Calamity Frontier

Chapter 303 Introduction

Chapter 303 Introduction
"Holy source treasure house? What is that?"

Compared to Hegel's horror, Deng Ping and Qiao Yu were slightly puzzled.

Looking at the two of them, Hegel calmed down, and then slowly said: "That is a very mysterious and mysterious place."

"No one knows how to open it, but there is indeed a place with supreme treasures. It is said that awakening skills, awakening talents, heaven-defying props, top treasure chests, and even awakening fairy fruit, true fairy fruit, They are all born in it.”

"Once upon a time, the Holy Source Treasure House in our Borderlands was opened for a period of time. Then during that time, many extremely powerful masters emerged in a frenzy."

Create a treasure land for masters.

Hearing what Hegel said, Deng Ping and Qiao Yu immediately understood.This supreme treasure land is about to be opened.

The three of them looked at Lie at the same time, their eyes were piercing.

"The Holy Source Treasure House is about to be opened." Lie said slowly.

"However, you must be clear that the opening this time is not a real opening, but a small opening." Lie said.

"Slightly open?" The three were slightly taken aback.

"Yes, the Holy Source Treasure House is very large, and it is far from the time to fully open it. The seven fallen places all have entrances to the Holy Source Treasure House. If the Holy Source Treasure House is really opened, I am afraid that The heaven and the earth are miraculous."

"Indeed, if the treasure house of the holy source is opened, visions will be born in the entire frontier." Hegel nodded.

"The small opening this time will only open part of the Holy Source Land. But even if only part of the area is open, it is enough for you to enter it and find enough treasures."

The three of them immediately rejoiced when they heard this.

"Don't be too happy too early." Lie interrupted the smiles of the three.

"The land of the holy source is dark and mysterious in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of those powerful forces, all of this is very clear. They also know the secret of the opening of the land of the holy source this time. Even , They will send many SSS-level masters, SS-level masters and a large number of S-level masters. Guard each entrance."

"Could it be that the strongholds established by those great forces in the Seven Fallen Lands are the entrances to the Land of the Holy Source." Hegel suddenly realized when he heard Lie say this.

"That's right, those big forces have established a stronghold in this Fallen Land, and whenever the Holy Source Land is opened, they will send enemies into the Fallen Land, search for treasures, and bring them out."

"The East Sacred Bone Hall, Tianze Dragon Hall, Moluntian Island, Dark Hall, and the Creation Group, they will send experts to enter it this time."

"Although the entry point of this place is very mysterious, and no one knows about it, you can enter it safely, but after entering it, what you have to face is those masters of various major forces with extremely terrifying strength."

"Although the three of you are all powerful, your opponents are stronger and they are very cunning."

"This holy source land has been opened slightly, and the strongest ones who can enter it can only be AA-level."

"So for these big forces, the ones they enter are all those AA-level peak masters, and they are only a gap away from breaking through to S-level."

"These masters will try to break through and become S-rank as soon as they enter it. After all, many of these AA-rank masters can be compared to some S-rank masters. Once they break through, they can directly be equivalent to SS-rank masters, which is what you have encountered before. With your current level of Doctor Scalpel, although you can compete with S-rank to some extent, you have no chance of surviving against SS-rank. Therefore, for you, the probability of death is not low if you enter it. "

Qiao Yu is fine, in the normal outbreak state, Qiao Yu is already comparable to the ordinary S-level, and the cell-armed outbreak is comparable to the ordinary SS-level.Therefore, Qiao Yu is not afraid of those powerful masters.

The faces of Deng Ping and Hegel both sank slightly.

After all, there is still a gap between them and those real AA-level peak masters.Even against those S-level masters, they are also powerless.Therefore, for them, there is simply dangerous and terrible.

"But you don't have to worry. If you are careful in it, you may not be able to survive." Lie said slowly.

Several people nodded.

"But before that, we now need to reach the Gate of Phase in the depths of this mountain range." Lie said.

After some narration and rest, all three of them understood where they arrived at their destination.

After the rest, the three of them went on the road again.

It was quite quiet along the way.

Before I knew it, the two-day journey had passed.

The three climbed over mountains and ridges, moving forward in silence, and the three came to a broken building built in the forest.

I don't know how many years this broken building has existed, but it is still a strong support here, and it has never been damaged by the invasion of time.

"It's a house that won't be destroyed." Hegel said. "There are many similar houses and buildings in many remote places. It is said that these things are left over from the last era."

"We are not far away from the 'Phase Gate', but there is still some time before it opens. In the past few days, let's practice here with peace of mind. I will naturally tell you when it opens. "Lie said so.

"Yeah." The three of them nodded.

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to release a large number of blood-eyed bats, letting them look around.At the same time, he also began to clean up his resting place.

Before I knew it, it was late at night, the cold moon hung high, and the night was silent.

In a single anti-armor year, Qiao Yu, who was practicing, practiced the physical body according to the method of slowing down and absorbing, and at the same time, he understood nature more appropriately.

Needless to say, this will make Qiao Yu's energy absorption speed and future breakthroughs more convenient.

And the cultivation of the physical body allows Qiao Yu to have a deeper control over the cell armament.After all, the road to cell arming is much more than that.


Flapping his wings, Lie flew in along the window.

"Senior." Qiao Yu said softly.

"In a few days, the land of the holy source will be opened. At that time, although there are many treasures around, don't be greedy for those things. I will tell you some hidden places, and those are the ones you need to go to. At the same time, there is the most precious treasure that I told you before." Lie said softly.

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"That baby, what the hell is it?"

"When the time comes, you will know." Lie said softly.

"Okay." Qiao Yu shrugged helplessly.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

"what happened?"

"It seems that someone is coming." Following the deep twilight, Qiao Yu looked towards a corner in the distance.

Through the blood-eyed bat, Qiao Yu could see that in a corner of the mountain forest, a small team was rapidly advancing towards this area.

"Go over and have a look." After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu jumped up, like a bird, easily leaped into the mountain forest on one side, and then walked towards the team quietly like a ghost .

(End of this chapter)

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