Calamity Frontier

Chapter 378 Cross the river and demolish the bridge

Chapter 378 Cross the river and demolish the bridge



hoo hoo...

Intensive and interlaced collision sounds, roars, and impact sounds came densely.

Even from a long distance, Qiao Yu could clearly perceive the terrifying power of that battle.

At this time, Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, slowly opened his eyes.

"Sure enough...the battle broke out." Qiao Yu's mouth outlined a hint of a smile. "It seems that the Blue Star clansman is right as I expected. It is really inextricably linked with that black octopus."

"Now that their plan has begun, then..."

Qiao Yu let out a deep breath and said in a low voice. "Then my plan needs to go fast."

With a flip of his hand, Qiao Yu already held the fruit of destruction in his hand.

Using the power of annihilation of nature, Qiao Yu still outlined the destruction substance in the fruit of destruction under control, and then the power of annihilation slashed across the wall.

With the consumption of destructive substances, this indestructible wall was cut open like tofu.

After a few breaths, Qiao Yu had already broken through a passage the size of a person in this wall.Qiao Yu submerged quietly, and then quickly disappeared deeper into the passage.

Far away, within the fighting houses.


The shot of the black octopus suddenly pierced through.The unparalleled piercing power directly pierced the chest of the fat and bloated Blue Star Clan Supreme.

"Death to me."

Accompanied by the sudden strangulation of the black octopus arm.

"No!" There was a fearful expression on the face of the Blue Star Clan Supreme, and he yelled with all his might.


The Supreme of the Blue Star Clan exploded to pieces.

Although the black octopus cannot manipulate natural forces, he possesses unparalleled destructive power and extremely strong destructive properties due to his strong body.Creatures that are crushed or exploded by it are basically doomed.So this Supreme One died immediately when his body was blown to pieces.

Seeing this, the other supreme beings all looked terrified.

Even as Supreme, they are not as powerful as imagined.Facing this formidable black octopus at this time, they seem to have lost their fighting spirit.

"You hold on." A pale Supreme, while letting others hold back, he retreated abruptly.

However, this Supreme is obviously thinking too much.As soon as he escaped, the others fled in all directions.Instead, his back was let out.


Before the Supreme could escape, the black tentacles pierced fiercely, piercing through the Supreme's head completely.

Then, with a bang, another supreme fell.

With the fall of the two Supreme Beings, the remaining Supreme Beings have completely entered the stage of collapse.

The collapse speed of these four supreme beings at this time is comparable to that of the Blue Star Clan they lead.

And that black octopus grinned grinningly, killing these supreme beings one by one.

Another Supreme was blown to pieces.

At the same time, the last supreme being was also strangled by the black octopus.

"Don't kill me, I am willing..." This Supreme, panting, begged for mercy.


The black octopus showed no mercy. When it was time to kill, he killed it directly.

With an explosion, the last Supreme of the Blue Star Clan died completely.

So far, the six supreme beings of the entire Blue Star Clan have all fallen.

In other words, the Blue Star Clan no longer has any supreme beings.

"Finally... all dead." Orlo, who saw this scene using the authority projection, trembled in surprise.

"Thousands of years of planning, I, Orlo, finally wiped out those six idiots." At this moment, Orlo was ecstatic in his heart, extremely excited, and even so excited that he felt that all this seemed unreal .

"Finally kill this guy, Orlo." At this moment, the black octopus said, "Then, should you let go of those areas and give me permission?"

"Hahaha..." I heard the black octopus say so.

"Of course, but before that, we still need to kill that human named Qiao Yu. Only by killing that human can our plan be considered a perfect success."

"Huh?" The black octopus narrowed its eyes slightly. "Aurro, what we said earlier, kill these six supreme beings and let you become the master of the Blue Star Clan, you will get out of that area and give me part of the authority at the same time. And I will not Destroying from all sides, we share the control of this authority mothership."

"Otherwise, you will become the ruler of the Blue Star Clan. If I don't let go of these areas, you won't be able to control this authority mothership at all."

"No, no, no..." Orlo shook his head quickly. "Kill that Qiao Yu, I will naturally give you the authority, don't forget, that human being is a very troublesome existence, besides, he also killed many of your kindred."

"Oh?" The black octopus snorted coldly. "So, you mean that you don't give me permission?"

"Yes, of course." Orlo said with a low smile. "But the premise is that you have to kill that human being."

"What if I don't kill?"

"Oh, then I'm sorry. That human being is an advanced life form, he can travel here freely, and the authority cannot imprison him. If you don't kill him, then I can't give you this authority."

Hearing what Allo said, the black octopus laughed instead.

"Allo, Orlo, I already knew that you were here to use me. But do you really think that you just trapped me here?" the black octopus said in a low voice.

"Isn't it trapped?" Orlo smiled.Having achieved his goal, Allo tore his face without hesitation.

"My main body is trapped here, but my avatar is still outside."

"Clone?" Arlo's face changed slightly when he heard that.

"Hmph. So what if you have a clone. Your main body is trapped here. No matter how powerful your clone is, I've become the ruler of this place. Just wait!" Orlo said slowly and in a low voice. .

"I'm not like those idiots who hold the authority for nothing and don't use it. Don't worry, I already have many follow-up plans. I will gradually contact those disaster fighters and train them, and then Contact the borderlands and cooperate with the people in those borderlands. At the same time, I will cooperate with the masters in the ladder, brood, abyss, sacred tree, and use their authority to help them. Only in this way can we weaken or even eliminate Get rid of that legionary soldier. During this whole process, I will hold the core authority and use them to strengthen our Blue Star Clan. Soon, my Blue Star Clan will return to its former glory."

"Wait!" Orlo laughed lowly. "I have trapped you for thousands of years, ten thousand years. One day, our Blue Star Clan will rise, and that time will be the date of your death."

"Hmph!" Hearing Orlo's explanation, the black octopus snorted coldly.

"Time, I have plenty of time. If it doesn't work in 1000 years, then it will be 3000 years. If it doesn't work in 3000 years, then it will be 5000 years. As long as I have the core authority here, then our Blue Star Clan will inevitably become the leader of the world again." pinnacle."

Orlo wantonly and freely publicized his long-planned great revival plan.

"Since you don't want to kill that human, then I will cooperate with that human. That human is very talented. I believe that he will become the sharp knife of my Blue Star Clan."

"Maybe, one day, you will die in the palm of that human being." Orlo said in a low voice.

"Very good plan, the premise is, without my words."

At this moment, a very flat voice sounded leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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