Calamity Frontier

Chapter 314 The Shadow

Chapter 314 The Shadow
If other people saw this weird scene, they would probably be terrified.

Inside this peculiar containment leaking sealed space.I also saw a black shadow climbing up my back, which was extraordinarily horrifying no matter how I looked at it.

However, Qiao Yu at this time.But he smiled, and the smile was extraordinarily happy.

"This... is really interesting." Qiao Yu looked at himself in the TV with a smile on his face, without any so-called fear.

Qiao Yu will be careful, prudent, and serious, but he will not be frightened.

The picture on the red TV continued. Qiao Yu walked through the corridor of the laboratory, walked through the corridor with murals, and then came to the red metal door.During the whole process, that black shadow has been lying on his back, showing no tendency to come down.

And not only that, Qiao Yu also noticed that the black shadow's arms were tightly strangling his neck, tightening constantly, as if to suffocate himself.

"Hmm!" Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.Immediately Qiao Yu touched his neck.Impressively felt a slight pain emerging, and at the same time there was a slight sense of suffocation.If it continues for a long time, I'm afraid Qiao Yu's entire neck will be killed by this unknown leaked containment.

"Has this unknown shadow containment infected me?" Qiao Yu said lightly.

"This leaked containment seems to be killing me in this supernatural form. It seems that we have to speed up."

Qiao Yu knew very well that the easiest way to deal with that kind of leaked containment was to leave the area.Although sometimes it is impossible to get out of the infection, but for now, it is one of the best ways to quickly complete the task and get out of here.

Now that he has learned that the contents here have been leaked, Qiao Yu doesn't need to worry too much.

Quickly opening the red metal door, Qiao Yu began to act quickly according to the many information given by Lie.Now Qiao Yu is racing against time.

With a light touch on his feet, Qiao Yu galloped along the passage like a gust of wind.A vertical crossing, the 50-meter channel has already been crossed.

After more than ten seconds, Qiao Yu had already passed through the long passage with eight turns.

When passing by a passage with glass, Qiao Yu turned his eyes slightly. In the glass, Qiao Yu saw the biological form of the unknown containment object lying on his back.That guy seems to be bigger than before.

"This containment will also absorb my strength." With a slight glance at Qiao Yu, he roughly understood the reason why his physical strength was exhausted so fast while he was running.

After staying in front of the mirror for a while, Qiao Yu came to a door.

This door is a door that opens both inside and outside.Doors have the solid property of being indestructible.

The solid attribute that cannot be destroyed, not to mention Qiao Yu's burst of SS-level power, even a master of the supreme level, cannot be destroyed.

Qiao Yu flipped his hand, and Qiao Yu took out the same white card.

"Open." Qiao Yu pasted the card on the door and said slowly.

"Ka Ka Ka..." A moment later, the sound of gears rotating and colliding sounded.

As soon as the door was opened, Qiao Yu saw the central area inside the room with just one glance.Many "six-color Rubik's Cubes" are floating here.

The six-phase Rubik's Cube here is the purpose of Qiao Yu's trip here.

Through the six-phase Rubik's Cube here, it can be roughly inferred that many staff members in this Greer Laboratory conducted research on the Six-Phase Rubik's Cube a long time ago.

After all, the six-phase Rubik's Cube has the unique rule characteristics of not being damaged, not being moved, and not being collected. These rule characteristics are simply above all rules.

Naturally, the Nagril Laboratory will conduct all-round research on it.

However, it seems that these six-color Rubik's Cubes are still floating here. It seems that Greer's laboratory has not researched anything.

There are eight hexaphase color Rubik's cubes in total.Qiao Yu naturally put all of it into the package quickly.

After collecting all the six-color Rubik's Cubes, Qiao Yu felt that the throat tube of his neck had been completely suppressed by the unknown power of the memetic creature, and even breathing was extremely difficult. In a matter of minutes, his own neck will be crushed by this leaked containment.At that time, if his body was separated, he would surely die.

After collecting the six-phase color Rubik's Cube here.Qiao Yu immediately rushed to the next area without stopping.

There are not many white cards that Lie gave Qiao Yu. Once Qiao Yu goes out, he will never enter Greer's laboratory again.Therefore, Qiao Yu wants to take away all the things that can be taken here at once.Time is racing against time, and Qiao Yu can't allow too much time to stay.

While running fast, Qiao Yu came to a test area full of glass curtain walls.

"There should be a six-phase Rubik's Cube here. But the area here is too large. If I have enough time, there is no problem. But now I don't have much time, so I can't waste time here."

Take a quick walk through this glass-walled testing area.Qiao Yu galloped towards the side area.

In two seconds, Qiao Yu passed through the passage.

After opening a dark golden door, Qiao Yu saw a total of four Rubik's Cubes of six phase colors floating here.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu's arms bounced as fast as lightning and put these six-color Rubik's Cubes into his package.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu hurried to the next area.

If there is enough time, Qiao Yu can rush to the next and farther area, where there are also five or six six-color Rubik's Cubes.But time is not enough, Qiao Yu can only abandon the things there.

Follow the interior patio access.Qiao Yu came to an extremely precious storage room.

This storage room is where Greer's laboratory stores many treasures.

If other places were established for the study of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, then this place was established for you to store those high-quality equipment and props.

As soon as he opened the storage room, Qiao Yu felt a slight sweetness in his mouth, and immediately a bloody smell filled the rest of his mouth and nose.

Opening his mouth slightly, a large amount of blood flowed out from Qiao Yu's nose and mouth. At this time, Qiao Yuran's neck was slightly deformed by the containment, and his throat tube was completely crushed.

For this situation, healing items and skills are useless, and Qiao Yu didn't waste time struggling.Anyway, Qiao Yu is not a problem even if he can't breathe for an hour.

Flying into the storage room, Qiao Yu directly took the three treasure boxes containing the treasures into his package.

Then Qiao Yu started running towards the elevator to escape.

Facing this containment, don't talk about Qiao Yu.Even a master of the supreme level must avoid three points.

(End of this chapter)

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