Chapter 323
With Qiao Yu's slash, the arcane force field on the S-rank arcanist collapsed.

Immediately after the next strike, the arcanist had already used up all the life-saving items.It finally died with hatred.

During the battle, although Cui Niao was at a disadvantage, she had been observing many battle situations throughout the battlefield.

When he saw the man holding the saber and gnashing his teeth and killed him, and also cleaned up the three S-level masters, he finally gave birth to a little bit of hope.

"My friend, this Qingjian is too powerful. Neither of you and I are its opponents. Why don't we join hands to deal with this Qingjian. After killing him, how can we split the benefits?" Na Cuiyou saw Qiao Yu kill him. After killing everyone around her, she immediately opened her mouth to speak.

After looking at the Qingjian and then at the woman, Qiao Yu was unmoved.

"Hey..." Seeing that Qiao Yu hadn't moved, the Qingjian smiled viciously. "Today is your day of death."

"I'm dead, and you can't survive, do you think he will let you go?" Cui Niao's face was full of despair.

"Can he fight against me with his early SS-level strength?" Qingjian sneered. Before that, Qingjian had also seen it and knew how strong Qiao Yu was.

While speaking, the sword light in Qing Jian's hand rolled over. Under the strangulation of the sword light, Cui Niao was injured in many places all over her body, and she couldn't last long.

"You want to kill me, today you are going to die." Seeing that she couldn't escape no matter what, Cui Niao roared, and immediately a terrifying wave surged in her body.

"She's going to blow herself up."

Seeing this, Qiao Yu and Qingjian both sensed the girl's thoughts.


The scorching air waves like the sun are billowing and blooming.

The Qingjian, which was relatively close to Cui Niao, was swept away by this wave of air.

"Pfft." The affected Qingjian spat out a mouthful of blood.After all, it was an S-level self-detonation, and the attack power was extremely strong. Although his attack ability was at the middle stage of SS-level, his defensive ability was still at S-level, and he was also slightly injured when it was affected.

However, this was nothing, when the green jade exploded, Qing Jian, who was full of joy and wanted to snatch the dragon's heart, felt cold.

Because the dragon's heart was gone, and the man wearing a mask who was only A-level but possessed SS-level strength was standing there. Obviously, the dragon's heart was taken away by this guy.

"Dare to snatch my dragon heart, you must die today." Qing Jian said harshly.

For this guy with SS-level strength, Qing Jian has already guessed who this guy is.

This guy might be that Qiao Yu, but it doesn't matter anymore.Only its death is the most important thing.

"Death!" The mad-faced Qing Jian let out a roar, and waved his sword.

Qiao Yu held the blade in his hand, and his figure moved slightly sideways, while the blade bombarded sideways with a mysterious trajectory.


Qiao Yu's sword glow touched Qingjian's sword glow, and Qiao Yu floated backwards lightly.And Qingjian's attack was useless.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you because your sword glow is so powerful?" Qiao Yu said softly.

The power erupting from the blue sword glow of the Qingjian is indeed extremely strong.However, Qiao Yu also saw that the Qingjian's attack had great flaws.

That is, the Qingjian's attack was too blunt and straightforward.Every ray of sword light is straight.But Deng Ping, who also practiced swordsmanship, did not have this defect.Deng Ping's sword light moves freely, moves and strangles in an instant, and is extremely powerful.

The attack of the blue ship, the sword light charged extremely fast, almost as soon as the sword light made a move, it reached hundreds of meters away in an instant, and went straight to deal with those enemies who were not good at small-scale maneuvering attacks.Naturally, between Qing Jian's sword glow, it can form a large strangling force.

However, in front of Qiao Yu, the rolling sword light went straight, and Qiao Yu could easily rely on his ability to move freely through the gaps in the opponent's sword light.


During the chasing attack, the sword light in Qing Jian's hand bloomed crazily, attacking Qiao Yu desperately.The penetrating sword light twisted and exploded the space in the area where Qiao Yu was located.

