Calamity Frontier

Chapter 309 Gravityless Space

Chapter 309 Gravityless Space

The rich breath slowly bloomed, slightly hot, with a feeling of lava breath.

After passing through the portal, Qiao Yu just breathed in the rather strange air in the holy source treasure house.At the same time, Qiao Yu also looked around.

When teleported to the treasure house of the holy source, everyone was cast at a random range. At this time, Deng Ping and Hegel were not near Qiao Yu.

"This place of holy source treasure house is really strange." After staring at it for a while, Qiao Yu laughed.

This holy source treasure house is not an ordinary ground form.

First of all, the holy source treasure house is a non-gravity space.In other words, there is no gravity here.Everything is suspended.

At this time, Qiao Yu was suspended in the air. At the same time, a huge boulder with a diameter of [-] meters was floating beside Qiao Yu.

At the same time, all kinds of vines that were as thick as buckets, arms, and fingers grew in this gravity-free space, and these vines anchored the suspended stones one after another.A large area of ​​hanging rocks is formed.

With a gesture, Xiao Zilong appeared beside Qiao Yu.

During this period of time, under Qiao Yu's continuous cultivation, Xiao Zilong has grown to a length of [-] meters. Although it is not qualified to be a mount in a normal state, but now, in this gravity-free space, it can be used as a mount. It was very good.

"Gravity-free space?" Xiao Zilong, who just appeared here, circled his eyes slightly, and suddenly screamed strangely.

"It's strange what this place is." Xiao Zilong, who waved his wings slightly, and then accelerated his flight, looked at Qiao Yu.

"A very dangerous treasure land." Qiao Yu said so.

Turning over, Qiao Yu was already riding on Xiao Zilong's body.Then Qiao Yu sent a three-dimensional map and a coordinate to Xiao Zilong.

"Go to this place. Be quick."

"no problem."

Both the curvature acceleration and the vector ion jet acceleration were turned on at the same time, and Xiao Zilong's wings shook. Then, Xiao Zilong took Qiao Yu and flew towards the direction Qiao Yu pointed at.

Qiao Yu entered the treasure house of the holy source this time, so naturally he would not look for all kinds of treasures here without any purpose like ordinary people.

Qiao Yu entered here, but there was a very important task assigned by You Lie.

As the time spent with Lie increases.Now that Qiao Yu has gradually understood Lie's general purpose.

"The first stage, needless to say, is to collect, six-color Rubik's Cube."

Up to now, Qiao Yu still doesn't know the specific function of the six-phase color Rubik's Cube. As for the second stage, Qiao Yu deduces that it should be in the golden star.

"Collect more six-color Rubik's cubes, and then get more treasures, so that I can gain a foothold in the many changes in the future."

Qiao Yu, who was sitting on the back of Xiao Zilong, was thinking deeply in the bottom of his heart.

Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

Suddenly, a sound of piercing the air swept over.A sharp arrow was wrapped in that golden light.The arrow directly locked on Qiao Yu's chest.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's heart skipped a beat.The magic qi and super mitochondria bloomed at the same time.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade was directly blocked by Qiao Yu in his hands.

That touch of golden light crashed on the Baipi True Spirit Blade.Qiao Yu felt a terrifying force blooming from the golden light, and his whole body rolled to one side.While tumbling, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand and brought the little Zilong into the pet space. This little Zilong couldn't participate in Qiao Yu's current level of fighting.

"It's such a powerful force, at least it's a master in the middle stage of S extreme, or even in the late stage." Qiao Yu is now bursting out with magic energy and super mitochondria.The overall strength can reach the early stage of S-level.But such strength can't stop this arrow.

With a leap, Qiao Yu hid behind a huge rock about ten meters high.


Another sharp arrow shot out.

"Peng!" The boulder that Qiao Yu was hiding in suddenly collapsed.

"The masters trained by these big forces are truly extraordinary." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"However..." The voice fell softly, and deep in Qiao Yu's eyes, there was a trace of ferocious killing intent. "If you mess with me, Qiao Yu, you will die."

With a sudden step on the foot, the broken stone collapsed on one side, and Qiao Yu's whole body was like a missile, and shot towards the enemy who was attacking him.

"Go to hell!"

The woman who attacked Qiao Yu with the gold equipment in her hand had a murderous look on her face when she saw Qiao Yu soaring towards him.

At the same time, the movements in his hands are as fast as lightning.

Three arrows shot out.Among the three flashes of arrow light, each one has the power of mid-level S.

"Cell Arming." With a sudden pinch of the Baipi True Spirit Blade in his hand, Qiao Yu launched the Cell Arming.


An indescribable majestic momentum suddenly bloomed.

"SS-level power." The woman who was being attacked saw this, but was startled. "How is this possible."

At the AA level, it can explode at the mid-term power of the S level.She is already a leader in the same class, but she did not expect that this unknown guy she met on the road could burst out the terrifying power of SS class.


With a sudden swing of the saber, the saber containing the "Profound Trajectory" burst into bloom.

clack clack...

The arrow was cut off by Qiao Yu with a single blow.

Seeing Qiao Yu coming after him, the woman who was chasing after her suddenly moved sideways and flew away at a high speed.

In this gravity-free floating space, manipulating the energy in the body can naturally fly freely.Normally, Qiao Yu can use the little Zilong to travel, but now that he is fighting, it is natural that Qiao Yu needs to explode by himself.

Light kung fu is deployed to match the energy in the body.With one step, the air was instantly crushed under Qiao Yu's feet.Then there was a bang, and the air exploded.Qiao Yu's speed was even faster than lightning.

Every foot out is an explosion of air.

Under continuous stepping, Qiao Yu's speed was so fast that he wanted to break through the speed of sound.

"What a terrifying speed." Seeing that Qiao Yu was chasing and killing him, the woman was terrified.

SS-level power, almost crushing her speed, made this woman feel desperate.She even felt that death was coming.

"My friend, this is a misunderstanding."

"You can talk to God about this." Qiao Yu, who came after him, smiled grinningly in his heart.

Qiao Yu exploded with a terrifying SS-level power in one blow, and matched with the trajectory of the mystery, the blade was extremely sharp.

Under the crushing of the knife, a layer of blue light bloomed from the woman's body, blocking Qiao Yu's knife.

As a master trained by a big force, of course he has many life-saving treasures.

"However, you still have to die to me." The saber flicked slightly, and then swept down with ease.

Both speed and attack crush the opponent, and Qiao Yu's sword can continuously attack terrifying attacks.Therefore, even if this woman is a life-saving treasure, it will only prolong the time of his death, nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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