Calamity Frontier

Chapter 340 Cells

Chapter 340 Cells
A blue light suddenly fell, directly covering Dr. Scalpel.

Doctor Scalpel, who was standing tall, suddenly felt that under the envelope of the blue light, his whole body was suppressed invisible.Her speed suddenly dropped by as much as [-] to [-]%, and she couldn't get out even if she tried to struggle.


At this time, Deng Ping's crazy sword energy came rolling in.


With Deng Ping's roar, the sword energy, as bright as spring and white snow, tore through the sky and strangled.

"Block it." Doctor Scalpel, whose face was pale, roared coquettishly, and swung his left hand abruptly.

That dexterous scalpel turned into a [-]-meter-long dexterous sauryfish and went against the trend, swimming in the air extremely nimbly.

It's just that this three-meter-long swordfish is obviously much weaker than Deng Ping's sword aura that pierces the sky.

A burst of dense staggered impact sounds stirred up.

Dr. Scalpel's saury was directly twisted to pieces under the penetration of Deng Ping's sword energy.

Then the sword energy drove straight in, pointing directly at Dr. Scalpel's face.


With a thought, a burst of golden light permeated Dr. Scalpel's body.

Clang clang clang clang clang...

There was a burst of crashing sound, and all the raging sword energy was blocked by the golden light.

"Invincible awakening skills." Seeing that Dr. Scalpel's golden light blocked his sword attack, Deng Ping thought to himself.

"However..." Then Deng Ping's heart froze slightly, "How did Doctor Scalpel become so weak?"

Deng Ping had also seen Dr. Scalpel make a move before. At that time, Dr. Scalpel broke out with SS-level strength and defeated everyone. Fortunately, the golden crab woke up, otherwise everyone would be chased by Dr. Scalpel kill.

But now, Deng Ping felt that the attack speed of Dr. Scalpel, his own movement speed, and the power of his attack had been greatly weakened, only the S-level mid-term strength, which was slightly inferior to his own.

"This scalpel doctor seems a bit weird, and his strength is much worse than before. We must be more careful to prevent fraud." Hegel said so.

"I know. Then I will attack alone, and you will be on the sidelines."

"it is good."

After a brief exchange, the two have already formulated a battle plan.

Looking at the two S-level masters joining forces, Dr. Scalpel's face was pale and weak, and his breathing was extremely heavy.

The strength of these two people is not weaker than myself. The opponent's sword energy strangled just now, and I used a powerful invincible defensive skill to withstand the opponent's attack. At this time, one against two, Dr. Scalpel faintly Jo felt a haze of death permeating his heart.

"If it wasn't for the damn golden cells rebelling in my body, I would be more than enough to kill you two by myself." Dr. Scalpel gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Huh...huh..." Dr. Scalpel, gasping for breath, thought to himself.

"Damn golden cell, if I die, you can't live alone, you are still devouring my body, if you don't want me to die, then let me hold you first, otherwise, we will all die in here."

Dr. Scalpel, who was still pondering like this, had no expectations at first. After all, the golden cells are just simple cells. They are not living things, they are just cells that rely on the instinct of cells to survive.

However, Dr. Scalpel just finished explaining this in his heart.

Immediately, Dr. Scalpel felt a force gradually grow in his body, and the golden light bloomed slightly.The golden cell seemed to understand his words.

"This..." Clenching her fists, Dr. Scalpel felt a surge of power blooming in her body. This power directly gave her SS-level strength. And the strength is more than enough to deal with two late S-level guys.

"'re going to die for me."

All of a sudden, Dr. Scalpel grinned and blatantly charged.

With a slap of the palm, both Hegel and Deng Ping felt a surge of surging power.

"SS class." Both of them were surprised when they saw this.

The two shot to resist at the same time.

One is the early SS class, and the other is two late SS classes.The strength is almost evenly matched.

The three of them shot at the same time, and suddenly the air billowed, and the surrounding rocks and trees were swept away one after another.

The aftermath of the attack dissipated, the rocks exploded, and the vegetation turned into dust.

The sound aftermath of the attack was even transmitted to extremely distant places.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

After taking a deep breath, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"The power of the holy source has finally been absorbed. When my body's comprehensive quality, soul and genes reach the level of [-], I can almost try to make a breakthrough." Qiao Yu nodded slowly with a smile.

Then, Qiao Yu looked sideways into the distance.

When Dr. Scalpel came out earlier, Qiao Yu felt the traces of Dr. Scalpel and it was just that Qiao Yu didn't care about it in order to absorb the power of the holy source.

Now that the absorption is complete, it will naturally pass.

at this time.

On the battlefield, with the support of golden cells, Dr. Scalpel opened and closed his attacks, and every blow contained the surging momentum of an SS-level powerhouse.With one-on-two, Dr. Scalpel has the upper hand.

"You all have to die for me today." Dr. Scalpel, who had been tortured enough by the golden cells during this period, swept away his previous decadent gestures today, intending to kill the two of them directly.

After all, Dr. Scalpel is a veteran master. At this time, when he started to fight with all his strength, Deng Ping and Hegel gradually lost some points under the joint efforts.

During the battle, Dr. Scalpel felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger, and he became more and more comfortable in manipulating the power of the awakened holy source.

"Haha... let me go with peace of mind!" With a long roar, Dr. Scalpel wanted to kill the two of them in one fell swoop.Immediately, one of his palms slapped down fiercely.


"Get out of the way."

The two who did not dare to confront Dr. Scalpel dodged to the sides.

At this moment, a low-pitched blade sounded lightly, and a black blade faintly pierced through the attacking palm of the scalpel doctor.

"It's you." When he saw clearly the person who broke his palm.The scalpel doctor's expression suddenly darkened.At the same time, a complex color appeared in the depths of the pupils.

Doctor Scalpel clearly remembered that the golden cells in his body came from this man.

"How about it? After the golden cells grow to a certain extent, it will be uncomfortable to eat back at the master." Qiao Yu smiled faintly as he stared at Dr. Scalpel.

After listening to Qiao Yu's words, Dr. Scalpel suddenly became very exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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