Calamity Frontier

Chapter 315 Harvest

Chapter 315 Harvest
While running, Qiao Yu advanced rapidly.

At this time, the blood in Qiao Yu's mouth and nose continued to drip as Qiao Yu moved forward. Along the way, the blood dripped.

"Almost there" Qiao Yu, who felt his neck was about to break, ran across a corner and still saw the elevator not far away.


One flew forward, and Qiao Yu rushed to the elevator, and then pressed the switch of the elevator.

Immediately the elevator doors opened.

"Pfft..." As soon as he walked into the elevator, Qiao Yu spewed out a mouthful of blood.

clack clack...

Qiao Yu felt that his neck had been slightly twisted.

As the elevator gradually ascended, death was constantly approaching Qiao Yu.

After more than 30 seconds,

clack clack...

Qiao Yu felt that his neck bones were completely broken.

At this moment, the elevator door slammed open.

At this time, the three SS-level demon Yakshas had returned, standing guard in front of the elevator entrance of Greer Laboratory.

The moment the elevator door opened, the three Yasha demons were visibly taken aback.They didn't expect that Greer's laboratory, which had been guarding for such a long time and had never made any abnormal movements, would open the door.

Take the moment when the three demon Yaksha guards outside Greer's laboratory are in a daze.

Qiao Yu directly expended a huge amount of energy to use the jumping skills of the jumping boots.

In an instant, 80.00% of the remaining energy in Qiao Yu's body was withdrawn.But this also directly made Qiao Yu jump more than 2000 meters away.

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Zilong had already appeared beside Qiao Yu.

"Go." Qiao Yu directly connected to Xiao Zilong with his soul.

Although the little Zilong who came out couldn't figure out what was going on, he always followed Qiao Yu's orders firmly.

The instant propulsion power was fully released by Xiao Zilong.

Taking Qiao Yu's little Zilong towards one direction, they flew away rapidly.

A few seconds later, the roar slowly swept over.Apparently the three demonic Yaksha creatures found Qiao Yu's trail and followed him.

After using a powerful recovery item, Qiao Yu immediately felt that his broken bones were being fused and recovered step by step.

Sure enough, the effect of the leaked containment disappeared as soon as the Greer laboratory area was left.Qiao Yu's neck injury began to recover gradually.

"Fortunately, it disappeared, otherwise, it would be really troublesome." Qiao Yu secretly said. "Nagrell Laboratory is really a dangerous place."

"Go to the depths of the floating stone forest. Try to get rid of the three guys behind." Seeing the three demonic Yaksha creatures approaching gradually, Qiao Yu directly ordered.

Xiao Zilong, who was flying along the edge of the floating stone forest, heard Qiao Yu's order, and immediately shook his wings, followed a small-scale passage on the side, and directly sank into the floating vine stone forest.


After ten minutes.

In a suspended stone forest, Qiao Yu was suspended cross-legged on a small floating island.

At this time, Qiao Yu's injury has fully recovered, and the three demon Yaksha creatures chasing Qiao Yu have already been thrown away.

"Huh..." Qiao Yu let out a long breath, and Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, smiled lightly.

"I got 12 yuan six-color Rubik's Cube in Greer's laboratory. It's still not worth it. But..."

Said Qiao Yu smiled. "The better rewards are the three golden treasure chests."

The three treasure chests that Qiao Yu took out from the storage are all golden treasure chests.After all, the things that can be put into the storage are not ordinary things.

"Golden treasure chest."

Thinking of the golden treasure chest and thinking of Qiao Yu, he felt a burst of excitement.

After all, this golden treasure chest is a good thing that can be opened to the level of gold.

"Let's open it!"

Qiao Yu slowly opened the first golden treasure chest.

Accompanied by a burst of golden light, a curved metal wing appeared in front of Qiao Yu's eyes.

Props: Curvature Wings

Grade: Grade [-]

Introduction: Extremely rare curvature wings.

Effect: Capable of gravity isolation and curvature acceleration.

"Eight-level curvature metal wings. This..." Qiao Yu smiled faintly. "Needless to say, it must belong to that little Zilong."

With a wave, Xiao Zilong appeared beside Qiao Yu.

"Curvature wings, wow, this is a treasure! And it's an eighth-level good thing, it's a perfect match for me." Xiao Zilong laughed loudly.

Immediately, Xiao Zilong directly equipped the curved wings.Immediately, a force field of curvature emerged from Xiao Zilong's original orange-striped wings.

Curvature acceleration is a force field acceleration that works really well.More importantly, it can isolate the gravitational field.

Equipped with curved wings, the little Zilong's wings shook, and flew out directly, and then began to fly unscrupulously. With the curved wings, the speed of the little Zilong increased by at least 50.00%.

Then Qiao Yu opened the second treasure chest.

Props: Origin Core Divine Crystal

Grade: tenth grade

Introduction: The power sealed up after the fall of an S-level powerhouse.

Effect: Being able to master S-level power can stimulate the state of the energy body, thereby obtaining the full power of the S-level powerhouse.

"This is the full power of a perfect S-level master." Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly after seeing the source core god crystal.

This source core god crystal contains an S-level essence power.And it's all sealed up.After using it, you can obtain the full power of an S-rank strongman.That is to say, once Qiao Yu stepped into the S-level, after using this thing, his power would be doubled directly, and he would directly become a late-S-level existence.

"Excellent treasure, this increases the basic strength. For me, it is really great. After all, my foundation is still relatively weak." Qiao Yu is very satisfied with this source core god crystal.

Then, it was Qiao Yu's last treasure chest.

The last treasure chest is opened.What appeared was a sword, a golden sword.

"Battle knife! A gold-level sword."

Looking at this saber, Qiao Yu's face was filled with an unprecedented look of excitement. Qiao Yu was even happier than getting the source core god crystal.

Weapon: Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade (Ghost)
Level: Gold Level [-]

Introduction: A ghost blade born in darkness and gloom, it is the nemesis of ghosts.

Effect 100 (ghost): Attack speed +[-]%.

Effect 250 (ghost): Attack power +[-]%.

Effect 120 (fangs): sharpness +[-]
Effect 120 (Breakdown): Penetration +[-]
Effect [-] (ghost head breaking): Ignore the spirit characteristics of all ghosts and spirits, and cause triple damage to them.

A mighty, almost terrifying piece of golden equipment.

After staring at it for a while, Qiao Yu commented on the disease Golden Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade.

Qiao Yu's reaction ability is already very fast. After all, Qiao Yu's previous reaction ability has been strengthened by many pills. At the same time, Qiao Yu's control over the physical body is also in a perfect state of subtlety.Super fast response is not a problem at all.

This 100% attack speed bonus may not be able to control such a fast knife speed, but for Qiao Yu, there is no problem at all.This Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade itself has (ghost) attributes, and its speed is absolutely extremely fast.I believe that in Qiao Yu's hands, it is three or four times faster than the Hundred True Spirit Blade.

Attack power, sharpness, and armor-piercing, needless to say, the higher the attribute, the stronger the attack ability.

Then there is this more distinctive attribute.

"Ignore the spirit characteristics of all ghosts and spirits, and cause triple damage to them." Qiao Yu pondered slightly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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