Calamity Frontier

Chapter 313 Laboratory

Chapter 313 Laboratory

"There are three more demonic Yashas, ​​and these three demonic Yashas are all SS-level. But it is impossible to tell whether they are the early, middle, or late stage of SS-level."

Whether it is the early, middle or late stages of the SS class, the aura displayed is SS class, and it is difficult for Qiao Yu to judge.

"These three SS ranks, no matter how you say it, are not easy to mess with. I am only at the beginning of the SS rank when I go all out. If any of them come, I will not be easy to deal with."

"Besides." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu glanced sideways at his silver equipment.

Now, the silver equipment has been somewhat damaged, even the blade has been curled a lot, and the attributes have been damaged by more than ten points.

"You can use these silver equipment to kill some S-level creatures. But if you want to kill this SS-level master, I'm afraid it's not enough to use this silver equipment. Maybe you can fight this SS-level creature. If you hit it, the Hundred True Spirit Blade will be completely destroyed."

"It seems..." Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart. "It's still wise to lure these guys out of here."

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to summon the blood-eyed bat.

Three SS-level demon Yashas are constantly wandering in this area.

Although their IQs are not high, they have had a mission since their birth, and that is to guard that door.

Although they don't know what's behind that door, this doesn't prevent them from guarding here.


About 50 blood-eyed bats came flying rapidly, and the leader of the blood-eyed bat launched a suicide attack on a demon Yaksha.

Although this offensive mode has appeared more than a dozen times before, every attack can be effective.

The reactions of these demonic Yakshas with low IQs were almost exactly the same.

After that demon Yaksha slapped the leading blood-eyed bat to death with a slap, he began to hunt down the group of blood-eyed bats.

With the escape of the blood-eyed bat, this demon Yaksha quickly chased into the distance.

Then, another group of blood-eyed bats came.

Soon, the second demon Yaksha was also attracted away.

Then there is the last demon Yaksha.

After a while.This demon Yasha lived up to Qiao Yu's expectations, and successfully left with the group of blood-eyed bats.

As soon as the three demon Yaksha left, Qiao Yu's figure suddenly flew towards the entrance of Greer's laboratory like a missile.

The entrance to Greer's laboratory is like an elevator entrance exposed to the surface.

Arriving at the entrance of the Greer Laboratory, Qiao Yu flipped his hands, and a white bank card-sized white card appeared in Qiao Yu's hand.

The reason why no one came to the Greer Laboratory was because no one could open it.

"Open." Paste the white card on the off-white metal door.Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, the white card gradually disappeared.

"Huh..." Seeing this, Qiao Yu let out a long breath.

The reason why Qiao Yu was able to open the door of Greer's laboratory was because of the white card.And the white card was given to Qiao Yu by Lie.

After a while, the elevator passage door of Greer Laboratory slowly opened.Qiao Yu stepped into it lightly.

After the elevator door closed, Qiao Yu felt that the elevator began to gradually accelerate and sink. After 30 seconds, the elevator stopped.Then the elevator doors opened.

The elevator door opened, and Qiao Yu carefully walked out with the Hundred Pi True Spirit Blade in his hand.

The eye-catching Greer Laboratory is a very huge underground experimental space.

The entire laboratory is brightly lit.

In the long corridor, on the white experimental table are various test tubes, beakers, catheters, spiral drainage tubes and so on.

However, the huge Greer laboratory was empty.

This huge laboratory is quiet, very quiet.It was eerily quiet.

"Greer's Laboratory. It's a very mysterious place that was sealed off a long time ago. As far as I know, some kind of 'containment' should have been leaked. Everyone has been emptied. But don't worry, You are a Calamity Warrior, not the home of the laboratory. You will not clean it up, but you have to be careful, after all, the 'containment' leaked, it is not a small matter."


Greer's laboratory was originally a laboratory with many precious items, but after the 'containment' leaked incident, it became extraordinary here.

"I have to be careful with some kind of containment that has been emptied of living organisms." Qiao Yu secretly said.

Qiao Yu doesn't know much about the contained objects, but there are not many.At least know much more than the average person.

"Containment!" is an object or individual living thing that is not within the rules.

Because, the contained objects, they themselves are a kind of embodiment of rules.They usually cause various supernatural phenomena or events.

Therefore, even Qiao Yu still needs to be careful.

"Go!" With a thought, Qiao Yu started his search based on the information Lie gave him.

Proceeding cautiously.

Qiao Yu's steps were silent.

First, Qiao Yu passed through the corridor laboratory, and then entered a corridor with murals on both sides.Finally, Qiao Yu came to a red metal door.

During the whole process of moving forward, Qiao Yu never looked back once.

After hesitating for a while in front of the red metal door, Qiao Yu opened the red metal door.

Walking into the room, Qiao Yu didn't move too much.

It wasn't until the red metal door was closed that Qiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.But when Qiao Yu breathed out, Qiao Yu didn't hear the flow of his breath.

"Is it really some kind of containment that distorts the rules of this space? Is it the lack of sound transmission factors, or the interruption of the sound transmission mode, or is it the lack of sound in some conventional world?" Qiao Yu secretly think.


At this moment, in the center of the room, there was a whistling sound of electric current.This kind of sound is like the sound of the black and white TV signal when the signal is messy.

"There is still sound. Could it be that because I am not a part of this place, I do not have the conditions for sound transmission? It is really exclusive." Qiao Yu didn't delve too deeply into this point, but looked at the direction from which the sound came.

At this time, the TV, the red casing, the red frame, the red antenna, and even the LG similar to the X are all red.

"Find a red door first, and then find a red TV, maybe you can find out what happened there." This is what Lie said to Qiao Yu.

"Red TV." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over.


After a few seconds, the sizzling noise gradually faded away, and at the same time, the snowflake-like messy spots on the red TV screen gradually faded, and a picture gradually emerged.

What is shown in the screen is an elevator entrance.

"The elevator entrance." Looking at the elevator entrance, Qiao Yu had an ominous premonition.

The elevator door opened slowly, and a person came out of it, and this person was—Qiao Yu.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that when Qiao Yu came out and stood at the elevator entrance for a while, on one side, there was a black figure. This black figure could not see any faces clearly. Seeing the blurry darkness, this black figure quietly walked over and climbed onto Qiao Yu's back, clasped Qiao Yu's neck with both hands, and wrapped his legs around Qiao Yu's waist.And this black shadow, after Qiao Yu's back climbed on the TV, suddenly looked towards Qiao Yu who was watching TV at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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