Calamity Frontier

Chapter 341 Manipulation

Chapter 341 Manipulation
For the golden cells that have completed their self-transformation, that is, their own boarders that the "cell arms" will backfire.Qiao Yu knows this matter better than anyone else.

After all, when Qiao Yu cultivated the cell arm, Na An naturally thought about this kind of cell where he used his body as a petri dish to cultivate armed cells and then mastered this advanced life form again.

At the beginning, when the cells armed with cells are weak, it is natural that the well-behaved baby obeys the instructions of the boarder.

But when the cell arm grows strong enough, the cell arm will gradually counterattack the host.

At the beginning, Qiao Yu knew that if Dr. Scalpel dared to absorb his own cells to make himself stronger, the end would be to die from the backlash of the cells.

Qiao Yu could clearly perceive that at this time, Dr. Scalpel was completely armed with cells, and he had a great advantage.

"It's all because of you that I became what I am now. Only by killing you can I relieve my hatred." Dr. Scalpel suddenly waved his hand, and a five-meter-long saury emerged, intending to pierce and assassinate.

"Want to kill me?" Qiao Yu sneered in a low voice. "You think too much."

As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Yu squeezed his palm suddenly, and a subtle shock wave swept slightly.

"Ah!" The scalpel doctor suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

"Forgot to tell you, that kind of cell armament is cultivated with my cells, and I have absolute control over them. Although they reproduce in your body, but..." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. With a faint smile, he walked over slowly.

"But..." Qiao Yu said softly, smiling like a devil.

"You have to know that I still have absolute control over them, because you don't know how much work I have put into the ability of cell arming." As he spoke, Qiao Yu's fingertips gently slid across the doctor's scalpel The cheeks that looked like snow-white jade fat, and then squeezed hard.

At this time, Dr. Scalpel fell to the ground, and she almost felt that her body no longer belonged to her, and she was completely paralyzed on the ground.Facing Qiao Yu's ravages, she had no strength to resist at all.

Deng Ping and Hegel on the side looked like they were watching a good show.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, Qiao Yu had already pinched Dr. Scalpel's neck and twisted him up.

With a thought, Dr. Scalpel suddenly felt some armed cells in his body flowing down his neck towards Qiao Yu like water.

"My cell arm is still a little short of cells. With these cells, I can transform my body into a perfect cell arm." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

As for Dr. Qiao Yu, who was holding the scalpel, there was a trace of fear in his panic.

As Qiao Yu gradually extracted the golden cells armed with cells.Dr. Scalpel felt that his physical strength had declined sharply. At the same time, Dr. Scalpel also felt that the number of those golden cells in his body had decreased by about [-]%.

Dr. Scalpel felt a little happy when he noticed this situation, but when he thought that he was in the hands of the other party, despite being controlled by the other party, the slight joy was quickly overwhelmed by this bitter situation.

"However, as long as you don't die, there is a chance to turn things around." That's what I thought.Doctor Scalpel has already restrained his mind.

With the entry of these armed cells, Qiao Yu felt that his cell arms had entered a perfect form.

Throwing it away, Qiao Yu directly threw Dr. Scalpel aside.Then Qiao Yu sat up straight.

Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, directly entered the state of submerged cultivation.

Seeing this, the scalpel doctor just stood aside obediently.

Just like that, Qiao Yu sat cross-legged, and the three of them stood watching from one side, and no one disturbed Qiao Yu.

Time flies, and before you know it, hours still pass away.


A long mouthful of breath spewed out, like horses gathering together but not scattered, piercing through Zhangxu
For a while, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

The three looked at the past at the same time.

At this time, although Qiao Yu didn't look much different from a few hours ago, a perfectly round aura bloomed in Qiao Yu's body.Indistinctly, it fits perfectly with the surrounding world.

Qiao Yu just stood there, a slight charm, coming out through the body, slowly rising, like smoke and mist.

"My cellular armament is finally complete." Qiao Yu squeezed his fist suddenly, he was very happy, but his face was calm.

"Advanced life form." Dr. Scalpel looked at Qiao Yu's aura and was shocked. "It really is an advanced life form."

Looking slightly to the side, Qiao Yu looked at a cluster of grass, an old tree, and the very rushing stream.

Qiao Yu was able to feel the life gurgling in the grass, and he could see the veins of life in the ancient tree. These life surges seemed to pass by time.The game is like the turbulent water, which is born with the trend and cannot be reversed.

"Life flows irreversibly along time and in the direction of a directional vector in space."

"As for the advanced life form, I am..." While thinking, Qiao Yu squeezed his palm suddenly.


The expressions of the three onlookers changed.

They could feel that Qiao Yu just squeezed his palm, but some inexplicable and mysterious changes seemed to have taken place on Qiao Yu's body.

"In this way, my life will not grow old with the passage of time."

"The primary form of eternal life is like this." Feeling the lost time and space around him, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"The current me is only the primary form of eternal life, and there will be this more advanced form later. The dual form of cell arming."

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu slowly looked sideways at Dr. Scalpel.

"I am willing to follow you." Dr. Scalpel was also extremely smart, and she quickly knelt down on one knee.

How could Qiao Yu not know about Dr. Scalpel's idea, pretending to commit himself, but actually seeking to get rid of the cell arms, and even obtain the mastery of the cell arms.

"In the next stage of cell arming, there are many places that need to be tempered by the cells themselves. There are still many points that I don't know very well. This doctor scalpel is a very good guy who can be used for experiments. This guy doesn't Without in-depth control over energy and physical body, and without in-depth perception and manipulation of heaven and earth, even if I told her the method, she would not be able to control the cell armament. It would be good to keep it by my side as an experimental question."

Qiao Yu's palm was slowly attached to Dr. Scalpel's head.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Scalpel felt a large number of golden cells in his body die quickly by themselves.

"This..." Seeing this, Dr. Scalpel was overjoyed.

This armed cell, which was a life and death torment for her, was manipulated by Qiao Yu at will.

"From today onwards, I am your master, and my words are your rules. Do you understand, otherwise I can make life worse than death with just one thought, and even explode your head."

"Yes..." Doctor Scalpel blushed, "My... master."

Between life and dignity, Dr. Scalpel wisely chose the former.

(End of this chapter)

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