Calamity Frontier

Chapter 324 Seal

Chapter 324 Seal
His eyes glanced at the giant cauldron that burned the flame of life, and the flames in it.Qiao Yu shook his head slightly, "It's a pity that this flame can't be taken away, and it can only last for a short period of time when it is ignited on the weapon. Otherwise, it is possible to kill those SSS-level masters with some of this flame on your body. "

Amidst the screams, soon, that Qingjian died under the flames of life erosion.

When the Qingjian died, a piece of golden equipment exploded out.

"Blazing Gold Suit." After seeing it, Qiao Yu laughed.

Bracers: Boots of Flame

Level: Gold Level [-]

Introduction: Born as one of the equipment components of the golden suit "raging flames".I believe you will like it very much.

Effect 25 (Defense): Defense +[-]
Effect 100 (speed): speed +[-] meters per second

Effect 50 (Gust): After using it, the speed increases by [-]% and consumes a lot of energy continuously.

Effect [-] (Shuttle): It can consume energy for long-distance flashing, and the energy consumption will double continuously if it is used continuously.

Effect [-] (set): Equipped with this equipment, when killing other creatures that may drop gold equipment, there is a higher probability of dropping other sets of this equipment.

"I got another one. I have gathered three pieces, and if I have three more pieces, I can build a gold suit."

Qiao Yu removed the previous silver equipment "Prancing Boots" and replaced it with the Flaming Boots.

After changing the equipment, Qiao Yu's eyes slowly passed over the burning suit.Then he looked at the thousand-meter-high Golden Dragon Seat in the center of the grand hall.

He flew towards the golden dragon seat, and after a while, Qiao Yu stopped right in front of the golden dragon seat.

"So many." Looking at the golden dragon seat, Qiao Yu's expression throbbed slightly.

At this time, on the Golden Dragon Seat, there are a total of 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes floating here.

That's right, there are only so many six-phase Rubik's Cubes here, as many as 36.

And the position of these 36 six-phase color Rubik's cubes is impressively the mentality of a six-pointed star circle, and the back of these 36 six-phase color Rubik's cubes is the backrest of the golden dragon seat.

A slightly broken black ten-fold seal was clearly engraved there.

"36 six-phase Rubik's cubes, plus a ten-layer seal. There are so many things, what is the seal." Qiao Yu's expression was slightly throbbing.

He looked up and down the 36 six-phase color Rubik's Cubes.After staring for a long time, Qiao Yu first released a few blood-eyed bats, and these blood-eyed bats quickly flew towards the exit portal, where the seal set by Qiao Yu opened first.

Qiao Yu prepared to leave here immediately after taking the Rubik's Cube here.Even if this powerful creature came out, Qiao Yu had already gone far by then.


Qiao Yu took a deep breath.

Immediately, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand, and under careful manipulation, 36 wizard hands stretched out.

These 36 wizard hands completely wrapped the 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes.It only takes Qiao Yu's thought to collect all the 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes into the package.

After a while, after manipulating the blood-eyed bat to open the nine-fold door at the exit, Qiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.


Qiao Yu thought about it.


All the 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes were collected into the package by Qiao Yu.

"Let's go." Once the 36 six-color Rubik's Cubes were taken away, Qiao Yu teleported away from the spot.

Then Qiao Yu burst out at full speed and rushed towards the entrance of the portal.

While advancing, Qiao Yu glanced slightly behind.The ten-fold seal without the blessing of the six-color Rubik's Cube did not move at all.

Qiao Yu will not stay here for so-called strong onlookers.

With one jump, Qiao Yu fell into the portal.

As soon as he passed through the portal, Qiao Yu heard the roars of all kinds of ghosts all over the sky.

Class B, Class A, Class AA, Class S, Class SS.Many kinds of ghosts almost filled Qiao Yu's field of vision at this time. There were seven or eight hundred ghosts here, if not a thousand.It's just too scary.




All kinds of ghosts found Qiao Yu and immediately rushed towards Qiao Yu.

The Qinglong Guitou knife in Qiao Yu's hand swung wildly.

The light of the sword was everywhere, and the ghosts were beheaded to death by Qiao Yu one after another.

"This is the tenth floor, and the exit is there." With a slight glance, Qiao Yu could tell where it was.

"Go." Without the slightest hesitation, Qiao Yu found a gap.With a jumping skill, he jumped directly to the exit.Then he stepped out and left the Yelan Fengshen Pagoda directly.

As soon as he got out of the Yelan God Conferred Pagoda, Qiao Yu stepped on his feet, and the air exploded, and Qiao Yu flew away to the extreme distance.

Qiao Yu, who exploded at full speed at this time, has already surpassed the speed of sound.Incredibly fast.


Suddenly, a slight shock wave rolled and bloomed.

For a moment, the entire Yelan Tower, including the surrounding space within tens of thousands of meters, vibrated slightly.


The earth-shattering buzz continued to surge.

At this time, many people who were in the Yelan Conferred God Tower also experienced this scene for themselves, and they immediately noticed that something seemed wrong.

"This is how the same thing?"

"No, get out of here quickly."

"Come on."

"rush out."

"Brothers, stop chasing me. If you don't leave, you won't be able to get out."

"Hand over the ghost spirit, and I will spare you from dying."

"Damn it, I didn't snatch the ghost essence at all. It was snatched by an invisible assassin."

"If you can't hand it over, you will die too."

At this time, the entire Yelan Conferred God Tower was in chaos.




Over time, one shock after another.Constantly stirring out.

Not only were the many participants in Yelan Fengshen Pagoda panicked, but the ghost creatures were also crying and howling. Obviously, these ghost creatures were also panicked and clueless in the face of this abnormal situation.


At this time, the space is deep.

clack clack...

A huge hand suddenly tore the ten seals.

This hand is so huge that just one finger is a full hundred meters long.

After the ten seals were shattered, the space in that place began to shatter.In an instant, that arm was fully stretched out. It was a huge arm with a length of a thousand meters, and it was covered with thick scales.


A heavy palm slapped down, and the entire hall suddenly shook.


An indescribably terrifying roar roared loudly.The hall in the entire space shook.

With the roar, the whole terrifying creature is about to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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