Calamity Frontier

Chapter 343 Collapse

Chapter 343 Collapse
"There are no border creature guards here. It doesn't take a lot of effort this time." In the thorny forest on the edge of the mountain, looking at the teleportation array wrapped in a faint mist, Hegel said lightly.

At this time, there were no creatures around the ten-meter-high, three-meter-wide portal, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Qiao Yu, who was hiding in the dense forest of thorns, glanced around the smoky teleportation array, "Be careful, last time, we were attacked by a teleportation array that looked safe, if I hadn't carried it A blow from an SSS-level powerhouse, we were injured."

Qiao Yu's words made them slightly more cautious.

Nowadays, all kinds of powerful creatures are rampant on the border, even Qiao Yu and others must be careful to be able to

"No matter what, we have to pass through this portal. I will open the way in front later. You should be careful around you to prevent the enemy from attacking you."

"I know." The three of them nodded.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu, who was just about to start, suddenly noticed a slight change in the world.

Immediately, Qiao Yu suppressed his figure.Seeing this, several other people stood still one after another.

Then, Qiao Yu glanced at the mountains not far away from his head.

Now, Qiao Yu's body has completely become an advanced life form. Although he has not yet become an S-level, his basic strength is already at the middle stage of an SS-level.At the same time, Qiao Yu's ability to feel the nature of the world is also terrifying.

Just now, Qiao Yu felt that there seemed to be abnormal spatial fluctuations in the direction of the mountains not far away, and the fluctuations were so violent that ordinary people could not feel them, but Qiao Yu could clearly feel them.

"Is something going to happen there?"

"Boom... boom..."

After a few breaths, the roaring and rolling sound of the clouds above the mountain swept in, and at the same time, the clouds were cloudy and dark.Vaguely, it seems that the sky is about to collapse.


Suddenly, a large piece of soil and rubble in the sky appeared out of thin air and then collapsed in large pieces.

Above the clouds and sky, a large amount of mud and rocks collapsed.This unusual scenery is truly eerie and terrifying.

"This..." Seeing this scene, even Qiao Yu couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"It's the catastrophe world that collapsed." Doctor Scalpel beside him was well-informed and recognized what was going on at a glance.

"Is that the case when I collapsed and entered here?"

"Yes, it's this kind of collapse."

"The Creation Team really didn't give up. They still let those data link creatures continue to collapse one world endlessly. In this way, one day, the calamity world will slowly collapse. Deng Ping whispered.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, in the collapsed space, a ferocious and domineering laughter burst out like the cry of a golden spear.Shake the surrounding world.

"Xuhe, no matter how hard you fight, you still can't beat me, and you still died in the hands of my Tianshou." The voice roared with laughter.

"It's an SSS-level master."

"Xuhe? Tianshou?" Qiao Yu thought about these two names in his heart.

"Takari? Brother Qiao, have you heard of this name?" Deng Ping asked gently.

"I've heard of some, that guy seems to be a very powerful S-rank expert in the Borderlands."

"In the borderlands, there are not many S-class disaster fighters, but the guys who can break through the obstacles of those legion fighters and become S-class fighters, every strength is very terrifying."

"During this period of time, the ladder, the abyss, the mother's nest, the sacred tree, and other major forces have joined forces to deal with the legion fighters. Those legion fighters are tired of dealing with it, while the disaster fighters are taking the opportunity to look for opportunities in each mission world. Or stay in a mission world for a long time before concentrating on cultivation, and then break through to become S-level, SS-level, or even SSS-level.

"The fighters of the three major legions will definitely not sit idly by, and they will also send their masters above S rank to plunder and kill all masters."

"This place collapsed, and it's normal for those disaster fighters to land on this border." Qiao Yu recounted softly.

"I've also heard about the soldiers of the legion, and I know that the ladder, the mother's nest, the sacred tree, and the abyss are all powerful forces. At the same time, there are many masters in our borderlands. There are not many people who can enter the calamity world. But those who can enter are top experts." Hegel on the side said slowly.

"With so many powerful forces, is it true that they can't beat the legion fighters?"

"I don't know." Qiao Yu shook his head slightly.

"However, we will soon be able to fight those legionnaires." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"I really miss the feeling of those legionnaires dying in my hands."

"Of course, Brother Qiao ran away after killing those legionnaires back then. Now, Brother Qiao's strength in this border area has greatly increased. If he breaks through and becomes S-rank, if he breaks through again, I'm afraid it will be impossible for him to go to the frontier." You can easily crush those SSS-level legionnaires."

Listening to the anxious man's conversation, the scalpel doctor was secretly startled.

In the past, all the masters she came into contact with were S-level with S-level strength, and SS-level with SS-level strength.

But for the three monsters in front of them, S-level has SS-level strength, especially Qiao Yu's AA-level has the terrifying strength of SS-level mid-term, if he breaks through, he will be SSS-level.

This level of strength is placed in the entire border area, and those who can stand shoulder to shoulder with it are just talking to a few people.

Staring at the far away Nata Kari who fell on the mountain peak, after thinking for a while, Qiao Yu released his breath slightly.

"Huh?" Takari, who was observing the surroundings on the mountain peak, noticed the aura of a disaster warrior, and his expression changed slightly.

"If my guess is right, it should be the border land of death. I just went to ask that person."

Immediately, his body was vertical, and Takari flew directly towards Qiao Yu's side.

In a short while, Deng Ping had already landed on the edge of the thorny jungle.

Qiao Yu walked out slowly by himself.

"Are you... Qiao Yu?" After staring at Qiao Yu for a moment, Nada Kari recognized Qiao Yu.

"You know me?" Qiao Yu was slightly taken aback.Qiao Yu didn't expect that this SSS-level master from the disaster world would know himself.

"Hahaha...Of course I know you, the 'dangerous species' Qiao Yu among the disaster fighters, who doesn't know anyone." Nada Kari smiled boldly and said heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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