Calamity Frontier

Chapter 379 Mastering

Chapter 379 Mastering

Hearing a voice, Orlo instinctively turned around and looked over.

Turning around and seeing the situation in front of him, Orlo's eyeballs almost popped out.

"How is this possible?" Orlo yelled.

I saw that at this time, Qiao Yu was standing not far behind Orlo.

"How could you come here." Orlo was a little confused for a while.This is the core authority of their Blue Star Clan, and it is heavily defended, so it is impossible for others to enter.

The next moment Qiao Yu stepped slightly.

There was a crisp sound.

That Orlo was directly decapitated by Qiao Yu.The powerful force of annihilation directly killed the veteran SSS-level blue star Orlo with a single blow.

The round-eyed Orlo didn't know until his death that the human being in front of him could actually enter here.

"Of course I walked in step by step, you idiot." Qiao Yu smiled.

This Allo has plans of his own.

It's not difficult for Qiao Yu to guess that the Supreme of the Blue Star Clan led the Blue Star Clan to decline, since Allo had already planned to eliminate these Supremes.

Then when Qiao Yu came into contact with the wisdom of the black octopus, Qiao Yu deduced that Orlo would definitely cooperate with the black octopus, and then kill the six supreme beings together.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also deduced that this Orlo, whose strength is not supreme, would definitely not let the black octopus in at will.

Therefore, from Aurro's point of view, after a little calculation, Qiao Yu understood the general plan of Aurro.

On top of Allo's plan, Qiao Yu started his own plan.

First, cooperate with Orlo, let Orlo and the black octopus kill the six supreme beings, and then it is as Qiao Yu expected.

The black octopus wiped out the six supreme beings.This perfectly solved Qiao Yu's biggest danger point. After all, Qiao Yu couldn't resist the six supreme beings at all now, and the others were not advanced creatures, so they couldn't get in and couldn't help him.

At this time, once the six supreme beings died, Qiao Yu's biggest scruples would be gone.therefore.When the black octopus was fighting the six supreme beings, Qiao Yu used the fruit of destruction to break through many barriers and came to this core authority.

Then there is now.

"The place of core authority," Qiao Yu carefully surveyed the control room.

With a slight glance, Qiao Yu saw the core object of this authority mothership.

The furnace of authority.

The authority melting pot is the core of the authority mothership, and at the same time the authority core of the entire authority mothership, even this authority melting pot is the authority core of the entire Blue Star Clan.

The Blue Star Clan owned the authority mothership, and then refined the authority furnace.Then, he obtained the highest authority in the world.

So they can get in touch with the Lord of Calamity, and even execute many orders of the Lord of Calamity, so as to gain benefits.

It's a pity that the strength of their Blue Star Clan is too weak, so their sense of existence is very weak, and they don't have much to do.

But now, the melting pot of authority fell into the hands of Qiao Yu, so it was different.

With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu flew directly to the furnace of authority.

This core control room is very spacious.

And the ten-meter-high authority furnace is floating in the air.Just getting close to Qiao Yu felt the resistance of this melting pot of authority.After all, Qiao Yu is not the owner of this melting pot of authority.

Qiao Yu has two options for this melting pot of authority. The first choice is to absorb it with the gate of annihilation. This melting pot of authority is the core of authority. Once Qiao Yu absorbs it, the core of authority will collapse.The highest authority here is gone.

This approach is undoubtedly killing the chicken and picking the egg.

Qiao Yu's choice is the second one, the refining furnace.

"At this moment, the Blue Star Clan still controls the authority furnace. If I refine it, those Blue Star Clan will definitely teleport over and attack me crazily."

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

With a wave of his hand, sixteen six-color magic cubes floated away, and these sixteen six-color magic cubes bloomed, forming a huge sealed space with a diameter of 20 meters.

"In this way, when I am refining, those Blue Stars will not be able to harass me."

Immediately, Qiao Yu's palm was attached to the furnace of authority.

"Refining." Qiao Yu's power poured into the furnace of authority.

Immediately, Qiao Yu felt that the internal power was resisting him.

But that force is like rootless water, and it won't last long.It took less than ten minutes for Qiao Yu to consume the opponent, and after that, he perfectly controlled the melting pot of authority.

Once he controls the authority furnace, Qiao Yu will control the authority mothership. At that time, Qiao Yu can modify the authority here, allowing Deng Ping, Hegel, and others to enter here.Then enter the calamity world through the authority here.

Yes, it is true that Qiao Yu, who owns the authorized mothership, has a springboard to go to any place.

"Gurgling..." Qiao Yu's power began to penetrate continuously.

at the same time.

In the dozen or so worlds controlled by the Blue Star Clan, there are more than 50 SSS-level masters of the Blue Star Clan, and hundreds of S-level masters, and everyone has received the message at the same time.

"Permission prompt: Warning! Warning! Core permissions are being compromised."

"Permission prompt: Warning! Warning! Core permissions are being compromised."

"Permission prompt: Warning! Warning! Core permissions are being compromised."

The authority warning three times in a row stunned everyone in the entire Blue Star Clan.

For a long time, their Blue Star Clan has been the highest owner of the authority in this world.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why their Blue Star Clan can survive in this world.

And once you lose that advanced authority.

First of all, they will be selected by the mission world, and then put into one mission world after another.

They know better than anyone the cruelty of the mission world.

At the same time, the legionnaires who have been hunting them down will never let go of such a good opportunity to hunt them down.

Once the front line is lost, it can be said that their Blue Star Clan will soon be wiped out.This is beyond doubt.

"Quickly teleport back to the mothership, teleport back to the mothership, hurry up." Immediately, an SSS-level Blue Star warrior roared.


For a time, hundreds of teleportation lights lit up.

In an instant, thousands of people were teleported over within the authority mothership.

In the area controlled by the Blue Star Clan, in corridors, rooms, and even in the air, a large number of Blue Star Clan people appeared here.

Then these people swarmed towards the melting pot of authority as if they were crazy.

"Protect the furnace."

"Protect the furnace."

"Protect the furnace."

This is what the Blue Star clansman who seems to be crazy at this moment needs to do.

(End of this chapter)

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