However, Qiao Yu still easily shuttled among the sword lights of the Qingjian. If there were times when the sword lights of the Qingjian came strangling in pieces, Qiao Yu could also use the saber to resist sideways. The strangulation of that sword light.After all, Qiao Yu is also at the SS level, only slightly weaker than that Qingjian.

During a series of attacks and kills.Qiao Yu came to the edge of the huge bronze tripod.At this time, inside the giant bronze cauldron, the raging flames were still burning hot.

Qing Jian, who came after him, didn't talk nonsense with Qiao Yu at all, and strangled Qiao Yu directly with a flash of sword light.

Qiao Yu swung his sword suddenly.

The ray of sword light from the Qingjian was directly cut to pieces by Qiao Yu.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Qing Jian's expression changed slightly.

After continuous attacks, Qingjian suddenly realized that the energy in his body was no longer as much as three layers. Although the sword light attack was powerful, the consumption was also extremely huge.At this time, he didn't have much energy, and the power of his sword light was no longer as good as before.

The next moment, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to grab it, and a ray of flame inside the huge bronze cauldron was caught in his hand by a wizard.

"Do you know what kind of fire this is?" Qiao Yu looked at the Qingjian and asked slowly.

"You don't know." Qiao Yu asked himself and answered.

"This flame is the 'flame of life'. I guess you don't understand it well, but I do. But you also know that this flame cannot be touched at all. Once touched, the entire body will be ignited immediately, and it cannot be extinguished at all. .”

"In fact, this flame is very easy to manipulate. As long as you have the ultimate control over your own energy and physical body, you can manipulate this flame without setting yourself on fire."

While speaking, the wizard's hand in Qiao Yu's hand gradually shrank and became the size of a palm, like a glove on his palm.The next moment, Qiao Yu suddenly grabbed Qinglong Guitou Blade with this palm.


In an instant, the entire Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade was on fire.

And Qiao Yu was holding the burning Azure Dragon Ghost Head Blade with both hands, and there was no sign of burning himself in the slightest.

"You know, what will happen if I go down with the knife?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly. "You're going to be set ablaze and burnt to ashes."

Hearing Qiao Yu's words, Qing Jian's face turned slightly pale.

"You are the only one who can touch me?" Qing Jian sneered.Qing Jian, who is extremely strong and fast, has some means to prevent Qiao Yu from touching him.

"No." Qiao Yu said with a light smile. "I just need to tell you that you can't touch this flame."

The next moment, the saber in Qiao Yu's hand was cut off.

Following this slash, a ray of Pangbo's saber aura strangled towards the blue ship. Although this ray of saber aura was not very powerful, it was extremely fast, and on top of this saber aura was burning the life The eclipse flame and the sword light arrived in front of the Qingjian almost instantly.

"Not good." Qing Jian was shocked.The sword glow of its body protection burst into bloom.


Qiao Yu's sword glow touched the sword glow of Qingjian's bodyguard, and it exploded instantly, and the life erosion flame directly ignited the swordlight of Qingjian's bodyguard.


Seeing this, Qing Jian's heart became ruthless.Directly discard this body-protecting sword energy.Suddenly, Qingjian, which had only [-]% of its energy left, only had [-]% of its energy left.

Qing Jian, who had just left, glanced slightly.Seeing seven or eight wisps of sword light sweeping towards him, he was shocked.

"Let's go." With a teleportation skill, the Qingjian directly teleported away from the original place.

However, the blue ship had just landed.With a swipe of the flame knife light, it slashed directly on Qing Jian's back.

The green ship was directly ignited by the flame of life erosion.

"Ah..." The pain of burning life instantly made Qing Jian scream and go crazy.

Tell Qingjian that the flame of life can burn, and let him avoid it. Qiao Yu's purpose is to let him throw a mouse, let him escape, and let him teleport, so that Qiao Yu can cut across the opponent at the moment of teleportation.In this way, the opponent can be directly burned to death.

Obviously Qiao Yu's plan was very successful, and a small trick directly made this Qingjian fall into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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