Calamity Frontier

Chapter 351 Meeting

Chapter 351 Meeting
Deep in the mountains on the northern side of the Crying Blood Region, there is a mountain peak, which is 330 feet high, with a majestic sword edge, presenting nine layers of sword edge cliffs, each rising 370 feet is a layer, a total of nine layers.

From a distance, this mountain looks like a bloody sword piercing the sky.Faintly, the sky is covered with a layer of red tulle.The name of this peak is: Blood Cliff.

At this time, at the foot of the Bloody Cliff, there was a square paved with white marble slabs.Qiao Yu and others are stopping to watch the blood cliff.

"This blood cliff looks really majestic." Qiao Yu said as he watched the blood cliff.

"Of course, this blood cliff is the most dangerous place in the Blood Weeping Domain. It is said that there is a special secret place on the top of the blood cliff. Many sects around this blood cliff were established here for the purpose of that The treasure in the secret realm at the top of the blood cliff." Hegel said so.

"Oh? There are so many sects around this Bloody Cliff." Deng Ping was slightly surprised.

"That's natural. There are quite a few sects on this bloody cliff. Although there are no existences at the level of the East Sacred Bone Hall, Tianze Dragon Hall, and Dark Hall, there are still some sects with supreme level masters. And , the higher you go, the stronger that sect will be, and some of them are extremely powerful masters among the Supreme Beings." Hegel said slowly.

After hearing this, everyone secretly remembered that this Bloody Cliff was no different than other places, and there were so many Supreme Beings. With their strength at this level, they naturally did not dare to act recklessly.

"At the beginning, Senior Lie asked us to come here, but he didn't tell us how to contact him." Deng Ping said helplessly.

"It's not easy." Qiao Yu flipped his hand, and a six-color Rubik's Cube appeared in his hand.

After a while, Qiao Yu had already gathered the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube.

"Is that all right?"

"Then what else do you want?" Qiao Yu slowly looked away. "Wait, it won't be long before someone should come."

Everyone sat cross-legged and waited aside.

There are few clouds of smoke, and the clouds rise.The time was also in the rising of these smokes, and more than half an hour passed.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in a flash.

I saw a tall man in a dark green robe appearing in front of everyone.

"Senior Blood Feather?" Qiao Yu blurted out as he stared at the man.

This man in a dark green robe is the extremely powerful blood feather that Qiao Yu once rescued in the disaster mission world.

Qiao Yu also did not expect that now, at the foot of Xueyu Mountain in this border land, he would meet this senior Xueyu again.

"Hahaha..." Xue Yu walked over while laughing. "You are here. If you don't come again, I really think you have fallen."

"I have seen the Supreme Senior." Everyone else saluted.

After all, the Blood Feather at this time has a terrifying strength of the supreme level, and everyone naturally salutes.

"This is not a place to talk. Come with me." With a wave of the blood feather's long sleeves, its thick supreme power has already enveloped everyone, and they soared upward together. There are not many people in the supreme power Word.

After a short time, everyone crossed the seventh cliff, and Xue Yu jumped, and the group landed on the eighth cliff.

"Senior Blood Feather, isn't this blood cliff getting more powerful the higher you go up? Senior Lie is here too, why don't you occupy the top spot?" After everyone fell down, Deng Ping asked softly.

"Occupying the top spot, why do seniors need to act? I am enough by myself. However, you have to know that sometimes it is not a good thing to stand out. It is convenient to hide in the dark. And, don't mention Lie to the outside world. Anything about seniors." Xue Yu said.

"This senior has already said it, so we naturally won't say it." Deng Ping nodded.

"You are exhausted from the journey. I have already prepared the wing room. You stay here for a few days and discuss important matters."

Hearing the words, several people all looked solemn.

But the Blood Feather Supreme in front of him is here, and that senior Lie is also here. One can imagine the "big event" that these people said, what a big event it is.

Following the reception of many maids, soon, everyone went to various places to rest.

"Qiao Yu, come with me."

After everyone left, Xue Yu directly sent a voice transmission to Qiao Yu.

After nodding slightly, Qiao Yu followed Xue Yu all the way to the depths of the building complex.

"Senior Blood Feather, why did you come here?"

"It's a long story to say." Xue Yu pondered slightly and smiled, and then began to tell the story step by step.

"Ever since you and I parted from that world, Senior Lie came to me. I was shocked at the time. After Senior Na Lie's explanation, I realized that it was Senior Lie who guided you to my place. There and then rescue me."

"Afterwards, under the guidance of Senior Lie, I came to this border land through a special small passage. The subsequent situation was complicated, so I will not repeat them one by one. Anyway, I am in this border land I began to gradually restore my strength. However, after being sealed for such a long time, although the flow of time in the mission world is relatively slow, my origin is still much weaker, and my strength is no longer at its peak."

"Later, Senior Lie guided me to come here, so I established a small sect here on the Bloody Cliff for several years. Although there are few disciples under the sect, I am not here."

"A few days ago, Senior Lie told me that you came to the border land. I was quite happy at the time, but then you were careful and there was no news. It was not until a while ago that Senior Lie told me that you came to the foot of this bloody cliff .I just went to pick you up."

"It turned out to be like this." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "What about Senior Lie?"

"Of course it's here."

While talking, the two of them turned a corner one after the other.All of a sudden, the eyes suddenly opened up.

A huge platform rock shelf on the side wall of a cliff waterfall that catches the eye.The rapids and waterfalls are rushing down, the water mist is lingering, the white cranes are singing softly, and the lush vegetation is displayed in front of you. This place is like a fairyland.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing here is the broken strange door.

In a corner on one side, a five-meter-high and two-meter-wide doorway was revealed.However, at this time, the space within the doorway was broken like glass, and one glanced at it, and faintly felt that time and space were distorted.

Although this door is broken, Qiao Yu can see that behind this door is the flowing time.

Walking forward, Qiao Yu's palm was lightly pressed against the door frame.

Although Qiao Yu had never seen this door frame before, a familiar feeling filled his heart.

Through this door frame, Qiao Yu felt, felt that——Lie.

"Senior Lie?" Qiao Yu said softly.

"You came just in time." Hearing Qiao Yu's voice, Na Lie became delighted.

"I'm cracking the 460th, [-]th layer barrier of the Phaseless Gate. You bring all the six-color Rubik's Cubes. After I use them, I can break through the Phaseless Gate at a faster speed. Once Break through the Formless Gate. At that time, I can return. The plan will officially begin."

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded.

Then, as soon as Qiao Yu stretched out his hand, many Rubik's Cubes of six phases flew to the strange door of the broken space, and then disappeared into it.

(End of this chapter)

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