Calamity Frontier

Chapter 366 Attack

Chapter 366 Attack
"It's time to absorb you." Qiao Yu smiled as he turned his gaze away from the source core god crystal.

This source core god crystal contains all the power of an S-level powerhouse. If someone else broke through, they would definitely not dare to absorb the full power of an S-level powerhouse again.After all, that would seriously damage its foundations.

But Qiao Yu's foundation is extremely solid, and it is more than enough to absorb the power of an S-level strong man at this time, and he can fully control it.

With a thought, the power of the holy source within the source core god crystal slowly flowed in.


With the influx of the power of the holy source, Qiao Yu felt a sense of swelling in his body.

After all, Qiao Yu's physical body has adapted to the more than 180 points of awakened power of the holy source.But now, with more power pouring in, Qiao Yu's physical body seemed to be unable to accommodate it.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

Qiao Yu, who noticed this scene, took a deep breath.

Immediately, in Qiao Yu's body, the cellular armament surged slightly.

wow wow...

With the surge of the cell armed forces, a large amount of the power of the holy source was swallowed and compressed by Qiao Yu's cells.

Other people would not be able to control so much power at all, but Qiao Yu can absorb all the power in his body by allowing the cells to absorb the power compressively.

The cells of advanced life forms have a very strong tolerance.Moreover, the cells of this advanced life form can easily adapt to this state of high energy density.This is also one of the strengths of Qiao Yu's cell arm.

Half an hour later, Qiao Yu had completely absorbed this source core god crystal.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt that his power of the holy source had reached the level of [-] points, and that one-source core god crystal provided Qiao Yu with [-] points of awakened power of the holy source.

"The power of the holy source." With a slight pinch of the arm, the majestic and majestic power of the holy source burst into bloom. "Three hundred points of the power of the holy source are at the late S-level. Now, once I break through, I am already at the late-S level."

"The overall strength is even stronger than those of the top SSS-level masters. At the same time..." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"At the same time, I can also absorb the power of annihilation. This power of annihilation is a very terrifying and terrifying power. After all, this power is the power from the supreme treasure comparable to the six-color Rubik's Cube."

Qiao Yu knows better than anyone.

Breaking through to become an S rank, the increase in strength is one aspect, but the more aspect is that it can absorb the power of annihilation.

Yes, for Qiao Yu, what he valued the most was this special force of nature.

There are many kinds of natural forces, but there are very few who can become top-notch beings.And this "power of annihilation" is impressively one of the top types of power.

Qiao Yu had learned this from Lie a long time ago.

"The power of annihilation." Qiao Yu secretly said.

"Absorb this power of annihilation, and completely absorb and transform it, then my natural power will become unprecedentedly terrifying."

Immediately, Qiao Yu was completely immersed in his mind, and began to absorb the power of annihilation with all his heart.

Time just passed by so fast.

Unknowingly, the darkness was broken by the first ray of morning light.Everything is blooming with vitality.

However, the Bloody Cliff, which is full of scars, broken walls, filled with blood, and lingering in the flames of war, does not have a scene of vitality, but what it has is the meaning of tragic killing.

"The bright morning light is always so warm." Standing on the edge of the cliff, Qiao Yu said slowly while bathed in the morning light.

"But what this world shows is a more cruel reality." Takari who came over from the side said slowly.

Looking at the morning light, Takari also felt a little turbulent.

Then, Takari's eyes fell on Qiao Yu, and after staring for a moment, Takari smiled slightly. "This time you break through, I am afraid that under the Supreme, you will no longer be invincible."

Qiao Yu didn't say much, just squeezed his fist, under the surge of strength, almost every cell contained extremely strong power.

"This is just the beginning." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Indeed, it's just the beginning." Takari nodded slightly.

Ever since he entered this world, Takari knew that as long as he didn't break the authority barrier of the legionnaires, everyone would die in the end.And it is extremely difficult to break the confinement of the legion.

It can even be said that becoming an S rank is just a barely enough ticket to participate in this war.

As for those below S rank, they are all cannon fodder.


In the morning light, the humming horn sounded melodiously and lowly, sweeping the entire world.


"Kill all humans."

"Come on..."


A large number of desolate beast creatures surged forward.

On the human side, watching the surging tide of desolate beasts, everyone's face is resolute and cold.

Facing the beast horde, everyone had no choice but to fight desperately.Everyone took up arms, and even if there was no hope in sight, they still persisted.

In many cases, it is not because there is hope that you will persist, but because, only by persisting, can you see hope.

Soon the rushing wild beasts rushed up the blood cliff layer by layer.

Headed by many S-level and SS-level desolate beasts.

"Kill all humans."

At the forefront of the beast tide, the hellhound took the lead, and the flames it spit out lingered around its body.Formed a flame protection layer, general means can't cause damage to it at all.

"Humans, get out of here." Howled the hellhound.

"Where did you come from, how dare you bark here." A mid-SSS warlock held a six-ringed cloud banner and said angrily.

"Eat my paw." The hellhound didn't argue with the humans, this one swung its sharp claws and came to kill suddenly.



"Moo moo..."

While the Hellhound was culling, behind the Hellhound, the other seven monsters in the group were about the same size as the Hellhound, all three to 40 meters, or even five to sixty meters, and they rushed over together.The momentum was extremely ferocious and shocking.

"The top-level desolate beasts are attacking the mountain here, hurry up and help." The warlock saw eight SSS-level desolate beasts rushing over together, his face changed wildly, and he quickly yelled.

Seeing this, four or five SSS-level human masters not far from here jumped forward one after another.After all, it is no small matter for this group of SSS-level desolate beasts to charge. Once the opponent breaks through the line of defense, it will cause heavy casualties.

"I'll go over to help too, you wait for the opportunity." Seeing this, Tian Kari said so quickly.

This time Qiao Yu made a breakthrough, and Tian Shou also knew that Qiao Yu's strength was extremely terrifying, so it was most suitable to keep it as a killer move.

"Well. Be careful, I will go up at the right time." Qiao Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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