Calamity Frontier

Chapter 376 Start

Chapter 376 Start

"A nice plan. But will those guys fall for it?"

"I'm not sure, even if they are not fooled, there is no loss to you, right? At most, it will just delay your time, and then you can continue to absorb those permissions everywhere."

"Okay, you can try it." Qiao Yu said softly.


One person, one octopus, the simple and fast conversation lasted only a minute or two. Within those two minutes, the black octopus was gently circling around Qiao Yu's six-color Rubik's Cube, seeming to regard Qiao Yu as a Same race.

In the eyes of outsiders, the black octopus circled around Qiao Yu once or twice to test it out, nothing else.

However, in fact, a cooperation has been completed.

Watching the black octopus leave, Qiao Yu's expression was as calm as ever.

"Another perfect plan led by it." Qiao Yu smiled softly, "Is there any kind-hearted person who seeks benefits for me with a plan led by others?"

"Obviously, such fools don't exist in this world."

"However, it is very possible that we can use the cooperation with this black octopus to kill those six Blue Stars."

After some thought, Qiao Yu sat up cross-legged in peace of mind.At the same time, Qiao Yu also opened the map of the entire authority mothership outlined by the blood-eyed bat.

The Blue Star Clan had a plan, the black octopus had a plan, and of course Qiao Yu had his own plan.

This authority mothership is a very large biscuit-shaped flying saucer mothership.

"Most of the area has been inspected by me with the blood-eyed bat. 90.00% of the area on the mothership is empty. But only at the front end of the mothership, all channels are closed, sealed, and locked. People can't get into it."

"At the beginning, the space mothership was broken by the vine of destruction of the universe, and then those octopuses came in."

"Those Blue Stars are too weak. They don't have the strength to expel these octopuses at all. They can only lock the door and keep the octopuses out of a certain area. In this way, they can live in peace of mind in that part of the area. And once They come out, and the black octopus will kill them."

"I have to say. That group of Blue Star Clan people are really cowardly."

"Now..." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have the Fruit of Destruction, which can completely destroy layer after layer of barriers and enter the core areas of the Blue Star Clan."

"However, even if I have entered the deepest part, I am not the opponent of those supreme beings. I still need to rely on the power of the black octopus."

"In this way, that Blue Star Clan member has become the key." Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart.

at this time.

The six blue star tribe's supremes are still angry at Qiao Yu's engulfing the authority of the authority engine.One layer after another of conspiracies has been unfolded around the six of them, and these six guys don't know it yet.

Take a deep breath.Auror walked forward slowly.

"Six Supreme Masters." Auror said respectfully to the projections of the six Supreme Masters.

The projections of the six supreme beings looked over at the same time.

As supreme beings, they would not gather together at random. They communicated through projections, and Auror and several other Blue Star warriors here obeyed their orders.

"What's the matter? Auror." Phyllis, the patriarch of the Blue Star Clan, said.

"I have a very good way to kill that human being." Auror said slowly.


When Orlo said this, the expressions of the six Supremes immediately surged.

"According to my observations during this period, this human being is always looking for areas with strong authority. Of course, this guy is also very careful."

"We've been guarding against the black octopus for a while, so we won't let go of any areas."

"But it's different now. Humans are exploring many areas."

"We secretly opened a permission area, opened a large area, and waited for the human to enter. Then, we quietly closed the entrance to that area."

"In this way, the human being can be surrounded in that area without anyone noticing."

"Then the six supreme adults can hide in a corner and sneak attack the human being, so that they can kill the human being in one fell swoop."

"Then, my lords, you can obtain the six-color Rubik's Cube and the Gate of Annihilation."

"Then Qiao Yu doesn't know how to use the six-phase color, but we do. At the same time, we can also use the authority to continuously expand the gate of annihilation."

"At that time, not only will the six Supreme Lords be able to greatly improve their strength, but the recovery of our Blue Star Clan will also be just around the corner."

Auror's words made the eyes of several Blue Star Clan Supremes shine.

From their point of view, Auror, the loyal high-ranking Blue Star Clan who had followed them for thousands of years, was absolutely loyal to them, and they didn't even show a trace of doubt.

A loyal underling contributes a really good idea, and they're happy to adopt it.


Several Supremes suddenly thought about it.

Although they believed Auror's words, they still needed to think carefully about the actual operation.

Watching several supreme beings think, Auror waited silently in the dark and gloomy heart.

"I heard that once the space ring where the six-phase Rubik's Cube is located is exploded, the ring will not be broken. At the same time, the Rubik's Cube and the Gate of Annihilation will be imprisoned in the ring. If you get the ring at that time, it is equivalent to taking the ring." Go to the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube and then the Gate of Annihilation. If you adults make a move, you have to be careful not to let Qiao Yu release the Rubik's Cube, otherwise, we won't be able to move that thing."

Orlo said he was telling everyone to be careful, but in fact, he was telling a few people that once the ring was revealed, only one person could get it all, and the others would be a foil.Only the one who gets it has the real right to speak.

Sure enough, when Orlo said this, the expressions of the six people in the group changed.

When facing the terrifying creature, they didn't have the guts to go up.But when dealing with a small human who is only S rank, they are more courageous than anyone else.

Looking at the expressions of the six people, Allo already knew that this plan must succeed.

Long, well-prepared arro.Although it is also possible to use the authority to open one or two supreme channels and let the black octopus kill one or two people, but then Aurro will inevitably be exposed.At that time, under the attack of Supreme, he would surely die.

Therefore, Orlo did not act rashly.

But this time is different.

With Qiao Yu here, Orlo has enough reason to let the six Supremes pass by at the same time.

Let the six supreme beings go to surround Qiao Yu at the same time, and then put the black octopus in, and in this way, all the six supreme beings can be killed in one fell swoop.At that time, Orlo can take the opportunity to take charge of the entire space carrier.

"This battle will establish my position in the Blue Star Clan in one fell swoop." Orlo explained slowly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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