Calamity Frontier

Chapter 356 Unknown Object

Chapter 356 Unknown Object
When Qiao Yu slashed more than 500 times, finally, the strange octopus entered a state of injury and weakness.

Then the strange octopus backed away, no longer clinging to the barrier for Qiao Yu to attack in vain.

However, this octopus creature wanted to retreat, and Qiao Yu would not just let him go.

As soon as the octopus retreated, Qiao Yu directly crossed the barrier in the middle, entered the area where the octopus was located, and continued to attack.This octopus creature was not Qiao Yu's opponent when it was not injured. Now that it is injured and has entered a weak state, it is not Qiao Yu's opponent.

In a small space constructed by the six-phase Rubik's Cube, Qiao Yu began to chase and kill the octopus creature one after another.The octopus couldn't escape at all.

After chopping more than 200 knives again, the body of the octopus creature visibly stiffened.Whether it's dodge ability or escape speed, they have all dropped a level obviously.

At the same time, at this time, the octopus began to howl in pain.

Apparently, the guy started begging for mercy.

And Qiao Yu's response was that the knife was even more ruthless.The more he wailed, the more brutal Qiao Yu's chopping was.

"If you dared to attack me just now, and if you dared to summon a large group of people to attack me, you must be hacked to death today." During the attack, Qiao Yu said ruthlessly.

Qiao Yu has never had the habit of sparing any enemies. If he dares to provoke me, he will kill them all.

It was chopped again for five or six minutes.

A knife slashed down leisurely.

clack clack...

The octopus froze suddenly.Its entire body is like ceramics, cracked inch by inch.Then it shattered, like some kind of shattered ceramic.

"It's finally dead. This thing is really hard to kill. Fortunately, I have a six-color Rubik's Cube, otherwise, this thing's vitality and movement speed are simply unkillable."


Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly as his eyes flicked over the broken body of the octopus creature.

Reaching out his hand among the broken octopus carcasses, he dialed.Then Qiao Yu took out a blood-red crystal nucleus.

Props: ? ? ?
grade:? ? ?
Introduction: An unknown crystal of life.

Effect:? ? ?
"This..." Looking at the crystal nucleus of this strange octopus, Qiao Yu's expression became a little exciting. "It turned out to be some kind of unknown prop."

"But yes, this heavy octopus creature is simply unheard of, let alone seen. This mothership of the authority of the Blue Star tribe is the area with the highest authority in the entire calamity world. This strange creature appears inexplicably. It is not surprising to be able to drop such a magical crystal of life."

"But what is the function of this crystal?" Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart.


At this moment, a crisp voice sounded in Qiao Yu's mind.Immediately, the icy voice of the God of Calamity emerged leisurely.

"The system prompts that abnormal props are found, do you want to rebuild the data?"

Hearing the voice of the God of Calamity, Qiao Yu's mouth suddenly traced a smile.

"Almost forgot, this is the disaster world, and everything is under the jurisdiction of the Lord God of Disaster. This abnormal creature will be gradually deciphered."

"Yes, perform data reconstruction." Qiao Yu looked at the blood-red crystal in his hand, and Qiao Yu responded.

"Start data reconstruction, estimated reconstruction time is three hours and 10 minutes."

Then in Qiao Yu's log, a [-]-minute countdown began.



At this time, in the passage, many octopus creatures on the left and right sides are still attacking the six-color Rubik's Cube.

"This authority mothership is the territory of the Blue Star Clan, but now such a strange creature has appeared, and the Blue Star Clan has disappeared. Presumably, the Blue Star Clan has fallen. The right to control. The Blue Star Clan has the highest authority in the world, but the development is horrible." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled.

After staring at the many octopuses, Qiao Yu calmed down and ignored the attacks of the many octopus creatures outside.

Then, Qiao Yu reached out and took out the door of annihilation.Putting it in front of the body, it began to let the gate of annihilation absorb the surrounding authority.


As soon as he started to absorb, Qiao Yu found a trace of abnormal situation absorbed.

Qiao Yu could feel that there seemed to be a slight connection between the Gate of Annihilation and himself.

Although the slightest connection is almost undetectable, but Qiao Yu can clearly feel that there is indeed a weak connection.

Qiao Yu, who noticed this situation, suddenly laughed.

"Senior Lie said that when the Gate of Annihilation absorbs the authority, there will be a certain change, and it will surprise me. It seems that this mysterious connection is enough."

"I am the only owner of this gate of annihilation. Through this gate of annihilation, I can absorb the power of annihilation. As long as I have a deep enough connection with this gate of annihilation, I can continue to pass through this gate of annihilation." , to continuously absorb the power of annihilation to strengthen me, but before that, I need to transform into an S-level powerhouse, so that I can use the power of the holy source as the foundation, and then absorb many other natural forces to make my strength become Extremely strong."

"At the same time, I also want to let the gate of annihilation absorb more authority, because in this way, after I break through, I can absorb a large amount of the power of annihilation."

"As far as I know, many people need to use various precious props to absorb natural power. It is even hard to get a little bit of natural power. And I can easily obtain this Annihilation Gate through this Gate of Annihilation force."

"However..." Qiao Yu looked around, "It's not easy. If it weren't for being able to manipulate the six-color Rubik's Cube, I'm afraid the Supreme One would die when he came."

When the gate of annihilation began to be unable to absorb the authority within the authority mothership, Qiao Yu sat up cross-legged and began to absorb the large amount of ability left behind by the octopus creature after its death.Whenever there is an opportunity, Qiao Yu will spare no effort to improve himself in all aspects.

During Qiao Yu's practice, time passed rapidly.


Within the authority mothership, within the main control room.

At this time, a group of six tall Blue Star people gathered here.

Each of these six Blue Star clansmen exudes a terrifying aura of the supreme level.

And the middle area of ​​the six people is a three-dimensional floating shadow.At this time, what emerged from the three-dimensional floating shadow was Qiao Yu who was sitting cross-legged in the barrier built by the six-phase color Rubik's Cube.

Looking at Qiao Yu, the Rubik's Cube of Six Phases, and the Gate of Annihilation in front of Qiao Yu.

Surprise and shock appeared on the faces of each of the six Blue Star clansmen.Even if they are masters of the supreme level.

(End of this chapter)

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