Calamity Frontier

Chapter 380 Refining

Chapter 380 Refining
Thousands of Blue Stars gathered here just to protect the melting pot of authority.

All those Blue Star Clans with some strength were teleported over.

In the past, they were not eligible to transmit to the authority mothership.

But now, the forge of authority has been invaded, which means the leader of their race has fallen.And now it's time for them to protect the crucible of authority.

Numerous Blue Stars gathered in the core control area of ​​the mothership like a tide.

At this time, the authority furnace was suspended in the sky.

At the same time, a huge seal sealed the entire attribute furnace.And within the seal, a human being is desecrating the core of their authority.


A hysterical and crazy roar came out, and the sound was agitated, shocking the audience.



In an instant, all the people frantically displayed their attack skills.

Various skills, magic skills, physical attacks, curse effects, negative silence, etc. Thousands of attacks pierced the sky, filling the space with all kinds of destruction.

For a time, countless skills hit the barrier of the six-color Rubik's Cube.

These S-level, SS-level, and SSS-level are superimposed insanely.Even if it is Supreme, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.


When all the attacks fell on the seal barrier of the six-color Rubik's Cube.

The six-phase Rubik's Cube does not move at all, and does not shake even once.

The microwire does not move.

This is the attacking attitude of the six-phase Rubik's Cube seal in the face of everyone.

Looking slightly past the countless attacks, a sneer appeared on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"Shake the tree, you can shake it well! After I control this authority furnace, I will trap you all here and kill you all gradually." Qiao Yu smiled coldly.

"Your Blue Star Clan will be destroyed in the hands of me, Qiao Yu." Qiao Yu ignored the attacks from the outside world with a calm face, and wholeheartedly manipulated the power of annihilation to refine the authority furnace.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and many Blue Stars were attacking crazily. Every moment, they released their skills crazily, attacking the sealing circle formed by the six-phase color Rubik's Cube.

In their view, the strength of this sealing circle is certain, as long as they attack, they will be able to break this sealing circle, and then they can destroy the damn intruder in front of them, thus protecting their blue star The core of a family's survival - the melting pot of authority.

However, with the passage of time, things did not go as the Blue Star Clan imagined, the seal was not broken.

Even, the seal didn't even have a tendency to break.This is really a bit too strange.

After seven or eight minutes of continuous attacks, those knowledgeable masters among the many Blue Star Clans already noticed that something was wrong.

But at this moment, all kinds of crazy technical skills are blooming crazily. Even if they have attribute vision, they can't see clearly what is in the defensive circle through the obstacles of various skill attacks.

All they can do now is attack, attack, and attack.

A large number of attacks were dense like raindrops, and Qiao Yu calmly refined the furnace of authority step by step within the sealing circle.


During the attack, an authority bracelet formed by the condensed authority on the wrist of an S-level blue star clan gave out a crisp crackling sound, and then exploded directly with a "peng".

"Not good." The heart of this S-rank Blue Star clan started beating violently.

Followed by.




Many S-level masters with low authority, the authority bracelets and other props in their hands are shattered at this moment.

It is good for the Blue Stars to have authority, but their authority is given to them by the authority furnace. Once their authority furnace is taken away, they no longer have authority.

"No, get out of here quickly, and we won't be able to leave until that human has fully grasped the authority." A Blue Star Clan with broken authority roared directly.

"Why run away? Once that human being has the authority, our Blue Star Clan will lose the authority, and everyone will die."

"Idiot, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. If you don't have authority, there will be nothing. If all people die, there will be nothing left."

"You stupid pig, without permission, what else does our Blue Star Clan have?"

At this time, when Qiao Yu invaded half of the authority and those low-level authority bracelets were broken, the Blue Star Clan, which was originally fighting against the enemy, broke out in a split state at this moment.

Yes, many people from the Blue Star Clan have enjoyed the benefits of authority. However, more Blue Star Clan people have not benefited too much from the authority.

At this moment, the authority invaded, and the building of their Blue Star Clan was about to collapse.

Some people cling to the authority tightly, while others decide to give up the authority to protect themselves.

"Let's go." The captain of a Blue Star team made this decision brazenly after some contemplation.

At this time, these people have already seen that this magic circle cannot be broken in a short while.

Once this human has mastered the authority here, then he will change the rules of the entire mothership, and none of the people from their entire Blue Star Clan will be able to get out.

At this moment, the human beings haven't fully grasped the authority of this authority mothership, and they still have a chance to escape.If you're too late, you won't have a chance.

With the team leader of the Blue Star clan made a decision.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen teams made the same decision.


A burst of white light followed by a burst of white light, these Blue Star clansmen teleported away from here impressively.

As some people teleported away, some of the Blue Star clan members who gradually became unsteady, or followed the crowd, also teleported away.

Once a large number of people teleported away, those Blue Star Clan who had been firmly guarding here to attack the enemy suddenly thought of leaving.

Soon, a large number of Blue Stars swarmed away.In just three to four minutes, 4 to [-]% of the time has already been walked.

"Brother, let's leave too, everyone else is leaving." A young Blue Star clan is only B-level, and he also came here with the team to protect the melting pot of authority.At this time, the young Blue Star clan saw many people from the same clan teleport away one after another.He also sat still.

Staring at the human beings high in the sky, the captain of the team thought for a moment and finally made a decision.

"Let's go, I don't think this sealing circle can be broken. The disaster for our Blue Star Clan is coming." The captain with a stiff face said in a deep voice.

"Go, teleport away."

Several people want to send it one after another.

"Brother, the teleportation authority has been sealed, and we can't teleport it out." The young Blue Star warrior on the side said with a look of panic and horror.

"What?" The captain of the team changed his face drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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