Calamity Frontier

Chapter 310 Night Ghost

Chapter 310 Night Ghost

"I'm going to die. The one who killed me was an unknown man. He was a wizard. He used a knife. He is very powerful. He can burst out the terrifying power of SS level at A level. Everyone be careful, this man. The power is too scary .”

After the last life-saving treasure was used up, the desperate woman recorded this passage.And the holographic video of Qiao Yu chasing and killing himself was also recorded, and then sent out.

A knife came to kill leisurely.


The woman's life-saving props shattered.At the same time, the woman's body was also blown away by the fierce knife and hit the rock wall of a giant floating island.Where the woman hit, many rocks shattered.

However, the blade stopped at the woman's neck.

Looking at Qiao Yu, the woman's eyes were full of despair.

Silver equipment, the foundation of A-level.It doesn't seem like a great skill.However, the woman saw this very ordinary guy burst out with SS-level power.

The ability to erupt S-level power is naturally derived from the great concept of cell arming and Qiao Yu's deep understanding of the nature of the world and the perfect manipulation of the body.Being able to let every bit of strength in his body bloom, this is what makes Qiao Yu stronger than anyone else.

"Which faction are you from? How many people from your faction have entered here. How many masters are there, tell them all."

"If I tell you, will you let me go?" In desperation, hearing Qiao Yu's words, the woman suddenly felt hope for life.After all, no one wants to die when there is hope.

"It depends on how much useful information you can tell." Qiao Yu said slowly.

Qiao Yu is not familiar with many other powerful people, but there is no need to worry, Qiao Yu only needs to catch a few people, interrogate them, and naturally, he will know.

Staring at Qiao Yu for a moment, the woman finally spoke slowly.

About an hour later.

The blade passed by, and the woman's head fluttered.

"You treacherous villain." The woman roared hysterically.

Even if the woman's head was cut off, she was still a light person with S-level strength. Even if her head was cut off, she could still survive for more than ten seconds.

Qiao Yu had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the woman. Amidst the sound of cursing, the woman exhausted her energy and died quickly.

Then Qiao Yu looked away.

Then Qiao Yu's gaze fell on his sword, the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade.

Although the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade has now become Tier [-] silver equipment, under the continuous battles in this borderland, especially during this period of time when fighting against many S-level masters, the power of S is constantly colliding with each other. among.This Tier [-] silver equipment has already begun to become insufficient.

After all, this sword is unparalleled in A-level, B-level, C-level, and D-level, but it is not enough in front of S-level masters.After all, S-level masters are not ordinary existences.

After repeated battles, Qiao Yu's hundred true spirit blades will be slightly damaged in every battle.Only after Qiao Yu smelted the silver equipment with the attribute furnace and silver equipment was he able to recover the silver equipment Baipi True Spirit Blade.

"If you want to gain a foothold in the S-level, you must have a piece of gold equipment. At the same time, my gold suit has a high probability of coupling explosion rate characteristics. Gradually hunt those powerful creatures, maybe you can slowly kill me. The gold suit burst out. Once a whole set of gold is gathered, it is comparable to a scattered set of dark gold equipment. After all, the "power of gold" of the gold equipment suit is also a very terrifying power."

From Lie, Qiao Yu learned a lot of useful information.

The "power of gold" in the gold suit is one of the powers of equipment that Qiao Yu understands.

A scattered piece of golden equipment does not possess special power.But the suit is different, the suit is very rare.It must be said that Qiao Yu was very lucky to be able to explode a piece of gold equipment.

Once the six pieces of gold set equipment are collected, this set of equipment will generate "Golden Power".

The power of gold can make Qiao Yu's blade extremely sharp and terrifying.It can and makes Qiao Yu's golden sword have a powerful attribute that cannot be destroyed.Even if it is against the dark gold equipment, this set of gold equipment will not hesitate at all.

After thinking about it, Qiao Yu looked towards the distance of the Holy Source Treasure House.

"This time, there are quite a few masters who have entered the Borderlands, and some of them are close to the SS level in AA. If these guys break through, the team will pose a strong threat. Relatively speaking, I still need to be more careful. In order to complete the task Mainly, don't cause trouble. After completing the task, you can go around hunting down those strong guys."

Immediately, Qiao Yu released Xiao Zilong and continued on his way.

When Qiao Yu was heading towards the destination under the leadership of Xiao Zilong, many masters who entered the treasure house of the holy source also started their adventure and exploration journey in the borderland.

Some people are lucky enough to discover a little-known mysterious place and obtain a lot of good things.

There are also people who are so lucky that they encounter masters as soon as they come up, and they die immediately.

Some were lucky and found the treasure land, but they were trapped in the treasure land. They could only look at the treasure, but had no way to get it, and even died directly in the treasure land.

Of course, most people are in a state of no harvest.

But this is the land of the treasure house, and everyone is not too anxious.

Before I knew it, two days had passed.

On this day, the night was gloomy.

Qiao Yu hid in an unusually hidden boulder.The entrance of this boulder was firmly blocked by Qiao Yu with a bluestone slab, leaving no gaps.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also arranged many blood-eyed bats in this area.

Of course, what Qiao Yu had to guard against was not the other participants, but what Qiao Yu had to guard against was the night wanderer——Ye Yougui!

"Night ghosts" are one of the most terrifying creatures in the Far Lands.

Once you fight them, it's okay to kill them, but if you can't kill this guy, then you will be out of luck.

This night ghosts will haunt you like ghosts and keep attacking you.No matter how far you run, the night ghost can clearly locate you and come after you.

These night ghosts are basically S rank. SS grade and SSS grade are in pieces.This holy source treasure house is not a safe place.This is where danger abounds.

Moreover, Yeyou ghosts are semi-spiritual creatures, and it is very difficult to kill them. They need to have extremely powerful soul killing methods to kill them.

It is conceivable that if there is such a guy who keeps chasing and killing you, what will happen, and it will definitely make you restless in the entire Holy Origin Land.If you accidentally provoke a group of night ghosts, you can basically be said to be dead.

Qiao Yu is now focusing on tasks, so naturally he won't mess with these troublesome night ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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