Calamity Frontier

Chapter 322 Fighting

Chapter 322 Fighting
"Kill her."

Seeing the girl being blocked back, Qing Jian was extremely jealous, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he roared directly.

Immediately there were more than 20 people, and they surrounded the girl.

Seeing that more than 20 people surrounded her, the girl's face suddenly became gloomy like a dark cloud.

His gaze slightly turned away from Qiao Yu who was in the distance, wishing he could swallow Qiao Yu alive.After all, it was Qiao Yu who ruined her escape.Otherwise, she would have gone happily with the dragon heart.

At this time, there are more than 20 people, many of them are AA-level, and they have strength close to S-level.The leader, Qingjian, has SS-level strength, which is much stronger than her. At the same time, there are three S-levels, and these three S-levels are all at the top of the same level.So many people besieged her alone.She, "Cui Niao" from "Magic Wheel Sky Island" has no chance to escape.

"Let's go." A figure shuttled, and Cui Niao went directly through the crowd and looked for the exit in other directions.

Seeing that Cui Niao escaped, Qiao Yu was not worried at all.Because, when waiting earlier, Qiao Yu had already checked the surroundings clearly with bats with blood eyes, and there was only one exit here.

With a flip of his hand, Qiao Yu used a large "Nine-Duan Gate" prop to seal the entrance.

During this time, Qiao Yu killed many S-level creatures of various types, and a lot of good things came out.Since it was needed at this time, Qiao Yu used it without hesitation.

This nine-stage gate is not a powerful seal, it only needs nine S-level attacks to break the seal.But no matter how strong your attack is, it must take nine attacks.With these nine sections of gate here, it is enough to block others for a moment.

Then Qiao Yu began to chase and kill the Qingjian and the others all the way.

While chasing and killing the leader Qingjian, the blue sword light swayed layer by layer, forcing the girl to hide everywhere in a panic.

Although this girl's ability to hide and shuttle is extremely strong, her ability to attack and kill alone is still much weaker than this Qingjian with SS-level mid-term strength. What's more, there are three S-levels around Deng Ping. Teaming up is simply not something they can deal with.

"Death!" With a loud roar, the sword light in Qing Jian's hand burst into bloom.The sword energy of twelve paths and ten feet interweaved into a sword net and strangled towards the girl.

"Damn it." The girl gritted her teeth and used a life-saving tool again.

With the impact of the blue sword light, a green light curtain emerged from Cui Niao's body, blocking the surging sword energy.


The sword energy exploded, and Cui Niao's body couldn't help but suddenly fell backwards.

"It depends on where you go to escape this time." Qingjian and the other three joined forces to chase and kill him.

"Too bad." Cui Niao's face darkened as her eyes flicked around.

At this time, where Cui Niao was, there were walls up, down, left, right, and behind, and the only entrance was blocked by the Qingjian and the other three.

"The three of you hold here, don't let him escape." Qing Jian looked at the girl, and at this moment, his heart was full of murderous intent.

With a jump, Qingjian directly merged with the human sword and turned into an azure blue sword glow.

Seeing the blue warship coming to attack, Cui Niao waved her hand, and the three moon rings flew out leisurely.These three moon rings are like the crescent moon in the sky, a piece of pure white, with moonlight blooming indistinctly.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Cui Niao's three moon rings were directly swung away by Qing Jian's sword.

"My moon ring can only use the third ring. If I can use the fourth ring, it will be enough to counter this Qingjian. If I can use the fifth ring, it is possible to crush this Qingjian. Unfortunately, I can only use the third ring now. , this is a bit bad."

But even so, Cui Niao will not sit still.It directly controls the three-month ring, and comes from fighting with Qingjian.

Qing Jian also Cui Niao and the two were fighting fiercely, and the remaining three S-rank masters naturally watched the battle from the sidelines.

"Do you know this girl?"

"I don't know him, but judging from the weapon she used, he should belong to Moluntian Island."

"When did such a powerful guy appear on Moluntian Island? It is not a concept to be able to have S-level strength at AA level, and SS-level strength at S level. It is necessary to have S-level mid-level at AA, or even The strength of the late stage is the ability to have the strength of the SS level at the S level. This woman is the S level, and she has the initial strength of the SS level. It stands to reason that this woman should not be an unknown person."

"Indeed, I think... be careful." A warlock who had just spoken suddenly roared.But it's too late.

The blade brushed lightly, without making a sound.

The shield warrior with many life-saving skills was cut off with a single knife.

Just cutting off the heads of these S-level masters is not enough to kill them.Putting together the remains of severed limbs, these S-level masters can still come back to life.

The next moment, Qiao Yu's blade curled slightly.

chi chi-

The shield warrior's head was directly smashed into a piece of flesh and blood.This time, it couldn't be revived no matter what.

"Kill him."

"Do it."

The other two S-level masters saw Qiao Yu sneak attack and killed the shield warrior in an instant. After all, they were S-level masters, and their reaction speed was also superb.

However, Qiao Yu, who is in a cell-armed state at this time, is even stronger.


When the blade was rolled, the three-foot-long blade glow directly swept both of them into the range of the blade glow.

"This blade..." Seeing the blade sweeping towards him, the sorcerer's eyes widened.

"This is the trajectory of the profound meaning. This guy can actually master the trajectory of the profound meaning. This is a special attack method that only advanced life forms can understand slightly. This guy can actually understand and master this kind of attack method."

At this time, the blade swept over, and with a flickering skill, the warlock had already left the place.

However, when the warlock just flashed to another position.

The blade swept over in an instant.

Warlock's head was thrown away.

" is it possible." The warlock was immediately stunned.How does the other party know where he teleported and landed? This is unscientific.

The next moment Qiao Yu's blade swept across, the warlock's head was directly smashed to pieces.

With the in-depth understanding of the world and the state of the cell arm, Qiao Yu can clearly feel the position of the other person's teleportation foothold, and then Qiao Yu can just follow the other person's teleportation moment.

For many people, teleportation is a safe point, but Qiao Yu can take advantage of when others think it is safe to follow and fall directly behind the other party, and then kill him again with one blow. This method has to be said to be perfect .

"This..." Seeing Qiao Yu teleport and kill the warlock, the last arcanist among the three was shocked.

"Qingjian, save me." The arcanist said in shock, and at the same time, he rushed towards Qingjian.

At this time, Qingjian was in the midst of a fierce battle with Na Cuiiao, so there was no time to take care of him.

"Want to run?" Seeing that the Arcanist was about to escape, Qiao Yu sneered.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu chased and killed him at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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