Calamity Frontier

Chapter 381 Star Brilliance

Chapter 381 Star Brilliance
Many people from the Blue Star clan attacked Qiao Yu, but Qiao Yu didn't have the kindest intentions to let them go back.

Therefore, once Qiao Yu refines the permission furnace to a certain level and masters the teleportation function of the permission mothership, Qiao Yu will directly turn off the teleportation function, and Qiao Yu will make all efforts to keep those who dare to stay here to attack him Kill all the Blue Star Clan.

"You guys just keep attacking. After I have completely refined it, it will be the time for you to fall." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

The news that he could not be sent away spread quickly among the Blue Star Clan. After a while, many Blue Star Clan members knew about it.That human refined most of the permissions, and suddenly turned off the transmission authority function of their Blue Star Clan, intending to kill all of their Blue Star Clan here.

"Brothers, since we can't escape, let's fight to the death." Suddenly, a master of the Blue Star Clan raised his arms and shouted.

"Fight to the death."

Many Blue Star Clan roared and roared.More attacks swarmed in.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"Open." During the manipulation, Qiao Yu directly opened a rather long passage.

And at the end of this passage, there is an SS-level octopus creature. This SS-level cosmic octopus has the top comprehensive strength of the SSS level, not to mention its defense, which is simply terrifying.

As soon as the passage was opened, the octopus discovered the abnormal movement here, and it entered it curiously.

Then Qiao Yu opened a small passage on this side, and immediately, the cosmic octopus noticed the abnormal movement here.

This cosmic octopus ejected like lightning.

An SS-level cosmic octopus was let in by Qiao Yu just like that.

"Kill. Destroy this human being."


Many humans in this core control area attacked Qiao Yu frantically.However, they didn't know that Qiao Yu had already let in a terrifying cosmic octopus.

After turning a corner, this cosmic octopus blatantly entered the core control area.

Seeing that there are so many Blue Stars here, the cosmic octopus suddenly entered a state of excitement.


This is the simple crazy idea with this cosmic octopus,

The body shape suddenly vertical.The tentacles shot out, puff, puff.

The two Blue Star fighters are S-rank and AA-rank.It was directly pierced through the head by this cosmic octopus.Kill in one hit.

"Be careful, the cosmic octopus is coming in."

"Here, be careful."

"Hurry up, block this guy."

The cosmic octopus that started to kill frantically caused panic and riots among many people here.

Many attacks fell on this cosmic octopus one after another.The cosmic octopus didn't shy away from it at all, and they all resisted hard. There was nothing that could hinder the attack of this cosmic octopus.

The cosmic octopus moves as fast as lightning, attacking again and again, and almost every attack can take away a life.

Howling and screaming continued one after another.

This terrifying cosmic octopus has simply become a death harvester, crazily slaughtering and harvesting the lives of these Blue Star people.

Death, at this time, has become a barbaric and irreversible melody, blooming crazily on these Blue Star Clan people.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Yu laughed.

The battle was going on, and the cosmic octopus successfully attracted the attention of most of the Blue Star tribe, and the two sides began to fight.

Qiao Yu, on the other hand, was refining the authority furnace while admiring this scene.

In the blink of an eye, it was already ten minutes later.

at this time.

In the core control area of ​​the authority mothership.

Corpses were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers.The bodies of the Blue Star tribe were everywhere.

In order to deal with that cosmic octopus, many people left by the entire Blue Star Clan were almost killed or injured, and that cosmic octopus was only slightly injured.

This SS-level octopus is really too fierce.


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, bursts of light burst out from the furnace of authority.

"It was finally refined by me. From today, I, Qiao Yu, have the highest level of authority in the world." Looking at this authority melting pot, Qiao Yu's smile was unprecedentedly bright.

"Despicable human, you successfully used your shameless behavior to steal the authority of our Blue Star Clan. I will always remember you, you thief."

At this time, an S-rank Blue Star warrior who was lying in a pool of blood with his chest pierced cursed angrily.


The saber passed by, and the head of the Blue Star clansman was thrown away.

"The loser has no right to speak, so there is no need to BB there. If you fail, you have failed." Qiao Yu said as he fell down. "Admit it to your fate."

After the words fell, he raised his foot and crushed the head of the Blue Star Clan member to pieces.

As soon as he raised his head, Qiao Yu stared at the furnace of authority, his thoughts surging.

"For a long time, all the Blue Star Clan fighters have relied on their authority to avoid the call of the calamity world and avoid the experience of death. From today on, all Blue Star Clan fighters will not be sheltered. All Blue Star Clan fighters, from now on Let’s all enter the mission world to practice.”

As Qiao Yu's thoughts surged, the permissions were immediately modified.

Those who protected the Blue Star Clan from being summoned by the mission world changed it instantly.

at the same time.

In the entire calamity world, all the Blue Star Clans disappeared in an instant, and all the Blue Star Clans entered various mission worlds at the same time.

Calamity world, above the starry sky.

Inside a large floating island.

Abyss, Brood, Ladder, God Tree, and Calamity Warrior.

At this time, these many intelligent creatures looked at the surrounding situation, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, talking with each other.

"What's going on, those Blue Star Clan people, why are they gone in an instant?"

"what happened?"

"Things are a bit bad. The authority of the Blue Star Clan seems to have been invaded. Without those permissions, the Blue Star Clan is now the same as the Calamity Warrior."

"How could this be? Without authority, how can we fight those legionnaires?"

"What about this?"

Originally, many forces cooperated with the Blue Star Clan and wanted to use the Blue Star Clan to attack the legion, but now, the authority of the Blue Star Clan has been seized.

At this moment, the core plan changed.For a moment, everyone was a little dazed.

This kind of change is unprecedented.

Even, all the big forces can do something with each other at this moment, and they have made corresponding plans to cooperate with the authority of the Blue Star Clan to attack the legion fighters, and then destroy the legion fighters, so as to win the final victory.

But now, with the authority gone, he and the others would have no springboard to enter the "Starry Sky Demon City".

The drastic change in just ten minutes shocked all the major forces in the calamity world.

Indistinctly, someone noticed that something big seemed to happen in the whole world.

between slight.

A golden meteor suddenly pierced the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of golden meteors swarmed.

At the same time, the Calamity World, the eternally dark sky, and a golden tide slowly surged in.

"Golden star shine."

Someone exclaimed.

"The golden star shine has begun."

For a moment, everyone looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the golden light, like a tidal surge, bloomed slightly. On the east side, it dispelled the darkness and slowly bloomed.

This day, Golden Stars, begins.

(End of this chapter)

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