance was undoubtedly the most correct.

Deng Ping and Hegel on the side saw Qiao Yu exclaiming as he communicated with a crow, and seemed to follow many instructions from the crow.Immediately I was astonished.

Deng Ping is fine, but Hegel is confused.

However, Hegel is also a person who has seen the world after all. After some doubts, he stabilized his mind, and at the same time he became cautious. Although he acted together with this Deng Ping and Qiao Yu, he did not want to be treated to the pit by the other party. inside, or fall into the trap set by the opponent.

"Let's go, all the way to the north." Qiao Yu said lightly.

Immediately, the three of them walked quickly towards the north together.

As for those who fled to the south, they lost their lives and died under the attack and ravages of the giant golden beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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