Calamity Frontier

Chapter 377 Siege

Chapter 377 Siege
Two days passed unknowingly.

"Qiao Yu, this coordinate has a lot of permissions. Be careful when absorbing the permissions here. Don't go directly there. Pretend to search around and arrive here. This will also make those guys not suspicious."

"Pretend I found it myself, right?" Qiao Yu said softly.

"Right, that is it."

"I see, I will pass after I absorb the authority here." Qiao Yu responded softly.

Immediately, the Blue Star Clan broke off contact.

"Has the plan finally started?" Qiao Yu thought to himself.

After several hours, Qiao Yu finally absorbed all the rich authority here.

After more than two days of absorbing the authority here, at this moment, the gate of annihilation has opened a huge channel.

Once Qiao Yu absorbs the gate of annihilation, a large amount of power of annihilation can continuously penetrate along that channel.

"The passage of this gate of annihilation is very wide now. Give me another three to four days, and the power of my holy source can absorb the power of annihilation and then completely transform my natural force into the power of annihilation At that time, my natural power will complete a small transformation. From the basic power of the holy source, it will completely transform into the power of annihilation in an advanced form."

"There is no rush in terms of time. I will pass slowly and practice slowly. In this way, on the one hand, I can easily transform my natural power, and on the other hand, the Supremes of the Blue Star Clan will not Be suspicious, and at the same time..." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "That Blue Star Clan will not be suspicious of me either."

After absorbing the authority here, Qiao Yu moved to the next place.

Qiao Yu's movement immediately attracted the attention of many people.

It's a pity that after Qiao Yu moved to a rather different place, after killing a few cosmic octopuses, he stopped and absorbed authority here.

The people watching around were not in a hurry, they all waited quietly.

In this way, Qiao Yu began a slow journey of maneuvering under the attention of many people.Before I knew it, four days had passed.

"It's ahead." In the quiet passage, Qiao Yu walked leisurely alone.

"Sure enough, there is a very strong authority there. But..." Qiao Yu knew that once he entered it, a whole huge plan would start.

"Go." There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then, with a movement of his steps, Qiao Yu leisurely walked through the opened door.

If it was before, Qiao Yu would definitely not have entered it. After all, once the door was closed, he would be trapped here.

And now, Qiao Yu has the fruit of destruction, which is a secret that no one knows.Therefore, Qiao Yu dared to cooperate with the other party in this play.

When Qiao Yu entered the depths of this area, the door closed leisurely.Qiao Yu was trapped here.

"Six supreme adults, then Qiao Yu has entered the scope of the plan."

When Qiao Yu entered the range of the plan, Aurro immediately sent a message to the six Blue Star Clan Supremes.

When the six Blue Star Clan Supremes heard the news.The six Supremes laughed at the same time.

After several days of waiting, the results are finally coming out.

After a while, a group of six people gathered in the command room.

"Very good, Orlo." The active patriarch of the Blue Star Clan patted Orlo on the shoulder.

"This time, you have made a great contribution. Once that human being is eliminated, you will have a great share."

"Thank you, Patriarch." Orxin said with a sigh of relief.

"Several, according to our previous agreement, this time, we will fight together and get together. No one is allowed to swallow that important treasure." The patriarch of the Blue Star Clan said solemnly.

"rest assured."

The rest of the Supremes said so one after another.

"Okay, Orlo, follow the plan."

"My lords, just go ahead." Orlo said softly.

Following the passage, a group of six people quickly came to the edge area.

In order to guard against the black octopus, this fringe area was in a state of absolute isolation, and no one was allowed to enter or open it. Once someone was found to open it, after they found out, as the Supreme, they would have absolute authority to execute it.

"Okay, six adults, the front is the area where the human is. Now the human is sitting cross-legged and practicing there, and he hasn't noticed it yet. The six adults will sneak over carefully later, and they will succeed in sneaking in one fell swoop. We don't have a second chance." Another chance," Orlo said.

"Don't worry, that human being has a very strong defense, but we are supreme, that guy will definitely die in front of us."


The Supremes of the Blue Star Clan are not weak, and in their opinion, it is harmless to deal with a small S-rank.


The door opened slowly.Outside is the fringe area.

"Let's go." The patriarch of the Blue Star Clan walked over first, and the other five filed in.

Then, "Ka Ka Ka..."

The door slowly closed.


The moment the door closed, a burst of wild laughter suddenly swept across the entire area.

"Great six supreme adults, enjoy the last battle in your life that I have prepared for you! I think it must be very interesting."

"Hahaha..." Orlo's voice was released wantonly and arrogantly.

"Huh? Orlo, what do you mean? Do you want to die?" As supreme beings, they have the highest authority. Even if they are not in the control center, they can pass anywhere inside the spaceship.It's just that it takes a lot of time to open each door.

Therefore, they were relieved to let Orlo be at the operation center.

"I think you are the ones who should be damned." Suddenly, a gloomy and cold voice exploded.

The six supreme beings suddenly looked over at the same time.At a glance, the eyes of the six Supremes instantly widened.

At this time, the supreme-level black octopus appeared in front of the six of them.

Orlo, he didn't intend to let the six supremes touch Qiao Yu at all. Allo and the black octopus had been in contact with each other as early as when the area was released.

Yes, that's right, Orlo and Black Octopus also have a close collaboration.

Let the black octopus hide in the corner, and then let the six supremes enter that small area.

In extreme time, the black octopus killed those six supreme beings.That's Allo's plan.And Qiao Yu is just a fuse among this guy.

"Traitor, Orlo has betrayed us."

In an instant, the six Supremes instantly understood.

"That damned traitor."

"Peng." The air exploded in an instant, and the black octopus had no intention of talking too much nonsense with these supreme beings.

It, the supreme of the cosmic octopus family, in order to gain control of the authority mothership, did not hesitate to reach a cooperation with a member of the Blue Star family. For this day, it has been waiting for thousands of years.

At this moment, of course it will not let go of such a good opportunity.

The black octopus that charged up in an instant began to fight frantically. As a cosmic octopus, its defense and attack capabilities are extremely terrifying. At this time, it still maintains an absolute advantage against six.

The violent and violent battle erupted crazily in this not-so-large room in an instant.Violent shock waves spread around.

(End of this chapter)

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