Chapter 302
Time flies by.Under the guidance of Lie, Deng Ping, Qiao Yu, and Hegel continued to move towards the north of the mountains and forests.

With Qiao Yu's blood-eyed bat's all-round detection.Everyone avoided many dangers along the way, and at the same time found many hidden places containing the power of the holy source.

For four or five days in a row, the power of the holy source absorbed by each of the three has grown sufficiently.

Among the three, Qiao Yu was undoubtedly the one who absorbed the most and grew the fastest.In the past few days, Qiao Yu absorbed more than 60 points of the power of the holy source, which made the power of the holy source in his body reach a terrifying level of 92 points.

Such a strong power of the holy source surprised Hegel beside him.

After all, it is already the limit for ordinary people to absorb [-] points of the power of the holy source, and around [-] points is already very exaggerated.And Qiao Yu has absorbed such a thick layer, and he can continue to absorb a large amount, which makes Hegel feel terrible.

After all, the more the power of the holy source is absorbed, the more terrifying the strength will be after the power of the holy source is transformed.This is inevitable.

Now, Qiao Yu, who possesses such a strong power of the holy source, has gradually become more normal in the use of cell weapons.


Under a cliff.

Under this cliff is a chaotic pile of rubble, and weeds are overgrown here.There are also the remains of these unknown animals after they died.

At this time, Qiao Yu was in this piece of gravel and weeds.

Looking slightly across a corner, Qiao Yu's blade moved.

The edge of the blade passed by, and the rock wall of the cliff collapsed under the blade.Immediately, a small crack only one person wide emerged behind the rock wall.

Looking at this small crack, Qiao Yu smiled.With a gesture, a blood-eyed bat flew in through the crack. After 1 minute, the blood-eyed bat flew out, and at the same time, the sharp claws of the blood-eyed bat were holding a golden fruit.

Earth Treasure: Lingzhu True Fruit

Level: 7

Introduction: The treasures of heaven and earth born in the land of the holy source.

Effect: After use, increase gene strength by 20 points, increase soul strength by 20 points.

"Hahaha..." Looking at the real fruit of the Lingzhu, Qiao Yu couldn't help but chuckled.

In the past few days, as the three of them advanced, Qiao Yu naturally turned to blood-eyed bats to search for these real fruits in every corner along the way.

After all, these real fruits can directly increase attributes.It can increase Qiao Yu's strength a lot.

After several days of continuous searching, this time I finally got something.

"Now my soul strength is 290, and my gene strength is 310. Basically, I have entered the A-level level, and my soul strength is slightly lower."

Immediately, Qiao Yu directly used the true fruit of this Lingzhu.

Immediately, Qiao Yu's attributes changed.

Gene Strength: 332
Soul Strength: 311
"This can be regarded as a complete A-level level." Qiao Yu smiled faintly.

"Senior Lie, my genetic strength has reached A-level now. If I have a chance to transform, maybe I can directly enter S-level." Qiao Yu said, turning his eyes to the black crow on his shoulder.

"The genetic strength has reached the threshold of 400 points. Although it has reached the threshold of S-level, you must know that the basic attributes of many S-level masters start at [-], and some have even reached [-] points. It's already six hundred, seven hundred. You are in your early three hundred, and you are much worse than those guys who have accumulated a lot." Lie said slowly.

"That's true. After all, the time I came to this border land is still too short. It will take longer for me to build a better foundation." Qiao Yu nodded.

"Don't worry, wait until your soul strength and gene strength reach a relatively high level, and then transform again, it will be even more perfect. After all, after stepping into the S-level, if you want to improve your gene strength and soul strength again, you have to It's more difficult. Therefore, if you can accumulate more solidity in A-level, then try to accumulate as much solidity as possible."

"Yeah!" Qiao Yu nodded.

"The God of Disaster Coins on your body haven't been consumed yet!" Lie asked immediately.

"It hasn't moved yet. I heard from them that the God of Calamity Coins are more valuable the further you go. That's why I didn't use those God of Calamity Coins."

"Your more than 5 calamity god coins have not been spent yet, so don't move them first, and accumulate more calamity god coins. Wait until later, when your authority is high, and the things purchased with authority are really good things , Such as awakening skills, awakening talents, etc., all need to spend a lot of calamity coins." Lie said slowly. "After all, S-class is qualified to play a role in this world."

"Yes. I see." Qiao Yu nodded.

After looking around and confirming that there were no other omissions, Qiao Yu returned to the rest point along the road.

The resting point at this time is in a deep and dark canyon.

At this time, deep in the canyon, a campfire was burning to dispel the cold.At the same time, the surrounding fog perfectly blocked the flames from the flames.

This canyon is called the Dark Canyon.

In the dark sky, there are many powerful bird-like creatures.There is no shortage of S-rank fierce creatures.people have to be careful
The three of them were able to enter such a deep and dangerous place, naturally it was Lie who guided them all the way.

When Qiao Yu came back, Deng Ping and Hegel were sitting cross-legged by the campfire and practicing silently.

Sensing Qiao Yu's return, Hegel stopped practicing and opened his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Hegel looked at Qiao Yu, and then his eyes fell slightly on the black crow, Lie.

Although Hegel didn't know the name of this crow, after observing for a period of time, Hegel found that this crow was by no means an ordinary crow, whether it was the understanding of this holy source Xiaomijie or other crows. Talking by himself, Hegel found out that this crow is most likely the incarnation of a senior, not a summoned object as Qiao Yu said.

Therefore, today's Hegel has extraordinary respect for this crow.

"Senior Crow." After a little deliberation, Hegel said.

After listening to Lie, Wei Wei turned to reveal and looked at Hegel. "What's wrong?"

"Senior, we are going all the way to the depths of the mountains this time. Where are we going?" Hegel asked cautiously.

Although Hegel has absorbed a lot of the power of the holy source in the process of advancing in the past few days.However, Hegel, who went deep but didn't know where he was going, was quite puzzled in his heart, so today, he asked such a question.

"The location is coming soon, so I won't keep it from you." The crow flapped its wings and flew to the campfire.He opened his mouth slowly.

"Where do you think the place with the best treasures in the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm is?" Lie asked Hegel.

"It goes without saying that it is naturally the 'Forbidden Land' in the deepest part of the Holy Source Xiaomi Realm." Hegel is still very clear about this.

"I'm talking about the location of the best treasures. Including those hidden places in the Shengyuan Xiaomi Realm." Lie Dandan said.

"Could it be..." Hegel was slightly shocked.

"Holy source treasure house is about to be opened." Lie said slowly.

"What? The Holy Source Treasure House?" For an instant, Hegel was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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