Calamity Frontier

Chapter 357 Discovery

Chapter 357 Discovery
Their Blue Star Clan is naturally proud. After all, in the new era, their Blue Star Clan is the highest ruler in the world. Although they are now in decline, they are still indulging in their former glory.

Although they often die at the hands of the enemy, their pride in their bones is unmatched by any other race.

However, at this moment, what appeared on the faces of these six supreme-level Blue Star clansmen was not pride, but surprise and shock.

"Manipulation of the six-color Rubik's Cube, how did this guy do it?"

"how could I know?"

"This is not the point, the point is that that guy actually has the gate of annihilation."

"You must know that the gate of annihilation can communicate with the endless sea of ​​annihilation, and there is endless power of annihilation in it. If we can have the gate of annihilation, we can definitely counterattack slowly and even destroy the legion .”

"However, what is even more surprising is that this guy is actually an advanced life form. The cosmic octopus was unexpectedly trapped in the six-color Rubik's Cube by him and killed by him."

At this time, the many Blue Star clansmen had different opinions among themselves, and there was no unified opinion at all.

"I think we should cooperate with this guy. After all, the cosmic octopus in our authority mothership restricts our actions." At this time, a fat and bloated Blue Star tribe made a suggestion.

"I think I should kill this guy and snatch the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube and the Gate of Annihilation."

"Kill that guy? Do you dare to go out?" Another member of the Blue Star Clan laughed.

"Once our supreme-level creature goes out, the sleeping guy will wake up immediately. At that time, don't blame me for not opening the door for you."

"You coward, a coward like you who hides here forever will never let our Blue Star Clan make any progress."

"At least you won't be like a fool like you, leading our Blue Star Clan into that human's trap, and letting them lose their lives in vain."

"You bastard."

"You idiot."


Seeing the two of them arguing with Yu Lie.

"As the patriarch of the Blue Star Clan, I order you to stop the quarrel." A Blue Star Clan roared loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense there. If you hadn't agreed to my conditions, you would have become the patriarch?"


Originally a solemn and prudent place for the highest council of the Blue Star Clan.As a few people quarreled, it seemed to become a place for personal venting and cursing.

It has to be said that there are very reasons for the decline of the Blue Star Clan.



"The item analysis is successful, please check." A cold voice sounded.

At the same time, Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

Flipping his hands, the crystal nucleus that exploded from the body of the octopus appeared in Qiao Yu's hands.

Tianmai: Cosmic Crystal Nucleus

Level: 18

Introduction: What is left behind after the death of the cosmic octopus.

Effect: After use, let the flesh get a certain amount of "indestructible" attribute.

"The [-]th-level treasure of heaven, material and earth that contains the attribute of 'indestructible'." After seeing this introduction, a slight smile was drawn on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"This is really good news that makes people happy."

Afterwards, Qiao Yu looked at the many octopuses outside again, and what he saw was no longer extremely dangerous, but endless treasures.

For this octopus creature, Qiao Yu chopped hundreds, or even thousands of knives abruptly, before he could barely destroy one.The death of these cosmic octopuses is precisely because they have the attribute of immortality, so they can resist for so long.

"If I can absorb more crystal nuclei, then after a certain time, maybe my body will be like this octopus, with terrible defenses. Even if I can't reach the perverted level of this octopus, I will Make my body much stronger than other fighters of the same class."

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu not only stirred up in his heart.

With a flip of his hand, Qiao Yu directly used this cosmic crystal nucleus.Immediately, Qiao Yu felt a very mysterious power emerge from his body, which greatly enhanced his body's defense ability in all directions.Needless to say, this is natural and the indestructible attribute effect.

When Qiao Yu used up the cosmic crystal nucleus.

The many cosmic octopuses attacking around the six-color Rubik's Cube suddenly weakened their attacks a lot.

The crackling distance impact sound disappeared, replaced by a relatively scattered or even rare small amount of impact sound.

At the same time, some cosmic octopuses abandoned Qiao Yu and left directly.Only a small number of octopuses attacked Qiao Yu with each of the following.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu suddenly realized something.

"It's probably because of the use of the cosmic crystal nucleus that I have the same attributes as these cosmic octopuses. That's why they won't attack me so violently."

Qiao Yu, who understood this truth, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, it would be even better to kill these octopuses."

Then, Qiao Yu started his own hunting plan.

First, Qiao Yu hid and entered a barrier on one side, and then Qiao Yu used the hand of a wizard to open a gap in the outer barrier of the prison space on the other side.

Sure enough, when Qiao Yu just opened a gap, suddenly, a rather "smart" cosmic octopus got in.

"You are the one."

Looking at this octopus, Qiao Yu grinned.

Then Qiao Yu started his own attack.

Ten minutes later, this tragic cosmic octopus died in Qiao Yu's hands.

Once the octopus died, Qiao Yu also got the second cosmic crystal nucleus.But Qiao Yu didn't continue to use it.Qiao Yu can roughly deduce that if he uses more cosmic crystal nuclei and his "indestructible" attribute is strong, even these cosmic octopuses will regard him as his own family and stop chasing him.In this way, Qiao Yu's "bait" plan will not work.

After hunting a cosmic octopus, Qiao Yu harvested a cosmic crystal nucleus, and sat cross-legged to practice, absorbing the many energies that bloomed after the death of this octopus creature.

Kill, acquire, sit cross-legged to absorb, and improve strength.Soon, Qiao Yu formed this whole process.

Time flies by so fast.In the blink of an eye, several hours had passed.

clack clack...

Accompanied by a Qiao Yu's saber bombarded down again.

This powerful octopus in the late SS rank collapsed suddenly.This is a powerful cosmic octopus of late SS rank.Qiao Yu hacked at least five thousand knives back and forth before killing him.

"It's finally cleaned up." Qiao Yu glanced around.

At this time, in Qiao Yu's wide and long passage, all the octopuses left beside him had been cleaned up by Qiao Yu.

"Twelve cosmic crystal nuclei. This is enough to make my body strong enough to defend."

Then Qiao Yu sat down and started using the cosmic crystal nucleus.

With the use of cosmic crystal nuclei one after another, Qiao Yu's physical body began to have a rather strong "indestructible" attribute.

After Qiao Yu used up all the twelve cosmic crystal nuclei, a strong "indestructible" attribute bloomed in Qiao Yu's body.

"Strong and defensive." Slightly squeezing his palm, Qiao Yu could clearly feel that from the inside to the outside of his body, from top to bottom, an immortal attribute was perfectly integrated with him.

"As far as my current defense is concerned, I am afraid that even the full attack of an SS-level powerhouse will not be able to hurt me at all. Even if it is an attack by an SSS-level powerhouse, I am not afraid too much. Wait until I absorb some cosmic crystals from octopus creatures Nuclear. At that time, my defense was perfect and terrifying." Qiao Yu clenched his fists and said to himself.

"Your Excellency Qiao Yu, hello, if you don't mind, you might as well have a small talk with me. I think this will be very rewarding for both of us." When Qiao Yu felt his body's defense.A leisurely and light voice sounded in Qiao Yu's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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