Calamity Frontier

Chapter 367 Beheading

Chapter 367 Beheading

A paladin warrior who was kicked away by the bull of the barbarian king smashed his head into the rock wall.Immediately, the entire cliff with a height of more than 300 meters collapsed directly.

"Go away." The Paladin warrior roared, and immediately knocked all the rubble within hundreds of meters away.

The paladin warrior holding the cross charged towards the barbarian bull again.

On the side, a natural wizard, holding a staff and manipulating the power of nature, fought with the blood shadow of the demon king more than 40 meters high with the power of nature.

The dissipated natural forces ejected slightly, like thunder, instantly flattened dozens of buildings and destroyed a cliff.

This group of SSS-level desolate beasts and human beings are fighting together, with great power in every gesture, and landslides and ground cracks at the flick of their fingers. This power is simply terrifying.

Facing a fight with a group of masters.Those S-ranks and SS-ranks couldn't participate, so the others naturally avoided the battle here.

Qiao Yu watched this group of SSS-level powerhouses fighting each other with a calm expression.

Previously, Qiao Yu was already close to the SSS level, but now, the power of the holy source has awakened, and all aspects have changed a lot.Coupled with the powerful cell armament, Qiao Yu directly soared to the late S-level once he broke through.

At this time, Qiao Yu was just as Nada Kari said.

Under the Supreme, it is already invincible.

"Huh?" While watching, Qiao Yu glanced at a corner far away from the battlefield.

"Oh, the white ape, last night, I still remember that punch. There are also five other smaller wild beasts. These six guys are sneaking around, and it seems that they are going to attack secretly. gone."

"Now that I have just made a breakthrough, this time I can take you under my knife. Or do you really think that on this bloody cliff, you can come and go as you please?"

With a light step, Qiao Yu disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Today, Qiao Yu's speed is as fast as hundreds of meters in an instant. With this speed, even the fastest master at the SSS level may not be Qiao Yu's opponent.

Using invisibility props, the six desolate beasts of the common-armed white ape moved forward cautiously.

Normally, those SSS-level masters would definitely be able to spot them who use concealment props to hide themselves. However, at this moment, those eight desolate beasts were fighting humans in a dark, energy surge, air waves burst, and rocks collapsed .

Those human beings simply don't have time to take care of these hidden guys.

After walking for a while, a group of six desolate beasts came to a corner, which was right on the edge of the battlefield.

Coming here, the arm-armed white ape didn't do anything immediately.

"Later, listen to my order and attack together, be sure to kill one person. If we have the opportunity to kill the second person again, then we will withdraw to prevent the supreme master from making a move."



Several other desolate beasts nodded one after another.


A swordsman holds a sword in his hand, and the light of the ten-foot sword gathers together, like a galaxy in the starry sky, galloping endlessly. The power of the holy source of this swordsman is powerful and terrifying under the blessing of the sword intent.

Under the galloping sword intent, the swordsman defeated the battle armor tree man step by step.Although it is only the early stage of the SSS class, the power of this swordsman's blade is comparable to the attack of the strong late SSS class.

Seeing the swordsman approaching, a cruel smile formed on the corner of the arm's mouth.

"Get ready, just this human being." The arm-armed ape said softly.

The others were immediately ready to go.

"The light of the sword swayed the mountains and rivers." With a yell, the swordsman came to kill with a wave of sword leisurely.Dazzling Dao Guang directly bombarded the armor tree man back tens of meters.


The full-armed white ape suddenly rose up, and when its body soared to the extreme, its punches were restrained like a full-stringed bow and crossbow waiting to be thinned.



Several other desolate beasts also broke out at the same time, and each of them displayed a powerful lore move, trying to kill this human swordsman with one blow.

"Not good." The human swordsman was still aware of the imminent danger in an instant.With a thought, this human swordsman brazenly only used a very strong life-saving tool.

This line of six desolate beasts soared and galloped towards the human swordsman.

In a corner not far behind the six desolate beasts, Qiao Yu looked at all this with his eyes shining.

Get Qiao Yu to tell the human swordsman to stay away, so that he can avoid the attacks of these wild beasts.

But would Qiao Yu do that?
Obviously not, let that swordsman attract the attacks of these desolate beasts.I am taking the opportunity to kill these guys.This account is a good deal for Qiao Yu.

When all six desolate beasts soared into the air, Qiao Yu also moved.

Stepping lightly, with almost no air resistance, Qiao Yu came directly to the back of the dark night shadow, the last one among the six desolate beasts.

Although the speed of the dark night shadow is extremely fast, but at this moment in front of Qiao Yu, the speed of the dark night shadow is simply slow.

Leisurely, Qiao Yu's blade swept across the air without any fluctuations. Inside the blade is the awakened power of the holy source, and above the blade is a trace of annihilation power. Although it is only a short time for Qiao Yu to absorb the annihilation power One night, but the power of annihilation provided by the gate of annihilation is very strong, so at this time, Qiao Yu's power of the holy source also contains a trace of power of annihilation.

However, what is more terrifying is the "esoteric path" controlled by the blade.

This path of profound meaning was naturally obtained by Qiao Yu's perception.

Previously, Qiao Yu used basic energy to control the trajectory of the profound meaning, which was already extremely powerful. Now, Qiao Yu's power of the holy source has awakened.

At this time, use the power of the holy source to urge this profound path.At this time, the power of this mysterious path is simply irresistible.

The trajectory of the profound meaning combined with the power of annihilation made Qiao Yu's sword look like a destructive magic weapon.

The blade passed by, and the shadow of the dark night didn't even notice the slightest situation.The body collapsed directly, and then the soul was annihilated.

If it's an ordinary attack, even though it's powerful, it's not enough to kill this SSS-level Dark Night Shadow with a single blow.

However, the esoteric trajectory combined with the extremely terrifying power of annihilation, with one blow, the shadow of the dark night was instantly killed.

With a single swing of the knife, the shadow of the dark night fell directly.

Step lightly on your feet. The distance of more than 20 meters was crossed in an instant.

This is a Yasha warrior in the middle of SSS class.

Qiao Yu's blade brushed past again with a plain face.


This Yasha warrior was split open by Qiao Yu from head to toe.At the same time, the power of annihilation killed it.

"The third."

Qiao Yu looked up at the third wild beast creature "Thunder Elemental Mage".

(End of this chapter)

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