Calamity Frontier

Chapter 355 Strange Octopus

Chapter 355 Strange Octopus
Qiao Yu just saw the creature, and in an instant, the creature ejected directly as if it had no inertia.

A snow-white arm suddenly pierced Qiao Yu's chest.

The piercing speed of this arm is very fast, even comparable to that of ordinary SS-level masters.


The blade of Qiao Yu's Red Weeping Sword swung leisurely.


Qiao Yu's blade blatantly collided with the snow-white creature, and a burst of metallic sound rippling slowly.

"This..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiao Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Now, Qiao Yu's strength is already close to the late SS level, and at the same time, the sword in his hand is a terrifying level of Dark Gold Level [-]. Moreover, Qiao Yu's attack follows the mysterious trajectory of the Profound Truth, and its power is very terrifying.Even if it is the supreme body, Qiao Yu can still cause some damage to it.


This is only an S-level octopus monster with an SS-level, and its body can withstand Qiao Yu's attack. The defense of this body is simply too terrifying.


Seeing that Qiao Yu's saber blocked his tentacles, the octopus immediately neighed sharply.

call out.

This octopus monster attacked again.

Qiao Yu waved the Red Weeping Sword, and the blade rolled and bloomed like a wave, fighting with this S-rank monster octopus.

During the fight, Qiao Yu also observed the monster octopus, first of all.This octopus creature.It has a pair of flat wings and two tentacles-like legs. Its main attack parts are four tentacles with a length of 1.5 meters.

The attack speed of the four tentacles is terrifying, and their power is extremely strong.

clang clang...

The dense staggered life continued to agitate with the collision of the Red Weeping War Knife and the octopus monster's attack.

The four tentacles of the octopus were fierce, but Qiao Yu was not a vegetarian.

The Red Weeping Sword in Qiao Yu's hand is unpredictable and extremely powerful.

During the fight, it just started. The octopus monster relied on its own power and was not afraid of Qiao Yu's sword attack.It looked aggressive, but as Qiao Yu continued to trigger his own equipment status during the battle, the attack power began to become more and more powerful.

This octopus creature began to be gradually suppressed by Qiao Yu.


During the fight, he felt that he seemed to be some octopus monster that was not the opponent's opponent, and at this moment he began to neigh.

"This guy seems to be of the same race."

The thought was just born, and suddenly it was very far away.




One after another, a large group of dense neighing sounds agitated.

"Not only are there people of the same race, but there are so many of them. I'm afraid it's too late to rush back now. This guy is not much weaker than me. If ten or eight of his fellow clans come, I'm afraid it will be enough to beat him to death." .”

"Kill one first."

With that in mind, Qiao Yu swung his Red Weeping Saber suddenly, bursting out with great force.


With just one knife, Qiao Yu repelled the octopus monster.

The monster octopus let out a roar, but still charged forward relentlessly.

"come out."

With a sudden wave of his hand, a row of twelve six-color Rubik's Cubes suddenly appeared around.

When Qiao Yu gave Lie six-phase color Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu naturally would not hand over all the Rubik's Cubes. Qiao Yu himself kept some Rubik's Cubes. After all, these Rubik's Cubes can form a protective barrier at critical moments. A strong barrier against the attack of the Supreme is an excellent treasure for life preservation.Qiao Yu was naturally prepared.

The location of the twelve six-color Rubik's cubes just formed a rectangle, and Qiao Yu and the octopus monster were placed in two internal areas, which is equivalent to two boxes placed side by side.One octopus per person, each in a box.


A burst of confused light bloomed, and immediately, the barrier built by the six-color Rubik's Cube succeeded.


The octopus trapped inside the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube obviously didn't know the power of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube, and it still rushed towards Qiao Yu with a neighing sound.


However, the barrier of the six-color Rubik's Cube directly blocked the octopus monster from the barrier.

sizzle sizzle...

The octopus screamed crazily, and attacked the barrier in a frenzied manner, trying to break through the barrier and rush to Qiao Yu.

"You are already trapped on that side, and you are trying to attack me in vain. You will know later that I trapped you not to prevent you from hurting me, but to prevent you from escaping." Qiao Yu Said harshly.



Accompanied by a lot of hissing, after a while, octopuses swarmed in like a tide. The octopuses that came here were not ten or eight, but thirty or forty octopuses.

Moreover, the weak ones are also S-level, and the strong ones are even SS-level, SSS-level.

"Fortunately, I arranged the six-color Rubik's Cube in advance, otherwise I would be in danger before these octopuses swarmed up."


The many octopuses rushing over seemed to go crazy when they saw Qiao Yu, waving their tentacles wildly and attacking Qiao Yu.

But the barrier of the six-color Rubik's Cube completely blocked them out.


Many octopus creatures that could not attack Qiao Yu frantically attacked the barrier in front of Qiao Yu.

Everyone was extremely crazy and insane, as if they would not give up until Qiao Yu was killed.

However, with the protection of the six-color Rubik's Cube, these many octopus creatures just can't get in.

Qiao Yu glanced slightly over these crazy creatures.Then slowly look back.In the end, Qiao Yu set his sights on the octopus creature trapped in another closed space of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube.

"I'll kill you first." Qiao Yu thought to himself.


At this time, the octopus creature was still madly attacking the barrier.

call out!
Qiao Yu came leisurely with a slash.

The barrier that the octopus could not break through was like nothing under Qiao Yu's knife.


A light slash hit the body of the octopus creature.


Relying on its body, this octopus creature turned out to be defiant against Qiao Yu's sword.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, Qiao Yu's saber began to fall crazily.

One slash after another, like a surging wave.The octopus creature hissed against the barrier, attacking the barrier while allowing Qiao Yu to attack.

At the beginning, Qiao Yu's attack obviously couldn't hurt the octopus creature, but when Qiao Yu slashed four or five hundred knives in a row, the octopus creature finally began to be injured.

"It seems that although your defensive ability is very terrifying, it is not unlimited. Under continuous attacks, your body can still be destroyed." Qiao Yu laughed.

Later, relying on the attack advantage brought by the six-phase Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu attacked the octopus crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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