Calamity Frontier

Chapter 318 Open

Chapter 318 Open

As soon as Qingjian appeared, many eyes immediately fell on that Qingjian.

At this time, the Qingjian sword waved, and the azure blue sword energy surged.

The whole world is filled with its azure blue sword light curtain.

This sword light is actually magnificent, sharp and majestic, with a faint aura of stirring up the universe.

"The power of the sword qi is not weak. The way of the sword that Deng Ping walks is the way of sword intent. The strong sword intent contains the sword intent, which can make the sword qi invincible. But this guy's sword qi, and this guy It is to completely urge all the power of energy. The power of the S-level is in his hands, and the power of the mid-level and even the late-stage of the S-level directly explodes, which is amazing."

Qiao Yu could feel that Qingjian's strength was at the middle stage of SS class, or at the late stage of SS class, which was stronger than his own.

"I heard that this Qingjian is from Tianzelongdian, and his strength is extraordinary. Along the way, I also killed many people from Tiantianzelongdian. The guy will definitely chase me to death. Although I am not afraid of him, it is better to fight less at this time." Qiao Yu secretly said.

Immediately, Qiao Yu found a rather hidden corner, sat cross-legged and waited. Qiao Yu knew that in the past two days, the Yelan Conferred God Tower in front of him was about to open.Explain that everyone will enter it, and then look for the ghost spirit.

Of course Qiao Yu also wanted to get the ghost spirit.Naturally, Qiao Yu needs to wait here, waiting for the opening of the Yelan Conferred God Tower.

Qiao Yu, who sits cross-legged quietly, is doing cross-legged sitting, while in-depth and subtle manipulation honing the deeper manipulation of his physical body, and at the same time comprehending the "Profound Trajectory" along the state of cell arming.

Now, the golden cells armed with Qiao Yu's cells have already occupied 90.00% of the second level of Qiao Yu's entire body.It is not far away from the advanced life form of real cellular armed perfect form.

At the same time, through this life form that is close to cell-armed, Qiao Yu can begin to gradually understand the "Profound Trajectory".

You must know that the "Profound Trajectory" is natural and can make Qiao Yu's attack power to a higher level.This "Profound Truth Trajectory" is based on the "detailed" state of the physical body.

Now that Qiao Yu has gotten into the details, it is natural to start to have an in-depth understanding of the trajectory of the mysteries.

In harmony with the surrounding world, Qiao Yu vaguely felt that in this world, the flowing air, the energy slightly bloomed by everyone, and various free natural energies in the world, etc. were all surging according to incomparably mysterious trajectories.

This surging trajectory is so mysterious. Only after Qiao Yu stepped into the subtle realm and at the same time kept his body in a cell-armed advanced life form, could Qiao Yu be able to feel this mysterious trajectory so clearly.

With continuous in-depth comprehension, Qiao Yu's comprehension of the trajectory of this profound meaning is very fast, relying on entering the subtle realm and advanced life forms.

Before I knew it, several days had passed.

On this day, Qiao Yu was in the midst of comprehension, and his understanding of the trajectories of those profound meanings became deeper and deeper.

For a moment, Qiao Yu opened his eyes slightly.Then Qiao Yu looked at Yelan Fengshen Pagoda.

"It seems..." Qiao Yu murmured, "It's about to open."

At this time, the Yelan Conferred God Tower was completely silent, without any abnormal surge of energy.

But at a deeper level, Qiao Yu felt the extraordinary agitation of the trajectory of the profound meaning of the day.

Obviously, something big is going to happen.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the energy fluctuations around the Yelan God Conferred Pagoda agitated slightly.

This time, many masters around Yelan Fengshen Pagoda felt it.They all opened their eyes and looked at the Yelan Fengshen Pagoda.

wow wow wow-

At a gate nearer to the bottom of the Yelan Fengshen Pagoda, a black streamer emerged.At the same time, the door that was ten feet high and three feet wide opened slowly.

"Let's go!" Seeing the door open, many masters rushed towards the opened door.

After a while, hundreds of masters surrounded the opened gate two or three hundred meters away.

At the forefront of the team, there are undoubtedly those S-level masters, or teams with S-level masters.

There are quite a few S-level masters here, there are more than ten of them.

Then there are some great teams.After all, these teams are more deterrent than a single person.

After that, there are those scattered individuals, and Qiao Yu is on this list.

Qiao Yu, who was hiding in the crowd, wore an ordinary mask, so others would naturally be unable to tell Qiao Yu's true identity.



hoo hoo...


Accompanied by the emergence of black streamers, the roars of many ghosts came out from the gate.This howling sound was heart-piercing, hysterical, and extremely crazy.It was like howling ghosts and howling wolves, which made people feel that it was extremely dangerous.After all, there are a large number of evil spirits in Yelan Fengshen Pagoda.


The blue lightsaber in Qingjian's hand swayed slightly.


With a deep roar, he blatantly took the lead and fell into it.

"Kill." Several of his teammates also roared one after another, and rushed into the Yelan Conferred God Tower together with him.

Rushing to the front, although you have to face many monsters, you will also have the opportunity to get more ghost spirits.Naturally, those masters would not let go of such an opportunity.



Many people in the back frantically followed the people in front and rushed towards the opened Yelan God Conferred Pagoda.

Qiao Yu, holding a saber, quietly followed behind the crowd and quickly submerged into it.

The charging force of more than 100 people was very ferocious, and directly scattered more than 100 S-level, AA-level, and A-level evil spirits surrounding the door.

The many evil ghosts who eat people, drowning ghosts, hanged ghosts, long-tongued ghosts, sprites, frying pans, etc. were washed away, but they did not suffer too much damage, and they were still the same. He came chasing and killing everyone.




"Death to me."

The crowd rushed into the Yelan Conferred God Tower like a bamboo.

As they charged all the way, the crowd did not aim to kill these evil spirits, but to find the ghost spirit, or even a treasure better than the ghost spirit, which was their real purpose.


An AA-level long-tongued ghost came towards Qiao Yu with a neighing sound.

Qiao Yu's Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade slashed down leisurely.


Slashing down with a knife, this AA-level evil spirit was directly annihilated by Qiao Yu without making a sound.




Seeing this, several evil spirits next to him screamed sharply and rushed to kill them.

These evil spirits are all AA and A grades, how can they be Qiao Yu's opponents.

After several knives, these evil spirits died under Qiao Yu's knives.

(End of this chapter)

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