Chapter 306

Following the condensing of that power, an indescribably terrifying power bloomed, and a moment later, the Supreme Creator of the Creation Group gathered a huge face that was thirty feet tall.The terrifying power of the supreme level of the offensive burst into bloom.

"Human. Although you are very powerful, you still have to die."

The voice of the Supreme Creation Group rolled out.The surrounding vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks trembled with the sound.

"What a powerful force." At this moment, Qiao Yu was under the coercion of that force, and Qiao Yu felt like a mountain-like force was suppressing him.If you want to crush yourself, even the SS-level Qiao Yu can't compete with the strength displayed by this supreme-level existence.

"This horrible guy is finally dying."

Seeing the Supreme Creation Group unleashing its power, the four surviving guys suddenly felt hopeful. After all, they can only escape after Qiao Yu's death.

"rest in peace!"

Accompanied by this soft sound, the Creation Group Supreme took a leisurely slap.

This palm slapped down, billowing air waves tumbling crazily, and a breath was dragged and suppressed, making Qiao Yu unable to move at all.

"Break it open for me... ah..."

At this moment, the strength of Qiao Yu's whole body was extreme, crazy, dark, and hysterical madness burst out, bloomed, and stirred up.

However, under the supreme palm that can suppress the surrounding space, even Qiao Yu cannot escape or resist.

"If I were you, I'd take my claws back."

At this moment, a rather lazy voice leisurely penetrated the world and fell on everyone's ears.

When the Supreme exists, it is impossible for all power to penetrate the power area of ​​the Supreme, but this voice penetrates everything so clearly.

Everyone else heard this voice, and they were all shocked.

"Huh?" The Supreme Creator froze when he heard the voice.He instinctively noticed that this voice was extraordinary.Immediately he looked around.

After some inspection, the supreme creature of the Creation Group discovered that at the foot of the mountain, a dark, ordinary-looking crow was standing there, staring at him.

"Huh?" With just one glance, the Creator Group Supreme realized the extraordinaryness of this crow.

"Where are you sacred?" The Creator Supreme stared at the crow and said slowly.

"It's been a long time since I came back. As expected, many people don't recognize me." Lie said slowly.

The wings shook suddenly, Lie flew directly into the air, and his dual wields shook suddenly.


A low-pitched crow's neighing sound stirred up.

"This is... the meme crow... you are..." The creation group supreme saw the scene, and was puzzled for a moment.Immediately, he suddenly realized.

"You... are..." When the creation team looked at Qiao Yu again, their eyes were full of horror.

"Lie... You are Lie... Lie... You are not dead... You are back."

"You're back!" the creation team roared loudly.

Although the people around couldn't understand it, they were filled with fear.What a terrifying existence that even the Supreme Being fears.

"Since you know that I am back, why not give it to me..." Lie said in a low voice.


If other people dared to reprimand him as the Supreme like this, he would definitely crush the other party to death easily.

But the person who reprimanded him in front of him was Lie.

This guy was one of the culprits that caused the collapse of the last era. It was rumored that he had long since disappeared in the long river of time, annihilated in the endless darkness, but he did not expect that this guy actually came back.This is big news enough to shake the whole world.

After staring at Lie for a moment, although "Hilro" really wanted to try to slap the meme crow that Lie dropped to death with one palm.

However, Hierro didn't dare, because he knew that Lie was not a simple person. Maybe this Lie didn't really show his real body in Hei, but his real body might be hidden in a small unknown corner, accumulating strength.After all, Xie Luo knew very well that this fierce man had too many methods. Back then, the Supremes who were crushed to death by him were too numerous to count. This kind of character is definitely not the kind of person who has no back-up.

Of course Shiro can have a good time now and directly crush this Lie and this little human being to death.

However, it is not uncommon in the borderlands to have fun beforehand and the crematorium afterwards.Therefore, Shiro dared not try.

"Hehehe... Senior Lie's appearance this time is a great joy in our borderlands. The authority of the God of Calamity has always been suppressing our borderlands. This time, Senior Lie has recovered. It is really a matter of joy and congratulations .” Na Shiro said with a smile on his face.


Lie didn't look at Shiro at all, and flew directly onto Qiao Yu's shoulder, saying lazily.

That Xieruo didn't dare to make trouble, so he had to withdraw the power he put in in a desperate manner, and then collapsed.

"No, let's go!"

The four onlookers saw that the supreme power had collapsed, and they felt a chill in their hearts.

"If you want to leave, stay."

Surprisingly, it was Deng Ping and Hegel who suddenly attacked and shot at the side.

After the movement here earlier, Deng Ping and Hegel waited and watched for a while and then rushed over.

At this time, the two suddenly launched a sneak attack, and the four were defenseless.



Among the four, two died directly under the sneak attack.

Then the two continued to entangle the remaining strongmen.The overall strength of Hegel and Deng Ping is obviously higher than these two people, and in a short while, they have been suppressed.

"Senior Lie should take action." Qiao Yu laughed.

"That guy was also scared away by me. Only when you really have a strong strength, can you not be suppressed casually."

"Of course I understand this truth."

Immediately, Qiao Yu cast his eyes away from Hegel and Deng Ping who were in the middle of the battle, knowing that with their strength, those two guys could not escape, so he turned around and prepared to collect the two S-level former drops s things.

In addition to the things that must be dropped by these S-level masters in the calamity world, they often drop equipment randomly.Maybe it can drop gold equipment, of course, it is more likely that nothing will drop.

When he came to the woman's side, Qiao Yu saw what he got from killing the two women this time.

Props: Broken Source Key
Grade: tenth grade

Introduction: The holy source world, a special treasure derived from it, unfortunately it was damaged.

Effect: It can open many difficult-to-open holy source treasure chests in the holy source world.

"This is it." Qiao Yu took the damaged key of the source into the package.

Then Qiao Yu came to the side of the man who sacrificed himself and then died.

When he came to this man, Qiao Yu couldn't help being slightly happy.

I saw that beside this man, there was a piece of golden equipment floating there.

"Golden equipment." Qiao Yu couldn't help but feel a slight throbbing in his heart, with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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