Calamity Frontier

Chapter 362 Retreat

Chapter 362 Retreat

The hellhound shuttled back in an instant, and slapped it suddenly with its sharp claws.After all, it was an SSS-level creature, and its claws tore off.A unique power of hell is contained in its sharp claws.

After all, they are SSS-level creatures, and it is impossible for them to fight against humans only with their physical bodies.Although human beings can use various weapons, at the same time these desolate creatures, they can also use various natural forces.


A claw tearing provoked, the power contained is to open mountains and crack rocks.

The overall strength of SSS-level desolate beasts is far stronger than that of humans. After all, their physical bodies are much stronger than humans, so the energy contained in them is also crushing humans.

Qiao Yu wouldn't go head-to-head with this SSS-level creature.The best way to deal with such a large creature is to fight guerrilla warfare with it.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu's body dexterously hid to one side.

The hellhound tore its paw down.The rocky ground with a radius of more than ten meters exploded, and many broken rocks fell and flew.

And Qiao Yu has already plunged into the building beside him.

"This hellhound is extremely fast, so be careful when fighting." Qiao Yu thought to himself.

"Get out of here." The hellhound chased after it.Its sharp claws suddenly bombarded down.

"Peng!" The ten-meter-high three-story building collapsed.

Smashing the three-storey building with one paw, the hellhound suddenly opened its mouth and spit out black flames.

"Wow..." The black flames permeated directly in a large area.A few unlucky humans hiding nearby were directly burned to death.

"Cowardly human, do you only have such a little bit of courage?" With a breath, black flames filled the surrounding area for hundreds of meters, and the hellhound roared wantonly.

In an instant, the afterimage of the knife flashed away, sweeping towards the leg of the hell dog.

Qiao Yu's fleeting speed, just between the lightning and the flint, the hellhound still grasped such a small time.

Grabbing and moving leisurely, he directly bombarded Qiao Yu's position.

"I knew you would come, kid." During the attack, the hellhound said ruthlessly.

The hellhound swept down with one paw, and the extremely solid hell natural force perfectly condensed on its paw to form a giant black light and shadow silhouette.Apparently, this blow was premeditated by the hellhound.Such a fierce beast, even if it is encountered by an SSS-level powerhouse, it will either die or be injured.

"Just looking for death like this and want to kill me?" Facing such a blow from the hell dog, Qiao Yu could easily reflect it.

With a jump, Qiao Yu's body disappeared instantly.


The charged blow of the Hellhound hit the ground, and black strength within a radius of [-] meters suddenly twisted and bloomed, and the rocks on the ground cracked like spider webs.

Breaking a radius of [-] meters with one blow is extremely easy for the SSS class.

When the hell dog's attack hit the ground, Qiao Yu directly flashed onto the back of the hell dog.


The charged Hongqi burst into ferociousness.


The thick fur of the hellhound was cut open by Qiao Yu, and a lot of blood flew away.

"Roar!" The hellhound let out a scream, and the depths of its eyes were filled with flames of pain and anger.

Feinting to attract the hellhound to attack, then flashing to the attacking position, and attacking again, this is Qiao Yu's strategy, teleporting directly to sneak attack, even if it succeeds, it will still fall into the enemy's attacking range.

A knife attack hit, Qiao Yu stepped on his feet, the air exploded, and Qiao Yu's whole body was ejected like a missile and fell into the building complex not far away.Make the hellhound impossible to find.

"Aww... Damn human, I'm going to kill you." The hellhound that was injured by Qiao Yu's attack roared hysterically angrily.

The hellhound, which was bursting with terrifying natural power all over its body, suddenly jumped and fell directly into the building complex.

Then its two sharp claws slapped wildly, and with each slap, the surrounding ground trembled, rocks shattered, and houses collapsed.At the same time, the hellhound spit hell flames unscrupulously and frantically.Fill the surroundings with a sea of ​​black flames.

A few unlucky guys died directly in the flames.

"After all, this hellhound is an SSS-level existence. Its attack power is extremely strong, and it can threaten me. At the same time, its defense is extremely strong. I barely broke through its outer fur defense with all my strength. After all, this guy His body is too huge, it's really hard to kill." Qiao Yu, who was hiding in the depths of the darkness, thought to himself.

"At the same time, there is still a certain gap between me and this hellhound. After all, that guy is at the SSS level, although he is in the early stage, but he is still at the SSS level after all, and I am only at the peak of the late SS level. I still can't fight head-on."

"Coward, get out of here." The hellhound who wantonly destroyed the surrounding buildings and breathed out flames to kill others roared loudly.

"You beast, don't be arrogant."

When the Hell Demon Dog wreaked havoc, a thick voice burst out.It was an SSS-level summoning Taoist, leading his skeleton summoning group.

The profession of summoning Taoist is mainly about assisting and summoning.They can summon a large number of creatures, and at the same time, their natural power can also bless these summoned creatures.Let these summoned creatures have extremely strong comprehensive strength.

At this time, the number of skeleton warriors led by this summoning Taoist priest is as many as three to four hundred, and almost every skeleton warrior has a comprehensive strength of S level.

"Give it to me." Following the order of the summoning Taoist priest.Numerous skeleton warriors rushed forward without fear of death.

"Are these little fellows my opponents?" The hellhound roared proudly while breathing out a mouthful of hellish black flames.


The leading dozens of skeletons were directly burned by the black flame.

However, these dozens of skeleton priests were burned by the black flames, but they were still brave enough to charge forward.

hoo hoo...

The hell dog condensed the natural power of hell and slapped it down.

clack clack...


More than a dozen skeletons were shattered by a slap on their backs.And more skeleton warriors swarmed up, almost surrounding the hellhound.

"Good opportunity." Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu secretly thought.

With a little bit of strength under his feet, Qiao Yu flew out in an instant.

On the edge of the blade, there is the ultimate esoteric trajectory, and this blade is enough to add another scar to the hell dog.


This knife, as bright as a rainbow-colored starlight, slashed down leisurely.

"Boy. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The saber fell, and at this moment, a voice rang leisurely in Qiao Yu's mind.

Suddenly, a snow-white, about three-meter-high SSS-level late-stage white ape shone beside Qiao Yu in an instant.At the same time, his right fist was retracted to the side of the waist, and a palpitating white halo surrounded it. It was obvious that Pangbo's strength had been suppressed by his perfect restraint, and he was only waiting to explode.

This punch is bombarded, not to mention AA level, even SSS level is sure to die.

Under the guidance of the breath of the late SSS-level white ape, Qiao Yu wanted to move, but he couldn't move away.


The punch of the white ape is like a dragon coming out of the water, piercing through it.

(End of this chapter)

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