Calamity Frontier

Chapter 342 Turmoil

Chapter 342 Turmoil
The Realm of the Beginning Moon is a very common area among more than 80 special areas in the Borderlands.

Every day, in 24 hours, the sun only appears for less than three hours, while the moon of enlightenment exists for as long as 21 hours.

Compared with other areas, this Qiyue domain is obviously a relatively safe area.

But at this time, a small village in the Qiyue Region is facing an unprecedented disaster.

A group of more than 300 "evil beasts", five meters long, with long necks, big mouths full of fangs, and killing for survival, fell from the sky and rushed into this small village of less than 500 people.

Although many practitioners in this small village also resisted these vicious beasts, the number of C-level and D-level practitioners is too small, and those E-level and F-level practitioners are not opponents at all.Ten minutes later, the entire village was already dead or wounded.

And those vicious beasts are crawling in every corner of the village, devouring the corpses of many human beings.

In the Far Lands, the survival of the weak has never been just superficial.Humans hunt and kill all kinds of wild creatures, and the wild creatures try their best to find the gathering places of human beings, break through the defenses, and finally devour the people.

However, this time, this evil beast is not a unique species in the Qiyue Domain. This evil beast is a special species that is sealed in a cave deep underground.And this special species was released by a powerful creature who broke the seal.

Not only the Qiyue domain is like this, but many other areas, many seals, and hidden places have been pierced through the seals, and many terrifying creatures in those seals have emerged one after another.

At this time, on an ancient tree outside this small village.

A group of four people were watching this scene quietly.Indifferent to the actions of those vicious beasts devouring human beings.

"White Bone Realm, Black River Realm, Jinshan Realm and other places, it seems that the strange beast has been there and released many powerful sealed creatures. Now almost the entire border land is in chaos. Those powerful creatures are killing and devouring human beings everywhere, and there is a tendency to wipe out all human beings in one fell swoop."

While watching the actions of those vicious beasts, Hegel said so after reading the information.

"The alien beast eclipsed the sky, releasing the sealed creatures everywhere, and the entire border land was devastated by the fire. Didn't those masters think of joining forces to kill the alien beast eclipsing the sky?"

"The beast Eclipse has been out and wreaking havoc for almost two months, of course."

"Just a few days ago, during the Battle of Hongyue Mountain, the strange beast eclipsed the sky and entered the "two-dimensional water curtain" there to release the "bloody shadow" there.

"More than 30 supreme beings teamed up to set up a seal at the entrance of the cave. As a result, they were smashed by the slap of the strange beast, and 24 supreme beings were killed by that slap. The strange beast eclipsed the sky and killed several of them."

"What is the origin of the strange beast that eclipses the sky, it is so powerful." Deng Ping said with emotion.

"I don't know." Hegel, who has always been extensively involved, shook his head.

"I have heard a little bit about that strange beast eclipsing the sky." Doctor Scalpel beside him said softly.

His eyes slightly turned to Qiao Yu, and seeing that Qiao Yu showed no signs of abnormality, Doctor Scalpel slowly opened his mouth.

During the nearly two months of this journey, Dr. Scalpel naturally inevitably made some small moves.

However, she underestimated Qiao Yu's methods.

Three times in a row, the mental, physical, and even dignity torture was like death.Invisibly, Dr. Scalpel has already developed a little fear of Qiao Yu.

Now she even has to ask Qiao Yu for permission when she speaks.

"It is said in the ancient scroll that in the last era, this alien beast eclipsed the sky, and was the giant beast king in the 'Dark Pangea'."

The Dark Pangea is the predecessor of the entire calamity world and the borderlands, but unfortunately it was broken.That's why there are the current border lands and disaster worlds.

"Even this alien beast, Eclipse, has a lot of contacts with those alien rulers of the former Dark Pangea."

"At the same time, at that time. The 'Creation Group' we know better is one of the rulers of the last era."

The "Creation Group" was one of the rulers of the previous era, and everyone knew this.

"The Alien Beast Eclipse itself is extremely powerful, plus those in power. They cooperate with each other."

"At that time, the whole world was crawling at their feet."

"But later, the group of fighters headed by Lie and several other leaders rose and grew up amidst the oppression, and went through wars such as 'meme disaster', 'Wheel of Time and Space', 'Brood Awakening', 'Rubik's Cube Proliferation', etc. They finally have a strength comparable to those in power." Speaking of this, Doctor Scalpel's tone became much calmer.

"Later, you all know. In the end, the rulers and Lie and the others launched the final 'Battle of the Era'. In that battle, the rulers fell one after another, and the fighters who fought for freedom also died and withered. But In the end, Lie and the others won the final victory."

"That battle, and the whole world after that, were completely shattered. The calamity world, the prototype of the Borderlands was condensed from that battle."

"It turns out that the strange beast has such a big background."

"That's Zi Anran, that strange beast eats the sky, it's not easy to mess with."

"The strange beasts eclipse the sky are not easy to mess with, but we don't need to worry about them, they kill them, and our own strength is the right way." Qiao Yu looked at the many evil creatures in the distance. The scene of beasts killing humans, said calmly.

"Indeed." Hegel nodded slightly.

"Let's go." It's not far from the teleportation array to the Realm of Crying Blood.Hopefully there won't be too many powerful creatures guarding there.Otherwise, I will waste so much time. "

In the past two months, the ones that have blocked everyone's progress the most are the many powerful creatures guarding outside the teleportation array.

These powerful creatures are also very clear and know that those teleportation arrays are shortcuts for human beings to travel between each other, so these powerful creatures have arranged many creatures to guard there. If they come or want to go in, they will They will rush forward and kill all those humans.

Frontier creatures began to counterattack humans.

It can be clearly seen from the matter of guarding the teleportation array.Under the leadership of the strange beast Eclipse, human beings are undergoing a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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