Calamity Frontier

Chapter 301 Alliance

Chapter 301 Alliance (Fifth)

All the way to the north, the three joined hands with each other.

It has to be said that there are many S-level creatures in the world of Shengyuan Xiaomi.

Just in the evening, the three of them rested beside a rather secluded pool.

It was at this moment that a sudden change occurred.

An octopus tentacle with a thickness of one meter suddenly shot out from the pool, which was only five or six meters in diameter, and attacked everyone.

This is an S-rank black octopus creature.

This S-rank octopus has only just stepped into S-rank, and it is not much stronger than the three of them.

After a fight, the three chopped off seven or eight thick tentacles of the octopus.

The octopus retreated.

Although the octopus receded, Hegel was not willing to let go of this S-rank octopus.

Soon, a bottle of pitch-black and foul-smelling potion was debugged by Hegel.Then, Hegel poured the potion into the pool.

After a while, the quiet pool turned black and purple.

"This is a potion with superimposed effects. It can be superimposed continuously with the time in the venom. Even S-level creatures will never stay too long in the waters contaminated by this potion. This secluded pool is stagnant water, and that octopus monster cannot escape today."

as expected.Soon, the S-rank octopus in the pool couldn't take it anymore.

Then the octopus roared and rushed out of the pool.

In the water, the three of them couldn't deal with this S-rank octopus, but when they came to the shore, the three of them teamed up and directly defeated the octopus.

In desperation, the octopus dived into the water again.

However, a few minutes later, the octopus rushed out again. This time, the octopus seemed to be full of energy and wanted to rush out.

But in the end the octopus died in the joint efforts of the three.

After the death of this S-level creature, a good piece of silver equipment broke out, and Qiao Yu naturally occupied it very bluntly.

After the octopus died, a large amount of energy burst out.

The three of them sat cross-legged next to the small pool and began to absorb these energies quietly.

After half an hour, these energies are the end of the hour.

The three people who were roasting by the fire chatted while eating.

"If you become S-rank in the future, which organization are you going to join?" Hegel asked during the break.

In the Far Lands, there are many regions.

For example, the domain of bones, the domain of mist, the domain of dusk, the domain of rainforest, and the domain of giant trees.These areas are very wide and vast.

Relatively speaking, these regions have a large area, but they have not been effectively unified.So the strong in these areas are not considered strong.

And the really powerful ones are those powerful organizational forces.

For example, the powerful organizations that Qiao Yu currently knows include "East Sacred Bone Hall", "Tianze Dragon Palace", "Magic Wheel Tiandao", "Dark Palace" and so on.

Among these powerful organizations, there are supreme-level masters among them, and some of them are SSS-level masters.These organizations are the Far Lands, the truly terrifying existence.

If many masters, like Qiao Yu and Deng Ping, do not have a backing, if they want to grow stronger, then it is necessary to contribute to these powerful forces in the future, so Hegel asked the two what they would like to contribute to. organize.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Qiao Yu shook his head slightly.

"If you haven't thought about it, then you have to think about it quickly." Hegel said slowly.

"Why?" Deng Ping asked a little puzzled.

"The two of you came from the disaster world." Hegel asked in a different way.

Hegel saw this, and Qiao Yu was not surprised. After all, the two of them did not have the special temperament of the Borderlands.

"En." Deng Ping nodded slightly.

"Since that's the case, you must know about the Golden Star."

"People here also know about Golden Star?" Deng Ping was slightly surprised.

"Ordinary people naturally don't know, but those big forces do know."

"Those big forces, they have already begun to shake hands and make peace. If there is no accident, when the golden star shines this time, people from our borderlands will also attack the starry sky demon city."

Hegel's words made the two of them look over seriously.

"Those big forces actually have passages leading to the Starry Sky Demon City."

"That's natural. Those big forces have been planning for many years in this border land. The purpose is to return to the disaster world one day in the future. After all, this border land, you also know that after coming here, it is either fighting or practicing. Even if you want to take a rest, you can’t even take a break. But in that catastrophic world, with authority, we can enjoy the life of an emperor, and the most important thing is that we can break through the shackles of lifespan by using authority.”

"The shackles of life?"

"Yeah." Hegel nodded.

"In this borderland, no matter how powerful you are, under the rules, our lifespan will not exceed 1000 years."

"Once, the millennium is up. We will die very quickly. Of course, many people will not live for 1000 years at all, and only those top-notch formers can live to 1000 years."

"The longer you live, the more you realize. Living is really a good thing. After all, no one wants to die."

"This time, go to the Starry Sky Demon City, kill the legion, and then gain authority, break through the shackles of life, and let yourself have an infinite lifespan. It is conceivable that those powerful masters, in order to have an infinite lifespan, What will they do."

Having said that, Hegel paused slightly. "That will definitely be a desperate fight."

"Indeed." Qiao Yu nodded.

In the face of living space, no one will compromise.This is true for Qiao Yu, and even more so for others.

"Because of this, we joined a big force early and became members of it. In this way, when the golden star shines, we can enter the border land, and then kill the starry sky Demon City has gained higher authority."

"It's really time to think about it, but there is no need to be too anxious. You will not be eligible to choose until you step into the S-level." Qiao Yu said slowly.

"Well, indeed." Hegel also nodded slightly.

Immediately, the three of them sat cross-legged around the flame.

While sitting cross-legged to practice, Qiao Yu also released many blood-eyed bats, and these blood-eyed bats were used by Qiao Yu to explore the way.

Where there are powerful creatures, where there is the power of the holy source.What places are more dangerous, what hidden places have treasures, and so on.

Qiao Yu can see a large area around him clearly, so that when the time comes, Qiao Yu can move forward easily.So that you can improve your strength faster.

(End of this chapter)

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