Calamity Frontier

Chapter 350 Red Cry

Chapter 350 Red Cry
The blue-brown stone statue Demon Venerable died.

Under Qiao Yu's continuous attacks, the blue-brown stone demon, whose energy was weakened and whose body collapsed, soon entered the final stage of death.

Even though the cyan-brown stone demon resisted and struggled in various ways, the six-phase color Rubik's Cube would suppress it relentlessly, and did not move at all.You can only let Qiao Yu attack.

After a series of attacks, the green-brown stone statue finally came to the end of its life.

The blue-brown stone statue died, and a lot of things exploded at the same time.

Of course, the most important thing is the red saber.Under the coupling explosion rate, Qiao Yu got his most favorite treasure.

Weapon: Red Cry

Level: Level [-] Dark Gold

Introduction: The supreme treasure condensed by the spirits of ancient giant beasts.

Effect 520 (Breaking Mana): Armor Breaking +[-]
Effect 520 (Sharpness): Sharpness +[-]
Effect 640 (Heavy Mountain): Attack power +[-]%
Effect 400 (Wind): Attack Speed ​​+[-]%
Effect 3 (Frenzy): Every time an attack is attacked, a layer of Frenzy can be gained, up to 3 layers can be accumulated. (Each layer of rage: movement speed +3%, damage reduction 3%, attack speed +[-]%, defense +[-]%.)
Effect 10 (Tear): The damage increases by [-]% each time it is superimposed, up to [-] layers.

Effect Seven (Thunder): Gain the power of thunder.

There is no doubt that the equipment of the eighth level of dark gold is powerful.The comprehensive attribute is simply powerful and terrifying.

"A small artifact!" Deng Ping enviously said after seeing the equipment. "With this equipment, Brother Qiao has hope against SSS-level masters."

"That's right." Hegel was also envious.

"The reaction, speed, attack, and basic power of an SSS-level master are all extremely powerful. I am only AA-level and can use this dark sword to fight against the SSS powerhouse." Qiao Yu shook his head after hearing this. .

"At most, it will increase my attack power to a higher level, and allow me to play a better role in the esoteric trajectory. This thunderbolt with seven effects allows me to master the power of thunder, and allows me to experience the power of nature faster. Mystery, maybe after a while, I can break through without relying on those treasures and achieve S rank."

Qiao Yu knows his own strength better than anyone else.

Although this saber made Qiao Yu stronger, it was barely close to the late stage of SS rank, far from SSS level.

"If you experience the practice carefully, I will soon be able to reach the S-level level. At that time, my strength will improve again." Qiao Yu thought to himself.

At this time, the red weep in Qiao Yu's hand was dark red, glazed and platinum.It looks like a group of hot fire clustered together, it looks very brilliant.

Gently stroking the handle with his fingers, Qiao Yu could feel the extraordinary power contained in the depths of the "Red Weeping" sword. After all, it was dark gold equipment, different from the ten thousand silver and gold equipment.

"The baby at the dark gold level is really extraordinary. Just by touching it, you can feel the connection with my mind. It's really wonderful." Qiao Yu said softly.

"All weapons are in a state of deep sleep when they burst out. If they can be awakened, then this equipment will fit the owner's mind. When using it, the flowing clouds and flowing water are like divine aid. If Brother Qiao Yu can wake up this equipment, I'm afraid The power of this sword will be even higher." Hegel came like this. "It's a pity that there are very few people who can awaken the weapon. Moreover, after the weapon is awakened, it can only be in harmony with the master's mind, but not with other people."

"Is the weapon awakened?" Qiao Yu smiled slightly. "What's so difficult about it?"


Several people were slightly startled, and looked over one after another.After all, among the people everyone knows, there are very few people who can awaken the weapon.

Holding the weapon, Qiao Yu's mind penetrated into it, faintly, between Xu Yunyun, Qiao Yu was already fighting with the sword.

"Wake up!" Qiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and a fierce cold glow burst forth.

Everyone could only feel a fierce breath blooming from Qiao Yu's body.

In an instant, a long cry of war swords came out slowly, and then spread thinly, and then the sound pierced the sky.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly changed color.

"This guy can really wake up the sword." Several people were shocked in their hearts.

"Is there anything else this guy can't do?" After some horror, this thought came to everyone's mind.

After the Red Weeping made a long cry, then the sharp charm that lingered in the sky converged like a long whale absorbing water, and all of them converged on the Red Weeping War Saber.

Qiao Yu squeezed the red weeping sword, and between the rhymes, the human sword was already one.

Everyone is silent.

"It's time for us to leave here. Otherwise, if we wait a little longer, maybe the support of the Stone Demon Lord will come. Let's leave here quickly!" Qiao Yu said slowly after collecting many six-color Rubik's Cubes.

"Let's go!"

"You really need to get out of here."

Immediately, everyone started on the road.

When everyone left here for a day.A huge stone demon statue that is also 700 meters tall came here.

Standing in front of the corpse of the blue-brown stone demon, this "mountain rock demon" stared at it for a long time without saying a word.However, his hands were pinched behind his back, quietly shaking slightly.

Back then, Shan Yan and Qing Brown were trapped in the seal. For countless years, the two of them depended on each other for life, and even more so, in those endless years.The two are even more like brothers.

But now that Qing Brown died, Shan Yan was not too angry in his heart, maybe he had lived for too long, death didn't seem to be an unexpected ending for him.

"Don't worry, none of those murderers can escape." Shan Yan clenched his fists and said fiercely.

"Wow wow..."

Suddenly, a misty brown streamer emerged, and in an instant, the brown streamer condensed into a figure.

This figure is obviously that blue-brown stone statue Demon Venerable.

I saw that the green-brown stone demon statue slowly raised his arm and pointed in a direction, which was the direction where Qiao Yu and others left.

"Okay, I understand. I will hunt and kill those guys to the ends of the earth." Shan Yan said lightly.

The afterimage of the blue-brown stone statue of the Demon Venerable nodded slightly, and then collapsed.

After gazing at the green-brown stone demon for a while, the rock statue moved leisurely and chased after him.

Along the way, Qiao Yu and the others advanced extremely fast.

In other areas, the flames of war have completely ignited, but the blood weeping domain is quite peaceful, but there are still many strong people causing trouble everywhere in the blood weeping domain.

Qiao Yu and the others didn't care about anything else, they just walked all the way to the location of the blood cliff.Naturally, some battles are inevitable on the road, but everyone is already extremely strong now, and when they encounter those scattered S-rank teams, they usually directly crush them.

After seven or eight days in a row, everyone has arrived at the "Blood Cliff" explained by Lie earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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