Calamity Frontier

Chapter 321 Snatch

Chapter 321 Snatch
At this time, among the crowd fishing with orange bamboo poles around the bronze tripod, there was one person who was that——Qingjian.

"After the Qingjian broke the seal, he actually brought his people here. It seems that these people have been prepared for a long time. They came here specially for the treasures here."

Qingjian is a member of Tianze Dragon Palace.

Needless to say, these people are all from Zelongdian that day.

Tianze Dragon Palace is one of the major forces in the borderlands.There are many SSS-level masters, and there are many supreme-level masters.

Qiao Yu's began to fly upwards.When he flew directly above the huge bronze tripod, Qiao Yu saw that the group of more than 20 people fishing with special props was a heart.

A heart comparable to that of ordinary cars.

"The heart of the great wild beast, and according to the aura, it seems that this should be a giant lava dragon."

"Elite-level hearts are worth a thousand calamity coins."

"A leader-level heart is worth [-] Calamity Coins. That's what I have."

"At the top is the heart of the lord level, worth [-]."

"The heart of a high lord is worth thirty thousand."

"And the heart of this prehistoric giant beast is a legendary heart, and its value starts from 20 calamity coins. The most expensive ones are 30, or even [-]."

"The heart of this wild giant lava dragon should be worth around 15 to 20 yuan. At this price, even for the supreme level masters, it has a huge effect."

"The most important thing is that this thing is so rare that you can't buy it even if you want to. I didn't expect there to be such a terrible heart here."

Looking at this heart, Qiao Yu's dark heart laughed lowly.

Immediately, Qiao Yu directly used a large persistent invisible prop, and then squatted on one side to guard.

Qiao Yu waited, waiting for these people to catch that heart.

"The heart of the giant lava dragon." Sitting cross-legged fishing, Qingjian looked at the heart of the giant dragon, with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This time, he, Qingjian, led more than 20 people, carrying the heavy responsibility of Tianze Dragon Palace, and came here with the purpose of obtaining the heart of this giant lava dragon by using authorized items.

After all, the legendary heart of the giant lava dragon is a supreme treasure that even the supreme one covets.

Although the main task of his Qingjian this time is to lead the lava dragon heart back.

However, Qingjian has selfishness that no one else knows.

Qingjian wanted to take the heart of the giant lava dragon as his own.

Not bad.

Qingjian's purpose is to get the giant dragon's lava heart, and then he will kill everyone here, and then return to privately swallow the giant dragon's heart.

Being talented, he already has SS-level strength at S-level.

Once he has the heart of this giant lava dragon, he can directly have the terrifying power of SSS level at S level.And it is very possible to be promoted to the supreme level in the future.

In this borderland, strength is the only truth.What is the loyalty and devotion to the organization, power, master, and brother.For Qingjian, that is bullshit.This is the truth only when he grows stronger by himself.

"When the heart of this giant dragon is lifted out, it will be the time of your death." Qing Jian glanced around, with murderous intent surging in his heart.

The heart of the giant lava dragon keeps rising as time goes by. Every minute, the heart of the giant lava dragon rises by as much as ten meters.

However, the huge bronze cauldron was too big, and it took more than ten minutes for the heart of the giant lava dragon to rise up.

Qiao Yu was not in a hurry. Qiao Yu had always had enough patience.

Before I knew it, ten minutes had passed.

Sitting cross-legged on the edge of the huge bronze cauldron, Qingjian looked at the dragon's heart that was gradually rising and had already touched the horizontal top of the bronze tripod, and a trace of strange light surged in Qingjian's eyes.

Once the bronze cauldron emerged, he would snatch the dragon's heart immediately.

Although it is said that the dragon's heart is something that will inevitably explode.It will also explode after being snatched and killed by others.However, holding it in his hand made him really feel at ease.

With the emergence of the dragon heart.A wave of billowing waves bloomed majesticly with willpower and coercion.

This thick breath rolled and swept away.Naturally, it has no effect on Qiao Yu's hidden whereabouts.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the sky, raised his head slightly and looked towards a corner.Qiao Yu was startled for a moment, and then smiled lightly.

"It's coming out."

Looking at the heart of the giant dragon that was beating constantly, the size of a car, and the lava breath of the heat wave was surging, Qingjian felt an indescribable throbbing feeling blooming deep in his heart.

"I didn't expect that I, Qingjian, would have such an opportunity. Once the heart of this giant dragon is in my hands, it may not be impossible to aspire to the supreme master in the future."


Following the appearance of the giant dragon's heart, there was a faint sound of dragon chant, which meandered and circulated endlessly in the hall, circling the beams endlessly.

"Here comes the dragon heart."

With a vertical posture, Qingjian wanted to teleport over there to collect the dragon's heart into his own space.


Suddenly, a green figure emerged leisurely, and shot to the edge of the giant dragon's heart as fast as lightning.

I saw a young girl wearing clothes woven from grass, trees and green leaves, appearing on the edge of the dragon's heart.Its palm was impressively attached to the edge of the dragon's heart.

"How dare you!" Seeing this, Qing Jian roared directly.The long sword in his hand rippled directly.


The girl smiled happily, and a burst of laughter like silver bells came out clearly.

This girl is also an S-rank master.

When the woman smiled crisply, everyone felt slightly in a trance.Even the Qingjian couldn't help but slow down slightly, and the long sword in his hand didn't cut out.

And take advantage of this gap.The girl straightened her figure, and rushed towards the very distant exit.

"I got it." Seeing that the exit was in front of her eyes, the girl smiled like a flower.

"You guys just stay here well!" The girl was about to pass through the portal with a straightening of her figure.

Between You Ran, a knife swept gently.

The blade is bright, and wherever the blade passes, the space is even rippled. What is even more frightening is that this blade contains an extremely mysterious "profound path."

This astonishing slash came out lightly. If there were no accidents, just one slash would be enough to kill this S-level girl with SS-level strength.

"Looking for death." Seeing that someone dared to stop her, the girl was furious.

However, in the face of this sharp knife, she did not dare to resist.

With a thought, a light curtain appeared on her body, and this girl wanted to rush out with Qiao Yu's attack on her shoulders.

"Take it back for me!" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.The blade exploded with all its strength.


When the blade touched the emerald green light curtain on the girl's body.

The girl could only feel the overwhelming force surging towards her.She couldn't help falling backwards.

"Not good!" Seeing that this strike was so fierce and directly swung her back with a knife, the girl's face suddenly changed wildly.

"Hand over the things." At this time, the green ship was chasing after him crazily, roaring in its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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