Calamity Frontier

Chapter 363 Injured

Chapter 363 Injured
With a punch, the air collapsed, the air burst and surged, the space oscillated, and the white glow penetrated.

With this fist force and breath penetrating through, the rock wall 300 meters away exploded, forming a bottomless rock hole with a diameter of 20 meters.

This SSS-level powerhouse, charged up for a blow, its power is simply formidable and terrifying.

At this time, many strong people around also saw this scene.

"A terrible punch."

"Even if this punch is endured by an SSS-level powerhouse, basically even if it is not dead, it will lose half of its life."

"That's right, the arm-armed white ape was originally the best among the apes of its kind. The attack power is indeed terrifying."


At this moment, when Deng Ping and the others saw this scene, their faces turned pale for a while.

Especially the scalpel doctor, with a burst of bruises on his face.Her life was in Qiao Yu's hands. If Qiao Yu died, she would surely die too.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, the hellhound laughed loudly.

"Brother Baiyuan, your punch is really strong. That kid was killed in one blow. These human beings have more than deserved death. Back then, they knew how to hunt and kill us everywhere. Now, the Emperor Eclipse has returned, and we are desolate. The Beast Clan can finally regain its former glory. You and I join hands, and today we will kill all the humans here." The arm-armed white ape said fiercely.

"Hahaha... Brother Baiyuan's words won my heart, kill..."

Immediately, the hellhound spewed flames unscrupulously, killing people everywhere.

"It's a pity that such a genius is about to die like this."

"That guy is only AA-level, and has SS-level strength. If he breaks through, he may be able to deal with those two terrifying creatures with his own strength."

"Indeed, a genius just fell like this."

Qiao Yu fought before, and some extremely powerful masters also saw that Qiao Yu didn't have the power to awaken the holy source, and at the same time, he didn't master the natural force.

Without the power of awakening and the mastery of natural power, it is possible to have such a terrifying strength. Although everyone did not recognize Qiao Yu, they also saw that this guy is a genius.

However, it was too late now, and this genius just fell away.

"Brother Qiao, he won't just die like this!" Deng Ping said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm not even his opponent for the arm-armed white ape. That guy's strength and power, even if it's me, is sure to die. Although Qiao Yu's attack is strong, he is AA-level after all. In terms of defense... I'm afraid..." Tian Shou said The meaning is already understood by everyone.

Depths of broken gravel.

Qiao Yu lay deep in the pile of broken rocks.

The chest was slightly sunken, and the injury was not bad, but the injury was not serious, and it did not threaten Qiao Yu's life at all.


That arm-armed white ape, a late-stage SSS-level powerhouse's charged blow, was surging and unstoppable.

If it was Qiao Yu from before, he would have fallen directly under this blow.After all, it was a sneak attack by an SSS-level powerhouse, and Qiao Yu didn't have time to dodge at all.

But after the strengthening of the dozen or so cosmic crystal nuclei, Qiao Yu's physical body has now reached an incredible level of strength.

The full blow of this SSS-level powerhouse also caused a certain degree of damage to Qiao Yu, that's all.

But at this moment, Qiao Yu had no intention of going out or even recovering from his injury.

At this moment, Qiao Yu's mind was in a delicate sense of peace.

Qiao Yu survived the previous blow.I felt the SSS-level power, the ultimate bloom, the fiery explosion, the crazy agitation, the perfect and extreme destruction, and the miraculous fit.Lingering in Qiao Yu's heart, Qiao Yu has a feeling of being confusing and ready to come out.

Vaguely, Qiao Yu felt it.The opportunity to break through and become an S rank has come.

So Qiao Yu didn't move, and was completely immersed.Deeply comprehend the nature of this world, and deeply fit with this world.

"This world... myself... the power of the holy source... the power of sleep..."

Like a dream or waking up, Qiao Yu seemed to have entered a chaotic state.

Qiao Yu went deep into it like this, forgetting himself, just to pursue the mysterious and natural feeling.

In this way, time is like running water, flowing over Qiao Yu's cheeks, passing through his fingertips, and passing by Qiao Yu's perception.


Qiao Yu woke up with a start, as if some unknown existence that had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years woke up.

There was a sudden shock all over Qiao Yu, and the many stones around Qiao Yu exploded and flew away.A golden light emerged from the depths of Qiao Yu's eyes.Qiao Yu's injury has also fully recovered.


With a deep breath, Qiao Yu first looked around, and then Qiao Yu looked at his hands, and squeezed them slightly.

Through the surge of energy in the body, as well as the changes in one's own body.Qiao Yu could clearly feel that he was still at AA level and had not broken through.

"There is still no breakthrough, but..." Qiao Yu smiled lightly. "It's not important anymore. It's no longer difficult for me to break through."

"I'm in a 'critical point' state now, and it's easy to break through. But." Thinking of this, Li Qiaoyu looked up to the outside world.

At this time, the battle outside is still going on, and endless enemies are attacking frantically.

And many human warriors are fighting to protect the blood cliff and the last piece of land they live on.

"Breakthrough will be done later." After Wei Wei thought about it, Qiao Yu gave up the temporary breakthrough.

After all, Qiao Yu has to prepare a lot, and his strength will be improved far more than this temporary breakthrough.

With a slight movement of his figure, Qiao Yu walked lightly through the broken hole.Although Qiao Yu has never broken through, Qiao Yu is at the critical point at this moment, which is equivalent to half an S rank.

At this time, Qiao Yu already had a strength comparable to that of the early SSS class.Once it breaks through, its strength will soar.

"Humans, tremble under my anger." At this time, the hellhound was still arrogant and domineering, wantonly breathing and burning many humans.

And that armless white ape, around the Hell Demon Dog, with a pair of arms and gestures, the world fell apart.The power of these two SSS-level creatures is truly terrifying.The four SSS-level humans around couldn't handle the joint attack of these two guys.

Looking at these two creatures, Qiao Yu smiled leisurely.

Step lightly, swish!Qiao Yu instantly came to the edge of the head of the hell dog more than 300 meters away.The speed is more than doubled than before.

The saber slashed down leisurely.

"Someone sneaked up." The hellhound suddenly turned its head to avoid it.

However, Qiao Yu's knife still made a blatant defeat.The blade passed by, and a swirl of black blood flew up.

oh oh...

The hellhound roared in pain again.

I saw that the other ear of the hell dog was cut off by Qiao Yu.

That bald head looks very funny at this moment.

 I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to update it, I will make it up today.

(End of this chapter)

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