Calamity Frontier

Chapter 319 Shuttle

Chapter 319 Shuttle
After killing these evil spirits.

When Qiao Yu looked around again, he found that many evil spirits, led by those SS-level and S-level evil spirits, were moving forward in the depths of the tower.

There were no evil spirits around here, so Qiao Yu had time to look around.

The interior of Yelan Fengshen Pagoda seems to be no different from ordinary towers. They are all wooden pillars, wooden floors, wooden bookshelves, wooden tables, chairs and benches, as well as many scrolls, glyphs, and wall decorations. Bead curtains, lamps, cabinets, etc.

It's just that everything here is magnified thousands of times.

Although Qiao Yu is floating in the air, the many decorations in these towers are not floating in the air.

"This Yelan Conferred God Tower, when it is opened, the entrance will appear randomly. But the exit can only be at the 'four-compartment attic' at the top of the tower."

"The more you delay, the more evil spirits will gather in the four-compartment attic. It will be more difficult to get out."

"Let's go!" With a straightening of his figure, Qiao Yu also rushed towards the upper wind.

Qiao Yu's speed was extremely fast as he was moving forward.However, compared to other people's rampage, choose the path according to the fate.Qiao Yu went all the way, very selective.

Quickly passing through the entrance of the first floor, Qiao Yu's gaze quickly swept across this floor.

"The red lamp." Qiao Yu smiled slightly when he saw the red lamp.

When entering the Holy Source Treasure House, Lie told Qiao Yu a lot of secret information about the many treasures in the Holy Source Treasure House.

For example, some special areas in Yelan Fengshen Pagoda are very likely to contain treasures.

This red lamp is one of them.

It quickly sank into the red lamp.Qiao Yu looked at the burning candle with a diameter of 20 meters.

After a while, Qiao Yu saw something special inside the burning wick.


With a big wave of Qiao Yu's hand, the wizard's hand grabbed the wick.

When Qiao Yu's wizard hand came out, a "Ghost Spirit" was already in Qiao Yu's hand.

"I got one." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu continued to charge towards the tower above.

Along the way, it is natural that some powerful evil ghost creatures chased and killed Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu did not get entangled with these evil ghost creatures. After all, once entangled, it would take a long time.

After passing through three floors in a row, it has already risen to a height of tens of thousands of meters.

When entering the fourth floor again.

The lively scene in front of him suddenly made Qiao Yu stop.

I see, within this layer.Hundreds of evil spirits are fighting crazily with many warriors.

It stands to reason that everyone shouldn't be able to fight these evil spirits.

But after staring carefully, Qiao Yu laughed.

I saw that the entrance from the fourth floor to the fifth floor was sealed by the power of a giant SSS-level evil spirit "Ghost-faced Frog".

In other words, as long as the ghost-faced man-frog is not killed, everyone will not even think about going out.

That ghost-faced man-frog is SSS-level after all, and it cannot be dealt with by one or two people at all.

Therefore, many people joined forces to kill the evil spirits around them.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu hid himself in a cabinet on the side, and then restrained his breath. Those SS-level and S-level evil spirits were really hard to find.

Qiao Yu just watched everyone team up to kill the many evil spirits.

The crowd fought fiercely with many evil spirits. There were a large number of evil spirits, as many as four hundred, but the number of human beings was also quite a few, one hundred and forty fifty.Moreover, human beings have a lot of equipment and props that can know evil spirits here, so as the battle goes on, those evil spirits gradually tend to collapse.

After a quarter of an hour, there were less than 100 evil spirits left, seeing that human beings were powerful.They couldn't help but collapsed suddenly, and then fled towards many places one after another.

These evil spirits are spiritual creatures. Once they escape, they can directly sink into many surrounding buildings, and everyone has nothing to do with them.

As soon as many evil spirits escaped, everyone looked at the entrance that sealed the entrance to the next floor.

"Everyone." Qingjian said loudly in the crowd.

"This seal is the power of the SSS-level power of the ghost-faced frog. The strength of one or two people can't deal with this ghost-faced frog. I hope you all work together, otherwise, we will all die here this time."

"That's natural."

"Jointly kill that ghost-faced man frog, so that we can get to the next level."



Everyone said in succession.

After a while, everyone had already communicated with each other, and they were going to join forces to deal with that powerful creature, the ghost-faced man-frog.

A blue sword light crashed into the seal.

"Quack quack..."

Accompanied by a deep croaking sound, a ghost-faced man-toad that was as large as a hundred meters jumped out of the seal.

This ghost-faced man frog is not much different from ordinary frogs, except that it has a green face and fangs on its back.And the face of the green-faced and fang-toothed evil spirit was lifelike, and from time to time, it would let out bursts of screams and wails.

Qiao Yu knew very well that the green-faced, fang-toothed ghost on the back of the ghost-faced man frog specialized in devouring evil spirits for a living.

As soon as this ghost-faced frog jumped out, its tongue was as fast as lightning, and it was ejected directly, and an unlucky A-level guy was directly swept away by this tongue.

Before this guy could react, the ghost-masked frog had already swallowed the man in one gulp.

"Quack, quack..." The ghost-faced frog continued to croak.

Everyone felt numb when they saw this scene.After all, this is an SSS-level terror master.Although it is a ghost creature, its IQ is not too high, but it is SSS level after all, and it is so easy to deal with from time to time.


"Brothers, give it to me."

"Rush me."

Many human warriors screamed one after another, and many skills fell towards the evil ghost creature.

Many A-level and S-level masters, they have the strength of S-level and SS-level to join forces to deal with this huge SSS-level evil creature, the ghost-faced man-toad, and the two sides are also in full swing.

Qiao Yu did not participate in the battle of these many people.Stretching out his hand, Qiao Yu used an invisibility prop.

Then Qiao Yu quietly flew out from the shelter.Bypass the central combat area from the side area.Then move towards the seal teleportation array.

"You can fight with peace of mind!" While smiling lightly, Qiao Yu took out a piece of props sent by Sumi.And props, which were exploded by Qiao Yu killing an S-level creature.

This kind of Sumeru prop is specially used to shuttle through various seals.It is just right to pass through the seal at this time.

As soon as the props are used, a Sumeru channel emerges.With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu directly shuttled over.

If the ghost-faced frog was guarding the seal here, Qiao Yu would not be able to shuttle through it, but if the ghost-faced frog was fighting with everyone, Qiao Yu would naturally be able to use this powerful prop to shuttle through the seal.

(End of this chapter)

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