Calamity Frontier

Chapter 307 Enter

Chapter 307 Enter
Gold equipment, that's what Qiao Yu has been trying to get good things for a long time. However, Qiao Yu has not been in the borderlands for a long time, so he doesn't have enough time to go to some good places where gold equipment can be exploded. nice one.But Qiao Yu didn't expect that after killing this S-level man, a piece of gold equipment would be revealed.

"This man sacrificed himself and gathered all the essence of life and the origin of attributes. If the supreme master of the creation group killed you, he would naturally be able to collect all of them. But he didn't kill you, so all of them came together. , Now that the gold equipment has exploded, the attributes of this gold equipment must be extremely good." Lie said on the side.

Equipment: Bracers of Flame

Level: Gold Level [-]

Introduction: The supreme magic weapon calcined by the flames of hell.

Effect 25 (Defense): Defense +[-]
Effect 25 (force field): Weaken damage by [-]%.

Effect 50 (Attack Speed): Attack Speed ​​+[-]%.

Effect 50 (block): When attacking, it can cause a block effect, and the block effect weakens the opponent's attack power by [-]%.

Effect [-] (set): Equipped with this equipment, when killing other creatures that may drop gold equipment, there is a higher probability of dropping other sets of this equipment.

(Note: The damage reduction can reach 100%, or even 150%, or even 200%. However, other people's attacks also have an increase, such as the attack of Baipi True Spirit Blade, which increases by an additional 180%, and generally reaches 280% , 2.8 times the damage.)
"It's very powerful and equipped, and it's a flame suit." Qiao Yu looked at this piece of gold equipment and was very satisfied.

After all, it is gold equipment, and its attributes alone are extraordinary.Not to mention that this piece of equipment is still a set equipment.

"It's actually a gold suit." Lie beside him couldn't help sighing when he saw the attributes. "It's so lucky."

"Oh? Are the suits here rare?" Qiao Yu looked at Lie on his shoulder.

"It's not just rare, it's very rare. If you can collect all the gold equipment in this body, its attributes may be comparable to small dark gold artifacts of the same level."

"Oh?" Qiao Yu was slightly taken aback. "It is really extraordinary to be able to compete with the dark gold of the same level."

"That's natural." Lie said so. "You can kill other creatures, get gold equipment, and then use the attribute melting furnace to continuously smelt other gold equipment. Upgrade your gold suit."

"That's true." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

The attribute furnace can smelt equipment, obtain equipment fragments, and then directly use equipment fragments to upgrade equipment, which is excellent.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu replaced his secondary equipment "Spirit Turtle Necklace".Putting on this gold bracer.

As soon as he put on the wristband, a golden light appeared on Qiao Yu's arm.Then Qiao Yu restrained the light of the golden equipment.

"I don't know when I will be able to get a gold-level sword. After all, the basic power of a gold sword is much stronger than that of silver equipment." Looking at his gold equipment, Qiao Yu began to think about it .


The Iron Realm in the extreme distance.

Inside a palace, as the power of the projection was retracted, Shiro suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were as deep as water.

Immediately, Shiro flew out of the palace directly.

Seeing Shiro flying out of the palace in such a hurry, the six maids at the side looked at each other in shock.

In the borderlands, these supreme beings have supreme rights, and they can decide the fate of others with a single gesture.

Flying rapidly all the way, Shiro soon landed on a very prosperous and huge island in the center of the lake.

The core area of ​​this island in the middle of the lake is a terrifying skyscraper as high as a kilometer.

"Adler." Landed on the top of the skyscraper, Shiro said.

"What's wrong?" After a while, the door of the steel building slowly opened.A short-haired man with lightning shining all over his body said slowly.

"Do you still remember the historical events of the last era, and those rumors?" Shiro said slowly.

"Of course I remember, but what do you mean by mentioning this?" Adler, who was looking at Shiro, frowned slightly.

As supreme masters, they can be said to be the pinnacle of power in this world. They are very clear about what happened in this world.Although the last era has passed for a long time.However, through some special areas, they can see most of the scene when the last era was broken.

Therefore, they are very clear about many large-scale historical events in the last era.As for some rumors, they are also widely circulated among the supreme level masters like you.

"It is rumored that those guys who broke the world in the last era, although for some reason, were lost to the long river of time and will never come back. However, if possible, they will still come back." Hill Luo slowly told the so-called historical rumors.

"Yes. Yes." Adler nodded beside him.

"Actually, this is not a rumor." Speaking of which, Shiro's words were unprecedentedly cautious. "This has already happened."

"Has it already happened?" Adler was startled, he hadn't reacted yet.

"It has already happened!" Adler suddenly lost his voice.

"You mean..." Adler looked at Shiro in disbelief.

"That's right, the terrifying existence called 'Lie' among those guys has appeared, and he has appeared in our borderland." Shiro said seriously.

"Lie appeared? Are you 100% sure? You really didn't lie to me." Adler's face became more solemn than ever.

"Of course I won't lie to you at all. When I projected it earlier, it was a meme crow. I saw it very clearly. You also know that there are very few people who can possess a meme crow, and Na Lie is one of them. At the same time , Lie's unique charm breath, in some dangerous places, there are his remnants of his image breath, even the wreckage of Lie's body, I have seen and felt it, naturally there will be no trace of it. Mistake. Confirmation is strong."

After listening to Shiro's serious explanation.Adler has already confirmed that what Shiro said is absolutely true, and he will not deceive himself with such a big matter.

"This world gradually became like this after they left. That guy reappeared, could it be that guy is going to overthrow this world again?" Adler's expression became serious.

For "Lie", a member of one of the "group of five" in the last era.

At the same time, he was also the guy who destroyed the world system of the last era.The entire border land, and even the entire calamity world, has an extraordinary feeling for it.In other words, they couldn't turn a blind eye to "Lie".

After all, it was Lie who broke the rules of the previous era, and now he has appeared again.The first thing everyone thought of was that this guy was going to break the rules of this era again.


This is a normal thought.

After all, that guy has done it before.No one can guarantee that he will not do it again.

Whether that guy will do that horrible thing again, the two of them don't know.

That guy broke the world again, good for them, or bad.The two of them are also unclear.

However, no matter what, the appearance of this uncertain factor immediately made both of them treat it cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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