Calamity Frontier

Chapter 308 Many

Chapter 308 Many
"Let's wait and see what happens. It's best not to get involved in this fierce matter. After all, you also know that Lie is not easy to mess with. Those who provoked him back then fell into a deep sleep and fell into a deep sleep."

"Then do you want to release this news?"

"Such important news must be released."

"I'm afraid that once this news is released, the entire frontier world will explode."

"That's natural. Lie's old enemies might come to him. But then again, Na Lie is just using the meme crow to act. Who knows where his body is."

"Although I don't know where it is. But what is certain is that Na Lie is far less powerful now than he was then. If not, he would have shown up long ago."

"That's true."

this day.

A piece of news was sent from Creation Group Supremes Shiro and Adler to many Supremes, many powerful forces, even many S, SS, and SSS ranks in the entire border land. hands of masters.

"An ancient prophecy appeared. Lie, who was lost in the long river of time, reappeared in the borderlands, and appeared in the holy source of Xiaomi with the body of a meme crow."

Although this message is short, the content is explosive.

All of a sudden, the information exchanged by the masters in the entire borderland was all about that "Lie".

After all, the name Lie is synonymous with strength and destruction.

Some were worried that if that Lie reappeared in the border world, he would destroy the whole world.

Some people were happy, they hoped that Lie would best destroy those powerful forces in the borderlands.

Some disdain, they say that Lie just seized the opportunity in the last era and mastered the terrifying power, but now even if Lie returns, he hides his head and shows his feet, and stays with the low-level trash.There is no trace of majesty in the past at all.The former Lie has passed away, and the current Lie is just a bereaved dog.It doesn't have the terrifying strength it had at the beginning.

Some think that Nalie is just accumulating strength and will soon regain his former glory.

Some people also think that Na Lie suddenly came to his senses and seemed to use actions to make up for the mistakes he had made.

Some exaggerated thoughts are that Lie is a fake.

There are a lot of people in the borderlands, and naturally, all kinds of ideas, ideas, and news are spreading among each other.

When the news spread throughout the Borderlands, there were many people who were hostile to Lie.

On the day when the news was received, in many places in this borderland, some powerful masters with strange whereabouts rushed to the Holy Origin Xiaomi Realm one after another.

When the entire high-level world of the Borderlands was buzzing.

Shengyuan Xiaomi Realm.

In the depths of a rather hidden cave crack.

Qiao Yu, Deng Ping, and Hegel all sat here quietly cross-legged.

Compared with the enthusiastic discussions of other people, after Deng Ping and Hegel knew about it, they respected it even more.After all, they have spent a lot of time with Lie along the way.

"This stone wall is where the phase gate is located. It is very common. Basically, no one knows that there will be a small passage leading to the treasure house of the holy source."

"I have already explained to you what should be explained." Entering it, how many good things you can get depends on your own good luck.

"It would be even better if he could break through and become an S-level former. After all, there are many opportunities in it."

"At the same time, you must also be careful, those masters of other forces. Everything is based on completing the task. Don't make many other right and wrong."

"Understood." The three nodded at the same time.

"Entering it, you should stay for a week or two. When the time is up, you will naturally be able to be teleported out." Lie said softly.

wow wow...

It fell with a strong voice.There was slight movement on the wall.

On the wall, above the blue-brown blue rock, a faint withered yellow halo bloomed.Immediately, various strange glyphs, runes, magic patterns, and other symbols emerged.Qiao Yu also knows some of these glyphs, runes, magic patterns, etc., but not much.

After a while, these glyphs, runes, and magic patterns came together to form a round arched door that was over two meters high and one meter wide.

"Go in, be careful." Lie said so.

Looking at the passage leading to the treasure house of the holy source, the three of them all looked a little dignified.

To be able to enter the Holy Source Treasure House, this time, that is a great opportunity.The three of them naturally need to seize this opportunity well.They all want to break through and become S rank in one fell swoop.

At the same time, within the many strongholds of the Seven Fallen Lands.

These strongholds are either large palaces, high towers, fortresses, some kind of energy barrier, or some kind of realm created by a strong man using special power.

With the opening of the Holy Source Treasure House, the AA-level and A-level masters of these big forces where they are located have already gathered at the entrance of the Holy Source Treasure House.

Inside the halls of the Dark Temple.

A man with exposed skeleton armor said harshly.

"Going into it this time, obtaining treasures is one of them. If those people in the East Sacred Bone Hall can be killed, they will not be tolerated. Did you hear that?"

"I heard." Many A-level and AA-level masters said one after another,

In an extremely distant space, more than 50 AA-level masters of Tianze Dragon Palace gathered here.

"This time the Palace Master has given you so many authorized treasures, you must open that treasure land, and then get that precious treasure. There must be no mistakes."

"It's Your Excellency the Palace Master." Everyone nodded, but they knew very well the importance of the treasure this time.That treasure has a very strong effect on the masters of the supreme level.

Territory of Chaos, this is also one of the seven fallen lands, and it is also the most chaotic place in the seven fallen lands.

At this time, in a huge plain, this plain is densely covered with dead bones, and a large number of human remains are half-buried here in the cold.

"Wow wow..."

Accompanied by a sound like a wave of energy.A gate that is ten meters high and three meters wide opens.

"Hurry up, the door of the Holy Source Treasure House is open, go in quickly. Hurry up..."

An A-level team, under the urging of an S-level expert, rushed towards the portal at high speed.

"We can't let them take the lead, let's hurry up." Another team wandering in the wilderness also roared.

"Kill!" Some other wilderness teams were not far behind.Among these teams, some teams have S-level masters, and although some teams do not have S-level masters, their overall strength is very strong.

For a time, there were thirty or forty teams rushing towards the portal.

With the opening of the gate of the holy source, many big forces in the entire border land or those teams who know these secrets are marching towards the treasure house of the holy source.

(End of this chapter)

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