Calamity Frontier

Chapter 311 Greer's Laboratory

Chapter 311 Greer's Laboratory
Misty night.

At this moment, in the gloomy night, a five-meter-high, dark night ghost, dressed in silk clothes of an unknown ghost, exuding a gloomy black ghostly aura, slowly approached Qiao Yu's place. Gently drifting past near the rocks.

In this gravity-free environment, these night ghosts are always floating around in the wind.Wherever it passed, a cold breath permeated.


Suddenly, in the slight darkness, screams filled the air.

Through a blood-eyed bat in the distance, Qiao Yu saw that an AA-level dragon-born warrior was discovered by a late-S-level night ghost.

"This guy is going to be unlucky." Qiao Yu secretly said.

That AA-level dragon-born warrior is not weak.When it can burst into the early stage of S rank.But there is still a lot of gap compared to the late S-level night ghost.In addition, Ye Yougui is in a spirit body state, and many attacks are ineffective against it. Therefore, the AA-level powerhouse who is already at a disadvantage is even more passive.

After a lot of fighting, soon, the AA-level master was torn apart by a "ghost detective" from Ye Yougui, and then his heart was caught and exploded.

Normally speaking, AA-level masters have strong vitality. Even if their hearts are caught and exploded, they can still survive if they have potions to restore their bodies.But in the battle, the ghost of the night would not give the dragon descendant a chance at all.

After a while, the battle came to an end, which naturally ended with the victory of the night ghost.

After staring, Qiao Yu withdrew his gaze.

"During the day, other people are looking around and avoiding many dangerous places. At night, it is really difficult to avoid the ghost of the night." Qiao Yu thought to himself.


After taking a deep breath, Qiao Yu continued to immerse himself in practice.

On the second day, in the early morning, the morning sun slowly spread down.

Let this cold holy source treasure house have a trace of warmth.At the same time, the night ghosts that appeared at night had already dispersed when the morning light appeared.

"The Greer Laboratory is not far from me." Looking at the distance from the icon on the map, Qiao Yu secretly said, "You can dare to arrive around noon."

Greer Laboratory.

This is the purpose of Qiao Yu coming here this time.

After all, there are unusually important items in it.

Under the leadership of Xiao Zilong, Qiao Yu quickly moved towards Greer's laboratory.

Near noon, after Qiao Yu crossed a rather dense stone forest of crushed stones and vines.A huge floating island appeared in front of Qiao Yu's eyes.

"Greer's Laboratory is not an ordinary place. It is a place with extremely strong special permissions. It requires several special permissions to open. Therefore, ordinary people will not enter here at all. Although there are few people who come here, But there are very powerful creatures guarding here."

Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart. "I have to be careful."

With a gesture, blood-eyed bats appeared in Qiao Yu's palm one after another.

Soon, a large group of blood-eyed bats flew towards the giant floating island,

"The blood-eyed bat is very useful, but it's a pity that it's not very concealable, especially at the S-level level. When I check other people, they can clearly see me, so let's see if I can find some transformation skills. The scroll didn't make my blood-eyed bat's skills stronger." Qiao Yu thought to himself.

While Qiao Yu was thinking, the blood-eyed bat had already flown to the edge of the huge floating island.

"There are so many demon Yashas." After seeing it, Qiao Yu couldn't help being slightly surprised.

At this time, in the central area of ​​this huge floating island, there is a device similar to an elevator door.Qiao Yu knew that there was the entrance to Greer's laboratory.It needs extremely high authority to be able to open it, and at the same time, it is one of the purposes of Qiao Yu's coming here this time.

And around the entrance, there are more than a dozen three-meter-tall monsters with wings on their backs and holding golden war forks in their hands.

"The weakest of these demonic yakshas are all S-level, and the three most powerful are all SS-level. I can't deal with so many demonic yakshas alone." Qiao Yu, who was hiding, thought secretly in his heart.

"This devil Yasha must be killed before I can go in safely."

"If you kill them all at once, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. However, if you spend more time and slowly attract them, you can give it a try."

After a little thought, a rough plan slowly formed in Qiao Yu's mind.

A moment later, a group of more than 50 blood-eyed bats flew near the entrance of Greer's laboratory.

In this holy source treasure house, there are also many creatures, small biological life forms similar to bats. Therefore, when this group of blood-eyed bats appeared here, these demonic Yakshas did not pay too much attention.

"Hiss..." Suddenly, a group of blood-eyed bats attacked a demon Yaksha at the same time.


The demon Yaksha roared, and the billowing air wave shook.

After all, it was an S-level creature that roared, and the group of blood-eyed bats that were closer were killed at the same time.

The rest of the blood-eyed bats immediately turned around and fled.

The attacked demonic Yaksha creature didn't intend to let these little guys attack him. Immediately, the demonic Yaksha creature chased these blood-eyed bats crazily.

Although the speed of the blood-eyed bat is fast, it is naturally much slower than the S-level demon Yasha. Fortunately, there are a large number of these blood-eyed bats, and as these blood-eyed bats continue to advance, more blood-eyed bats join in one after another Come in.Therefore, instead of decreasing, the team of blood-eyed bats continued to increase as they moved forward.

Demon Yaksha creatures with low IQ are similar to those night ghosts. They often act according to instinct.When others attack them, they will naturally fight back.

Just like that, soon, this demon Yaksha was brought into the depths of this dark and dense floating stone forest.


With a roar, the demon Yaksha struck down with an angry fork.

The attack power of this fork is extremely strong, the air wave of more than 20 meters pierced through, and with a sound of "Peng", a huge suspended stone seven meters in size exploded, and the blood-eyed bat also died tragically under the attack of this move. Down.


At this moment, a blade carrying the "Profound Trajectory" crushed it.

The blade came so fast that the demon Yasha couldn't avoid it.

At the beginning of the SS class, sneak attack on the beginning of the S class.It's simply a matter of crushing.


The head of the demon Yasha was directly cut off by Qiao Yu, and then the blade burst out perfectly, and the next moment, the heart of the demon Yasha was cut to pieces.

At this point, the demon Yaksha died.

After the death of this S-level demonic Yasha creature, nothing exploded, only a large amount of energy was left behind.

Faced with such a large amount of energy, Qiao Yu certainly would not let it go.Sitting cross-legged in the air, Qiao Yu began to quickly absorb these energies.As Qiao Yu's strength became stronger and stronger, the absorption of these energies became faster and faster.

A few minutes later, Qiao Yu had absorbed all the energy.

Turning his eyes away from the Hundred True Spirit Blades, Qiao Yu shook his head slightly.The burst of SS-level power really had some negative damage effects on Baipi True Spirit Blade.

"Continue." Qiao Yu secretly said.

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to continue to attract and hunt the demon Yaksha.

(End of this chapter)

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