Calamity Frontier

Chapter 368 Escape

Chapter 368 Escape

Looking at the human swordsman, Lei Elemental Mage is an elemental creature, but it is bloodthirsty and likes to enjoy the despair when the enemy dies.

Therefore, the ultimate thunder element power has already been condensed. Although the human being will display extremely strong defensive props or skills, this does not prevent the ultimate thunder element from erupting wildly.

"Human beings, just under the power of my thunder element, howl."

In a leisurely manner, the Thunder Elemental Mage felt something was wrong.

"What's going on, it seems..."

The Thunder Elemental Mage looked back.

As soon as he turned his head, the Thunder Elemental Mage flashed a red sword glow.


The Thunder Elemental Mage, who was in shock, hadn't reacted yet.

The blade crushed savagely.

The terrifying and ferocious power of annihilation bloomed, although there was only a trace of it, but with the cooperation of the esoteric trajectory, it was also devastating to deal with this thunder element magician.

"Ah..." The feeling of death dissolving pain permeated the air.At the same time, the magic ball condensed by the thunder elemental magician exploded.


The ultimate thunder elemental power suddenly bloomed like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder galloping to the extreme.

The power of the thunder element exploded, and instantly a thunderbolt more than 30 meters thick penetrated the sky and the earth. For a moment, the entire Bloody Mountain Cliff was filled with this extremely dazzling thunder.

However, this lightning flashed away during the battle. Although it attracted everyone's attention, it was only a flash in the pan.

Although the outbreak of the thunder element was not aimed at Qiao Yu, it successfully prevented Qiao Yu from continuing to attack.After all, it is the ultimate move of an SSS-level powerhouse, and its power is not a little bit.


There are three desolate beasts in front, the white ape with the arm, the scorpion of the earth, and the angel of darkness.The attacks of these three guys fell on the human swordsman almost indiscriminately.

The human swordsman suddenly encountered such a ferocious charge attack, even if he used defensive skills, it was a bit difficult to resist.

Three terrifying attacks landed at the same time, and the golden shield of the human swordsman suddenly shattered.

Seeing this, the three desolate beasts were overjoyed.

One more blow would be enough to destroy and break the human's defense, and then the human would surely die.

The idea of ​​the three desolate beasts is undoubtedly very beautiful.


The attack of the three of them was completed, but the follow-up attack did not come as promised.

"What's going on?" The three of them were extremely surprised. The white ape looked back slightly, and suddenly his eyes almost popped out.

Dead, all three guys are dead.The corpse fell downwards, its breath was annihilated, and it was already dead.

At the same time, a flash of thunder pierced through the sky, extremely dazzling.

The white ape knew that the thunder was the thunder element of the thunder element magician.But the question is, how did the thunder erupt halfway, and how did these three guys die in an instant.

"Did the Supreme make a move?" This was the first thought of the white ape.

After all, only a master of the supreme level can have such terrifying strength.

However, at the next moment, the horrifying scene made the white ape tremble with fear.

With a light step, Qiao Yu gently floated out of the thunder and lightning.The extremely terrifying thunder force attacked Qiao Yu, but Qiao Yu was unharmed.

"It's him, he broke through and became S-rank." The white ape's heart sank. "His defense is really so powerful. This SSS peak burst attack, he can withstand it without any injuries. This is simply..."

This kind of defense ability is simply beyond the imagination of the white ape. Even many supreme beings probably don't have such a strong defense ability.After all, under the attack power of the peak SSS level, the supreme will be injured if he bears it.

After the strengthening of the cosmic crystal nucleus, coupled with the strengthening of Qiao Yu's body after he transformed into an S-level, Qiao Yu's defense ability is now terrifyingly powerful.The power of this peak SSS level really can't help Qiao Yu.

Looking at the arm-armed white ape, Qiao Yu's mouth traced a trace of a smile.

"Be careful." Seeing the sneer at the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth, the arm-armed ape suddenly felt something was wrong.

With a sudden squeeze of Hongqi in his hand, Qiao Yu suddenly slashed out with a sharp knife.


A crimson knife light tore out like a horse. The speed of this blade was unbelievably fast, and it was already approaching the three of them in an instant under the wind.

Qiao Yu's knife came too fast.But the speed of these three desolate beasts is not slow.

The three desolate beasts used their ability to maneuver or teleport at the same time to dodge around.

Seeing the three desolate beasts who attacked him escape, the human being was extremely pleasantly surprised.

However, the next moment, a look of surprise and despair emerged.

With the passing of the blade, the shield of the human swordsman shattered.Under the terrifying blade, the swordsman's head was cut off directly.

The sword light passed by, and the swordsman was annihilated immediately.Under Qiao Yu's terrifying blade, this swordsman has no way out.

"What a terrible cut." One dodged and moved to a corner, the lingering fear in the arm of the white ape had not yet subsided.

"After that guy broke through, his strength turned out to be so terrifying. But that's right, that guy was already close to the SSS-level strength. Now that he breaks through again, he may be directly at the peak of the SSS-level strength. If there are some treasures to increase, it will be directly towards the SSS level. The supreme level is approaching."

With this thought in mind, the arm-armed white ape was already thinking of retreating.

"Where did that guy go?" The white ape glanced at Qiao Yu's previous favorite location, but he didn't see Qiao Yu's existence.

"Are you looking for me again?"

At the same time as his neck felt cold, the white ape heard the voice behind him.

"It's a pity that I wanted to eat monkey brains alive, but now, I'm afraid I have no chance."

The next moment, the gibbon felt its head twisted up, and its body had been separated at the neck.

Looking at the human being holding its own head in front of him, the white ape felt that the terrifying annihilating power had penetrated, and his soul was about to be annihilated.

"Human..." The white ape tried to speak, but the moment he opened his mouth, his breath dissipated, and then died.

The earth demon scorpion in the distance, and the dark angel couldn't help but gasp when they saw this scene.

This human being who suddenly appeared from nowhere was so powerful that it was incredible. Even the formidable SSS-level late-stage arm-armed ape was directly crushed and killed in front of him.

It was even difficult for the arm-armed ape to resist a little bit.This guy is simply too powerful.


This was the first thought that popped up in the heart of the earth scorpion, the dark angel.

The earth demon scorpion turned around and fled.And that dark sky was quite scheming.

"Run." The dark angel roared like a thunderbolt, stirring up the audience.

A loud roar swept over, and the eight desolate beasts who were still fighting looked slightly to this side.They just felt that the six originally planned to join forces to attack, but at this moment there are only two breaths left, and the remaining four breaths have dissipated.

In an instant, the eight desolate beasts understood what had happened.

There are masters, and it is even possible that the Supreme has made a secret move.


At the same time, the eight desolate beasts had such and such thoughts in their hearts.

Immediately, the eight desolate beasts abandoned everyone and fled down the mountain.

"Instigate everyone to escape, and then you take advantage of the chaos to escape so easily. It's really a wonderful strategy." Qiao Yu laughed.

"If I hunt down other giant desolate beasts, I can kill two more. Unfortunately, I, Qiao Yu, like to hunt down smart guys like you."

With a movement of his eyes, Qiao Yu directly locked on the dark angel.

At this time, the dark angel was already on the way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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